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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Just a minute? I'm honored." Said Locke .


"Hush you." Said Mina smiling."Who know what might happen if we get them both started ...."

Glen Was a little annoyed. a little .


Tikal was looking around."Did anyone saw skye ? so I can tell him where he can find us ."


Red took crowley's hand."Everyone has the right to a peaceful life, even you." She gave him a kiss on the forehead."Don't you forget that."

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"If you're sure Hope. And good idea Tikal. He was at that shooting game there I think. I dunno where he's gone now."


"Oh I know," laughed Ziona, as she put her arm around Glen to reassure him that she didn't really mean it.

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"Not literally a minute... you know what I mean"

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"I'm sure. Just be sure to tell me where you're going so I can catch up."


"I know I have a right to it Red. I'm just not likely to exercise said right."

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"Yes of course ." Said Locke."But i was having a little fun on your behalf."


"Bah I know you are both joking around ." Said Glen , Smiling a bit .

"Just like him ." Said Mina.

"Are you..... Comparing me to Glen ?"



Red looked at crowley."Don't say that."


"Hope, would you happen to have seen Skye ?" Asked Tikal.

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"Yeah, last I saw he was on a racing game with another boy. It's across the arcade."


"What I mean is it's a choice Red. I'd go stir crazy if I had nothing to do."

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"Sounds like Skye might be making friends. That's good." Melody told Hope the name of the shop they were heading to, then went off to find Skye.


"The question is how apt a comparison that is?"

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"I know ." Said Red."Just don't get yourself kill when i'm not looking, Ok ?"


"It's a really good thing Skye is making friends . I could felt that behind around girls all day long was kind of getting on him..." said Tikal.


"Hum, we'll see later on."Said Mina ."For now , follow me, as you are my guests ."


"Just so you aren't the only one having fun." Said Locke.

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"Yeah. It's a good thing, most likely."


"Of course. I plan to do as little dying as possible," joked Crowley.

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Melody and Anna spotted Skye, arriving just as a race finished.

"Having fun?" Melody asked.

"Yeah, great fun!" Skye replied. Miles looked round and took a good look at Melody and Mina. "This is Lucas," Skye said, pointing out Miles. "Lucas, this is my twin sister Melody."

"Please to meet you," lied Miles.

"I... uh...er. yeah... likewise... nice to see... Skye making friends..."

"Don't mind her," said Skye. "She's just shy around new people. And this is my big sister Anna. She's just shy full stop!" Anna gave a little wave, a bit reluctant to look the wolf in the eye. Miles hid his shock, but it was difficult. Even knowing Mina had been changed, seeing her so meek and shy, and going along with the sister thing...

"Hello," he managed to replied, none of his worry present in his voice.

Skye looked to see if Tikal was with them to introduce.


"Thank you very much," replied Ziona.

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Tikal was just behind anna . She got closer to Skye.


"You better . I don't feel like paying for your burial ." Said Red.


"My pleasure."Said Mina."As I said , Glen's friends are mine too." And she left , giving them a sign to follow her and her boyfriend .

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Skye gave a large smile when he saw Tikal.

"And this is Tikal, Lucas. My girlfriend." Miles shot Skye a quizzical look with a raised eyebrow. There might have also been some jealousy in it, given his unrequited feelings for Mina.


Ziona began following, whispering quietly to Glen. "What should I call you. Might be best to avoid your real name!"

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"Oh, so you thought I was keeping all the fun to myself, did you?"

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"I'm pleased to meet you."Said Tikal to Lucas.


"Well.... you could call me by the name of my father if you want ."Said Glen."He was named Alister ."


"Well, you like to keep thing secrets , this wouldn't have been so far of the thruth..." Said Loke.


"I'm counting on you." Said Red, now embracing Crowley.


It has been a while now, that our unlikely group of traveler (And an uninvited follower), Have been moving in downunda . But none of them, appart from one knew their real destination : A temple , both lost to the time and the harsh desert of downunda .

The oldest traveler , a cloaked echidna , was leading this group with the strengh of someone way younger than he was. He eventually stopped, and looked at what could have been his second in command ."Knuckles, our travel will soon end , and the second book will be upon us . Ready yourself , for something very different than a library will be waiting for us..." he said.

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"Is it really that bad that I keep secrets?"

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"Likewise," replied Miles.

"Anyway, we just came to say that us girls are heading of shopping, and Hope will be following later. You'll be ok here, right?"

"Yeah, no probs," Skye replied, relieved that he'd have someone to talk to while the girls were away. "Have fun!"


"Okay Al, whatever you say!" laughed Ziona.

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"Not at all." Said Locke."It's pretty normal to do this."


"Funny how I never told you much about your father ...." Said Glen about Zionna.


"Have fun Skye ."Said Tikal , waving her hand .


"Indeed , But I'll try my best to catch you before the worst ever happen." Said red.

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"You too!" said Skye redundantly!


"Not really. We haven't really had much time to just talk."

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Hope made her way over to a shooting game and shouldered the gun.


"Let's hope it doesn't come to that Red."

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"Even with the amount of times I've done it in the past?"

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"It's nice to see him making friends lile that." Said Tikal.


"Yes , This could be bad for your image ."Said Red.


"Yeah, Probably..." Said Glen as they kept on following Mina ."Maybe I just never though of this ..."


"Of course not. "Said Locke."You hid a lot from us . But we still saved the day in the end..."

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"That's not what I meant. If you have to save me it means then one of my plans will have gone horribly wrong, and things would get very difficult."

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