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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Really?" Dominic asked


"B-but they're Y-Y-Yagyu c-clothes!" Sarah said

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"I think so... It's a bit jumbled, but I'm pretty sure!" said Stacey.


"Uh..." Zoe held up the flower patterned overalls. "Yagyu don't wear denim!"

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"That sounds nice" Dominic said smiling


"B-but you're a Y-y-Yagyu" Sarah said

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"It should be. I'm not sure how long it will be till then though," said Stacey.


"Yes. And I'm ordering you to wear them as part of your punishment!"

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"Not long I hope. But I don't think so" Dominic said


Sarah gulped

"O-okay. I-I-I will" she said

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"But we'll help!" said Stacey.


"Good. And please don't worry about the clothes. They're not proper Yagyu wear."

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"If they let us, yeah!" Dominic said


"I-I'll try n-not to" Sarah said

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"We'll find a way even if they won't!" said Stacey.


"Good," smiled Zoe. "We'll get you more of your own clothes soon," she added

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Shadow laughed. "I wish. I think Rouge gave me some fruit. I can't quite remember."

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Melody smiled. "Defrosting must have scrambled your brain a bit."

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Dominic giggled

"Yeah. True" he said


"R-r-really?" Sarah asked

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"It did it seems." Shadow thought for a moment. "But yes, Rouge gave me something at least. The Doctor was too busy threatening the world with the Eclipse Cannon."

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"We should try and find a secret passage out of Haven in case they won't let us!" said Stacey.


"Yes really, you can't wear the same things day after day. We can get you some plain overalls that you can decorate as you like," suggested Zoe.


"That sounds like him," smiled melody. "Maybe he came from the melodrama Zone!"

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"Yeah! Wanna go look now?" Dominic asked


"I w-want to h-h-have f-flowers. L-like y-you do" Sarah said quietly

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Stacey grinned. "You bet!" he exclaimed, jumping from branch to branch down the tree.


"Do you want ones that have flowers on them, or would you rather make your own flowers?" asked Zoe kindly.

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Dominic started climbing down too, bit slowly


"I-I don't m-mind" Sarah said

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Stacey reached the bottom of the tree then waited for his friend.


"You don't? Not even a slight preference?" asked Zoe

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It took a fair bit longer for Dominic to reach the bottom


"W-well..." Sarah began

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"C'mon, hurry up! I can;t wait to start searching!" said Stacey.


"Yes?" asked Zoe


"He should be a stand up comedian then!"

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Dominic grinned

"Let's go!" He said


"I-I-I think I-I'd like flowers already on I-it" Sarah said barely audible

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"Where should we start?" asked Stacey


"Then we'll find some with flowers!" smiled Zoe.

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"Basements?" Dominic suggested


Sarah looked down

"Th-thank you" she said

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"Good idea. There's gotta be something there," said Stacey.


"No problem Sarah. "You should wear what you want."#


"And he'd be happier too.... maybe we should suggest it!"

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