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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Both Skye and Melody looked incensed at the suggestion.

"What? We do care about each other!"

"I tried to destroy a Zone to save her... Erm, heh heh. Forgot about the Zone Cops..."

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"erm, Blowing up a whole zone has to be the most twisted way to say to your sister 'I love you', but well......."

"No it's not. It's scary. it killls people. Don't do it again, or else I'll spank you.Kids have to behave, and that's universal. it's just that you old parent had a different definition of this word.Look at where it lead them...."

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Both kid's tensed slightly as they're parents were brought up again.

"I didn't mean... It was just... We were just pointing out we do care about each other. I know blowing up Zones is wrong. Don#t worry, I'm never gonna try that again. We'll just need to learn what else."

"We'll try our best. We didn't mean to do bad things there."

(ooc: So, blow up a Zone and you get spanked. What do they need to do to get grounded? Ten Zones? :P )

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(ooc: belive me, what Locke Has in store for Skye, shall he ever try that again... is way worse than anything any zone prison could put him through.)

"Yes, Yes, I know, I know."

"Now if you excuse me,I think It's time to get home. As much As I like Space, It won't be great If my bedroom don't have any windows.. And beside, we have to get our news residents new bedrooms.So, tell me zone cops, would you happen to need any belonging in particular before leaving? And you Glen?"

"Don't worry about that, Everything I Need is on me, and my bag. the rest Is probably going to burn anyways...about that... oh snap. My bag is at home. Anyone would care to bring it back to me?" Asked Glen.

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"Uh, if we're going back, Melody and I should go first to disenchant the portal first."

"Sky-ye... You're not saying both of us should get hit by our own prank."

Skye shrugged in response. "It's lost the funniness now. And, maybe it's kinda a fitting punishment?"

"If we're going to be stuck here, we'll need the equipment that'll let us walk at the same angle as all of you. I can port back to our Zone to get what we need, and pick up Glen's bag on the way," offered Zet.

(ooc: you've got me scared now. And btw, how come I blew your mind with that post-it-note on my desktop?"

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"yay, i'm coming with you then." And glen followed them.


"No need for this, Spectre told me He took down the spell when he got in the teleporter. Beleive me, he does not like Pink."

(ooc: Silicon..shower... man, that's blowing my mind. And about conan, don't worry, I can make as Happy as I can make him Grimadark)

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"Oh, ok. I just hope he didn't accidentally put the spell onto a permanent setting or something. At least he should be back to normal in an hour or two."


"I'm not sure taking someone to our Zone at a time like this is a good idea..."

"Zet, you go home and get what we need. I'll go with Glen and help him grab his stuff. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be able to take care of me." Ziona shot Zet a mischievous smile while Zet shook his head.

(ooc: why is it blowing your mind? I'm confused. It's just a repair job that's needed to the waterproof seal around the shower.)

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"Skye, He has been doing this for WAY longer than you'll ever the chance to. so don't worry."


"Don't worry pal, I won't touch her, But if she try something , I can't tell, hehe" Said Glen . "Ok then, Let's mobe out. The sooner it's taken care of, the better we'll be."

And they left the room .

(Ooc: Just the idea of silicon and Shower , that's crazy for me...)

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"What about deliberately then?" Skye joked. "And I wouldn't rule out that chance, there was that immortality thing I was... erm, nevermind."

Both Zone cops teleported away, taking Glen with them."

(ooc: You know that waterproof seal around baths etc, that silicon. And that's me away for the day, catch you later.)

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"Immortality ? Only the fools and the Sage can attain to such a thing, and hopefully , you are neither of them, Right ?"


Shortly after, Glen and ziona got in the former's house."So many memories .. It's sad that I might never be able to live there again. Mother would be sad indeed." It took him some time to get everything he needed , time Ziona used to walk around the house . After a while , He was ready to go.

"It's ok Ziona, we can leave. It's an horrible feeling that to know what was once your house can now be your grave in a matter of second...."

(ooc: ok then, bye.)

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"I dunno. What's a Sage? I thought it was a type of plant."


"Don't rule it out yet Glen. You might still get the chance to return here. But, if you're ready we should go."

