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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Exactly. The thought of being melodramatic about everything is both amusing and terrifying."

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"Yes I do," said Zoe. "Remember, this is part of your punishment!"


"I don't want magic changing who I am again," said Stacey quietly.


"Terrifying? Really?" giggled Melody

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"Oh the cruelty of it all! Why am I cursed with eternal good health and immortality?" he said in a mock voice, pretending to faint.

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Melody doubled up with laugher. "O--okay, I can see how that could be terrifying!" she managed to gasp

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"Exactly. No doubt some version of myself in a far away Zone regularly acts like that," he replied as he got up.

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"A whole Zone full of melodrama....!" Melody shuddered

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"I might be funny to watch though... but not to live there..."

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"Perhaps. But it might slowly change you anyway just by seeing it," smirked Shadow.

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Melody gulped. "Let's stay FAR FAR away then! I'm melodramatic enough as it is!"

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"I-I understand" Sarah said


"You WANT to say mean things to people?" Dominic asked

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"Good. And it won't hurt. Promise. Just remember to keep it out of your eyes!" said Zoe.


"No I don't," said Stacey. "But I'll learn not to."

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"Aww, thanks, but I think compared to most here..."

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"No doubt," smiled Melody. "But I wouldn't want to meet them!"

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"Knowing our luck some are BOUND to turn up now!"

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"I-I'll make s-sure I do" Sarah said with a nervous smile


"You sure?" Dominic asked

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"good. See you in a bit," said Zoe.


Stacey nodded. "And my minds messed up already without more magic being added to it!"

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"O-okay. I-I'll see you s-soon m-my l... Zoe" Sarah said going in


"It's not messed up!" Dominic said

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Zoe smiled, and looked out one of her own set's of overalls for Zoe to wear.


"Really? You don't have different people's of memories?" asked Stacey

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Sarah began washing herself. It felt weird to her doing so. She wasn't used to it

"Well... uh... I do" Dominic admitted, looking down

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""But let's hope not for a LONG time, or Zamy will really lose it!" said Melody


"It is strange, right?" Stacey asked.

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