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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Basically, we were only gone from home for a few hours, but spent a month in your world," said Ziona.

Miles opened the door.

"What the...? Why are you kids in here... wait... Who...?" He glanced back. "Zamy's not going to like this!

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"That's..." Sarah began unable to finish as the door opened. "Who's that?"

Mark gave a jump as the door opened and looked nervously at Miles

Dylan turned as the door opened too. "Hi Uncle Miles! You're better now!"

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Miles looked around. "Uh... yeah I am Dylan. Why are you in the lab... dressed like that? And... uh... who are your friends?"

He turned. "We've got a slight problem Zamy."


Melody fired again, bullet's raking through the helicopter engine.

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Dylan shook his head

"Don't call me Dylan anymore. I'm not Dylan. My name is Dominic!" he said. "And these are Skye's friends. He's Mark and she's..."

"I'm Sarah. Who are you both?" Sarah asked sounding aggressive

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"It's Stacey Dominic, remember," said Skye.

Miles cupped his head in his hands. Then looked at Sarah. "My name's Miles. And be careful with that tone. You're don't own this place"

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"Oh yeah. Sorry, Stacey" Dylan/Dominic said

Sarah crossed her arms "Hmph" she said. "You should be treating us all with respect that we're here!"

Mark came forward nervously. "N-nice to meet you M-M-Miles" he said shakily and gave a small bow

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"Don't worry. We all slip up from time to time," said Skye/Stacey.

"You don't automatically get respect, you need to earn it," shot back Miles to Sarah. He smiled at Mark. "Nice to meet you."

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Dylan/Dominic nodded

"I guess. He said. I just need to get used to calling you that and calling Zoe, Zoe" he said

"How dare you treat me like that! You don't know who I am! Stacey? What kind of place is this?" Sarah asked, angrily

Mark gave a nervous smile

"I... uh... " he began, his voice going to a whisper. "Excuse Sarah a bit, where we come from, respect is given automatically, to us Raiju"

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"Yeah, it will take a while," said Ziona/Zoe

"No, I don't know who you are," said Miles to Sarah, then he looked at Mark. "Raiju?"

"They're on of the Dragon Kingdom clans," said Skye/Stacey to Miles. "The clans control the world we visited but..." he turned to Sarah. "Here they only have control of their homeland."

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"Keep up that tone and I'll send you back from whence you came. Respect us or get the heck out of here. And I thought you were adult again Ziona, now you bring more people here?"


"He's down. Nice shooting!"

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Ziona/Zoe gulped. "It's... it's Zoe Zamy... and I... haven't... been an adult for a month...."


"YEAH! Mission complete!" grinned Melody. She looked down. "Oh no... please don't hit the ice hotel..."

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"It's uh... complicated, Zamy" Dylan/Dominic said

"Only our homeland? Who controls the rest?" Mark asked sounding curious

Sarah rolled her eyes and stormed past Miles and Zamy

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"It's controlled by several different factions. And one big fat guy called Eggman who wants to rule the world with robots," said Skye/Stacey.

"Maybe we should get everyone together, so we only need to explain this once," said Ziona/Zoe.

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"Eggman? What a strange name. What clan is he from?" Mark asked

"Yeah. That would work" Dylan/Dominic said. "Where are the others? Asleep?"

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"He's... not from a Clan. The clan structure doesn't exist here. And... it is a nickname.... I think... I'm not sure of the details," said Skye/Stacey.

"I would guess so," said Ziona/Zoe.

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"It doesn't?" Mark asked looking embarrassed for asking. Quietly, he said "You're world is weird"

Dylan/Dominic sighed. "Guess we'll have to wait a bit then. What should we do?"

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"Ziona. I have enough trouble with my memories I don't need you giving me a fake name and saying you've left for a month. It's been a night. And if you don't get that upstart brat who ran past back here I'll detain her. I'm in no mood to be trifled with!"


The helicopter crashed into the side of the hotel as Hope grimaced.

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"Don't be embarrassed Mark, there was NO way you could have known. Asking questions will help," said Skye/Stacey. "And..." he laughed. "Yes, it must seem so"

"At least your lisp seems to have gone," said Miles to Skye. "Well... I was planning on make the cures for you three until you showed up."

"Uh, should someone go after Sarah?" asked Ziona/Zoe. Then she looked at Zamy. "It's NOT a fake name... we're not playing... It has been a month for us... but..." she gulped. "Okay, I'll get her." She ran out.



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"I should've transferred while I could," muttered Zamy.


"Do you think they noticed?"

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"I'm sorry Zamy," called Ziona as she ran after Sarah.


"Uh... I dunno... but let's get out of here just incase they come for a look!"

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"It is" Mark said. "And questions will help?"

"She's telling the truth, Zamy" Dylan/Dominic said

Sarah was wandering down the corridors looking for a way out

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"Her name is Ziona. It's what she was born with. It's what we all know her as. I just don't know anymore, but what I do know is these people cannot be here. It's breaking countless laws, I'll be disciplined once my report goes in."


Hope could clearly see Shadow and Rouge emerging from the hotel, both spotting her.

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"Of course they will, how else will you learn," said Skye/Stacey. He turned to Zamy looking worried. "I know it's... breaking laws, but they could be killed if they go back... And... she was born Ziona but we.... we all..." He gulped.


"We're in trouble..." muttered Melody. "Or we could just say because it's the same dream machine the boundaries broke a little by accident?

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"Uh... I guess. Looks like I'll have a lot to learn" Mark said

"I know who you think she is just like I know who you think I am. But we're not those people. We have been gone for what feels like a month and we learned a lot during that time. If you could give me a target, I can show you something I learned" Dylan/Dominic said calmly

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