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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"See, this is why I don' like Skye," said Ziona. "He says mean nasty things like this!"

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"M-maybe he isn' tryin' to be mean!" Dylan said worried

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"I'm nwot, I'm nwot. I dwon't wanna bwe mwean!" said Skye. "I jwust wanna us all to bwe frwiends!"

"Then why are you trying to get rid of me?" asked Ziona, starting to tear up.

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"Don' cry Ziona!" Dylan said giving her a hug. He was beginning to cry too

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Ziona hugged Dylan back tightly, crying more now. Skye paused, then joined the hug.

"Lwet's frwoget about it an' stwart agwain!"

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(Spark walked into the kitchen and to his surprise he his sister.) Hello Lucy, where is everyone.(he asked back to his normal color, and wearing the red scarf he was wearing after he got out of the pool but instead around his neck it was wrapped around his left arm.)

(she was in the middle of eating.) to some amusement park. (she answered back.)

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Dylan turned a little red, feeling slightly better with Ziona hugging back

"Yeah! Star' again!" he agreed

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"I think it did. So how's that 'backup plan' coming?" asked Hope smugly.

"You seem to be so focused on what's in front of you you are blinded to what surrounds you," replied Mephiles.


Zunnie could feel spmeone or something getting close and pulling away as the cave got darker agsin, but tried not to show she was creeped out.

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Ziona looked uncertain, then nodded. "Okay then..."


"So you've got minions?" asked Melody.


Zark had an inkling Zunnie was scared, but didn't let on.

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Melody glanced at Hope. "Do you think we could use the detect spell to find his minions?"


Zark looked around as he emerged.

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"Yay! Thanks Ziona!" Dylan exclaimed

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Ziona glanced at Skye. She wanted to talk to him, but not with Dylan there.

"Uh, Dylan, could you get me something to drink please?" she asked.

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"Yeah sure! Wha' do you wan'?" Dylan asked grinning

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"One of those slush puppie drinks! Blue an' red!" said Ziona.

"Cwan I hwave one twoo?" asked Skye.

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"I think we could do..... Shadow, your shadow's moving."


"This place doesn't look much brighter."

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"Yeah! I'll go ge' 3 of them!" Dylan said rushing off

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Ziona turned to Skye. "Skye... Why don't you like me?" she asked.


"Maybe... wait, what?" exclaimed Melody staring at his shadow.


Zark nodded in agreement, hoping his eyes would adjust to the dark soon.

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Dylan got over to the place where they sold the slush puppy drinks and ordered. He started bouncing up and down excitedly, waiting for them to come

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Really a amusement wander what that's like, we should go check it out too.

It sounds fun but I haven't had much sleep, but you should go. (she said yawning then laying her head down to rest.)

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Skye looked at Ziona. "Cwause you kweep mwaking hwim do stwuff. Lwike chweat at that rwace!" said Skye.

"That wasn't... I..." Ziona looked guilty.

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The slushies were about to be passed over when Dylan realised he had no money

"I'll be righ' back!" he said rushing off to go find Miles or Harmony

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The shadow moved and slowly formed another Mephiles.


"Kinda looks like a city of the future if it went wrong."

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"Jwust... dwon't fworce him to dwo stwuff. It's nwot fwair<" said Skye.

"But he wants to do those things," said Ziona.

"Nwot all of thwem!"


"Oh no...," muttered Melody, trying to start casting another containment spell.


Zark had a look around, expecting mutants or zombies

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"Uncle Miles? Auntie Harmony? Where are you?" Dylan called out

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