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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Shadow sighed. "Let's find a secluded one."


"I wouldn't want it to get knocked off at the party."


Zamy reached the right floor and headed for her colleague's apartment.

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"Hmmm... the layout is... the countries however..." said Stacey


Zoe blinked then whispered to Dylan. "Yeah, it was over a day for us... maybe the pool is getting more potent?" She hugged Sarah. "I'm so sorry," she said.


"I know... sorry Shadow," said Miles.


"Hmm, good point. Okay, we'll leave it!"

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(ooc: Ugh!)

"The countries are different?" Mark asked

Sarah tensed up as she was hugged

"F-f-for what?" She asked

"I don't know. I'll ask Uncle Miles when I see him" Dominic said

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"Well, the Dragon Kingdom isn't in control here," said Stacy. "I'll get a map to show you."

Zoe broke off the hug. "You'll... understand one day, but don't worry for now."

"What are people wanting fro lunch?" asked Skye

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"Oh... yeah. I keep forgetting" Mark said

"I-if you say so, my lady" Sarah said

"I'll have a sandwich" Dominic said

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"It's okay, It has been that way for your whole life," said Stacy standing up. "And I'll have a sandwich too Skye."

"You called me 'my lady' again Sarah," said Zoe. She turned. "One for me too please."

"Okay, I'll try to remember what you three like. What about you, Mark, Sarah?"

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Sarah went pale

"I'm so sorry... Zoe. It slipped out. I didn't mean to call you that. Please forgive me"

Mark looked up

"Oh... uh... I'll have what everyone else is having" he said

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"It's okay Sarah, don't worry about it," said Zoe. "Now, what do you want Skye to make you for lunch?"

"Okay Mark, another sandwich it is." said Skye as Stacey left to get a map

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"Lunch? I never eat lunch" Sarah said quietly

"Thanks" Mark said

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"You... what?" asked Zoe surprised.

"No problem," Skye replied.

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Sarah shrunk back a little at Zoe's surprise

"I alwats had to work through lunch. There wasn't time for me to eat. So I don't ever eat lunch" she said even quieter

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"But... but..." Zoe shook her head. "Well you don't need to work through lunch now. Besides, it's not good for you!"

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"I couldn't eat anyway" Sarah said getting even quieter. "I'm not used to eating at this time"

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"Not.. even a little bit?" asked Zoe.

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Sarah shook her head a little

"I can eat if you wish me to" she said

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"Just.. a small bite of something. To get you used to it," said Zoe.

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"As you wish m... Zoe" Sarah said, about to do a curtsy, then remembering not to do it

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Zoe smiled. "There you go, you're getting the hang of it. Now let's get to the table."

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"But it feels wrong" Sarah said sitting down by the table, but on the floor

Dominic looked at her worried

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"Uh... Sarah, there's plenty of seats..." said Zoe. "And... I guess it must feel odd, but it's okay here, promise!"

Stacey came back with the map. "Sarah... why... are you down there?"

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Sarah looked up at the seats

"I... just can't. Please can I sit down here?" She asked before turning to Stacey. She blushed slightly

"Oh... uh... I'm just... sitting down for lunch" she said

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"Down there?" asked Stacey.

"Uh... if you really want to sit there, you can..." said Zoe, rather uncomfortable herself.

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Sarah silently nodded, still blushing

She then looked at Zoe and with a small smile said "thank you"

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"Well, do you at least want to stand so you can look at the map with Mark?" asked Stacey as he set it on the table.

"Uh... No... problem Sarah.." said Zoe, shifting uncomfortably.

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"Map? I've never seen a map before!" Sarah said at the volume everyone else was speaking. She then went red realising how loud she had been compared to usual and said something that no one could heary

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