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"Yes, more Like, Wise, if you will. Is it better? Unless you really wanna end up as a plant."


"Oh sure, you got the telepôrter, you can take us to Locke Now." And they were gone.

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"I think I'll take the wise option over the plant option."


"I'll take us straight to Haven. They might be a while rounding up everyone from the different Zones."

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"That's a beginning ". Locke then left his bed. "I think it's time for us to Leave . I'm thankin you Maria for you hospitality , And i hope we'll be able to repay you eventually ." And he tirned toward shadow" Ready to go ?"


"Ok , Let's go then."

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Shadow gave Maria one last hug. "I'll come visit you whenever I can Maria." "Ok Shadow. I'll hold you to that" she replied with a smile. "Ok Locke, I'm ready to go."

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"Kinda wish we could have brought her along, but with sojourner around.....Maybe one day..." And they all got to the teleporter . "Goodbye cruel world, goodbye cruel me, And good luck Dylan, as we are taking you with us." And they used it.

When they got here, , Ziona and Glen were already there.

"Took you long enough. couldn't find the good beard cleaner?" Asked glen.

"Nah, I'm way too sexy with that beard of me to not take care of it more than 20 minutes a day." Replied Locke.

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"And back home. It's been quite an interesting few days. But I'm already think of here as home," Melody mused.

A few seconds later there was a green flash and Zet appeared, this time standing upright on the floor, rather than the wall.

"Here you go Ziona," he said, passing his partner a wrist mounted devices. Ziona snapped it into place, jumped off the wall and landed gracefully feet first on the floor, standing the same orientation as everyone else.

"How do those work?" piped up Skye.

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"Home indeed. Now let's take Dylan To the infirmary. Poor guys need it;" Spectre took care of that.

"Well,Skye, Melody, come with me and our new "Guest", we have much to show, and some bed to get for them to sleep in."

"I suggest a double sized one for zet and ziona" Joked Glen."

"Good idea."Enjoyed Locke.

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Zet and Ziona looked at each other.

"Erm, we're here on official business, so we will need to lay claim to two separate rooms," explained Ziona, putting emphasis on the word 'claim'.

The kid's looked somewhat confused by the adults joking around.

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Shadow stood there, exhausted, not noticing Crowley walk up behind him. *I'm sure you'll be able to reunite with your friend. Now go get some rest, you look like you need it.* "I'm fine Crowley. I just need a drink and something to eat. That'll keep me going"

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"Hungry for food Shadow? Go to the kitchen, there had to be something ."

"Oh well, as you wish. But it doesn't mean the two room can't be connected.hehehe" Locke laughed "No seriously, that might be useful if you need to send your report faster."

Red looked at he children " Don't worry, All in due time. All in due time..."

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Ziona smiled. "Thank you Locke. You're being very accommodating." Meanwhile, Zet blushed under the helmet.

"If you say so Mom. Hmm, something to eat sounds good. I think I still have some of those cookies left I baked earlier."

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"Thanks Locke." Shadow went to the kitchen and poured himself some water before starting to cook 2 steaks. "How do you like yours Crowley?" *Well done.* "I should've guessed. We are very similar."

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"Just doing my best miss. After all, I aim to please."

"But the children Are right, Let's eat something, I'm sure Shadow will leave us something before We we get here." He looked at glen. "Rectification, Red take you there. And I get Glen to settlee down with his stuff. Then we'll join you."

"Shucks, I wanted to eat something. "Said Glen.

"Later. Are you really willing to eat with to baggage on you?"

"huh......" answered Glen.

And so, everyone moved on.

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Skye and Melody slipped into the kitchen ahead of everyone else.

"Sorry. Excuse us Shadow, Crowley," apologised Skye as he walked over to the second cooker. He made a small little gesture and the almost invisible arcane symbol faded from the oven. Skye pulled open the door and smiled triumphantly.

"Still just newly cooked." Putting on a pair over oven mits Skye pulled out a tray of fresh cookies.

"Cookie anyone?" he asked, as Melody quickly made off with three, juggling them in her hands with the heat..

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