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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uh, Hi there. Yes, I'm Skye. Pleased to meet you. I, uh... well, I suppose in a Zone with Were-creatures I should've expected a ghost."

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"Were creatures? I don't remember that. Then again it's been a while since I've been down there. You sure you don't have ghosts in your zone? I didn't believe in them until.... well, this happened. I'm just glad I finally have some company."

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"I think the were cretures was quite a recent thing. You'd need to ask Dylan when he recovers. As for ghosts... Well..." Skye tried not to look and Melody or Red. "As far as I know there were none in my old Zone. Don't know about my new Zone though."

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"Good Melody, I'm counting On you.I don't ask you to throw that away, just to sometime let go of it. Our zone is a bit safer than yours after all...."

he then kept on.

"Technically,Knuuckles could be Seen as a Zombie. Heck, I could be seen as a Zombie. As for Spectre, that's pretty self explanatory..."


"Dear Aurora, calm down! Can't you take a joke like anyone?"

He then turned Toward the kids and the ghost.

"Oh, a ghost! That's nice. And cute with that! It's, almost a shame in fact....."

"Well, that's my first time with a ghost, Unless that thing about my uncle haunting the attic was true" Said Glen

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"Thank's Dad. I'll try. I don't think I'd be able to let it go."

Skye looked at Locke with a confused look.

"Zombie... What?... Um, according to the readout you still have a pulse, so that kinda rules out 'walking dead'."

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"forget it skye, just forget it..."

he then turn toward Melody."You have to, it's the only way to eventually move forward in your life. Beside, you can't move around everyday with a knife at your side."

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Skye just kept looking confused. "Uh, ok, whatever you say."

Melody on the other hand looked horrified.

"I.... I can't just.... give it up.... I need.... it. Couldn't.... I just.... keep it hidden..... or something..."

(ooc: ever read the Peanuts strips? You've just done the equivalent of asking Linus to give up his security blanket.)

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(ooc: At least, the security blanket wasn't made with KILLING PEOPLE in mind)

"Look melody, I know it's a way to protect yourself, But ....fine, you keep it, but you will have to learn one thing, and shall you fail at that, you might never be able to move on."

"You will have to learn to only take it out when there is a real danger, and when you know you can do something about it. Sometime, It's better to simply take down someone with your first, than cutting is troath. it leaves room for him to learn a valuable lesson, while you showed your superiority. killing won't get you far, Respect will.It's something you will have to understand : The assesment of a situation."

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"I... know what... you mean about... moving on... I've just... I've had... more training with... weapons than fists... And if I couldn't fight.... then they would.... I always needed to be ready to fight... way of life..." Melody's speech became more and more broken as she went on.

"Calm down sis, different world remember. It's a new life now. We'll just take it one day at a time, ok?"

(ooc: it wasn't made with that purpose, but boy Linus could use it to devastating effect.)

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"Put it this way Melody. You live in Haven, there's practically no chance you'll be attacked. You're also a little girl. You mean well but you aren't totally level headed. Think about the portal prank, do you want something to go wrong with your knife? Carrying a weapon with you for protection is fine, but it's a lot of responsibility. No one in their right mind would question your right to defend yourself and carry the tools to do so. You just need to mature first."

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"I understand. But these days are over . you will have to find a new purpose , as there are more than enough killers roaming the world, both good and evil..."

(ooc: don't tell me about it)

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"The portal prank wasn't dangerous," muttered Skye, once again completely missing the point.

"I think... I understand what you mean Shadow... But I'm not as... immature as you think... And even if... I'm completely safe in Haven I wouldn't feel safe... without it... And I know I need to find... a new purpose... but I have time to decide, don't I?"

(ooc: 'not as immature as you think' Melody? Dream on kid!)

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"Yes Melody, but It's a combat knife. It was made with a single idea in mind: fightiing. Are you still willing to follow the path of the warrior, rather the path of the killer?"

(ooc: Clever Locke time.)

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"I'm no killer. I don't want to ever be a killer. I never did. But fighting and hurting people is all I've done for my life."

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"Then, maybe you'll want to do something else? Something less violent?"

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"I... don't know. I mean, I kinda like fighting. I am good at it after all."

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"Eventually, you could learn to use these capacity for something else than mindless violence. Controling your anger, and allowing yourself to think, without jumping blindly into the fray."

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"I'm normally good at the anger thing," Melody began.

"Just not the thinking thing," joked Skye.

"Hey, shut up!" Melody whirled round and advanced on her brother, who stood there grinning smugly.

"And apparently not the anger thing after all." Melody opened her mouth to argue then looked crestfallen.

"@!#& you Skye!"

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Red's Slap was swift, but not painful. Just enough so she could felt it on her head. "No swearing.Or else, violence will ensue."

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"OW! But.. he..." Melody took a long pause. "Sorry Mom."

Skye's smug grin got wider.

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And another one On Skye, For good measure. "Don't take pleasure in someone else pain"

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"Ouch!" Skye looked confused as he tried to grasp this new concept. "Uh, um, ok. Sorry Mom."

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"Children shall behave, or else, annarchy might reign. It's important to show a little respect from time to time" Red smiled.

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Both kids glanced at each other, then managed a 'Yes Mom' in perfect synchronicity.

"I thought we were behaving?" whispered Melody.

"Different Zone, different rules," whispered back Skye.

"But Mom's from our Zone," replied Melody with confused but hushed tones

"Maybe Dad gave her a book on the rules for this... erm, no, this is Dylan's Zone, a book on the rules for the Prime Zone."

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"No matter what zone you are, These rule are universal. It's just your parent that got it wrong. Sibling are supposed to care about each other, not berating."

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