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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan hugged back

"If I accep', Ziona won' like me anymore though! 'Cause of her boyfrien'!" He said tearing again

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Zunnie led him back to Zark.

"We'll do it."

"Thank you so much. I'd go with you, but as Anna pointed out my connection to Miles might make me a liability, both with him coming after me and Merlin potentially getting in my head."


"It's ok, ghosts...... probably aren't real. At least not these kinds."

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"But her boyfriend is WAY too old for her," said Miles. "Maybe..." Miles had an idea. "Just... think about it for a few days, okay. You don;t need to deside now."

'And in a few days you'll be back to normal with any luck' Miles thought.


Zark gave a agreeing nod.


Melody gulped. "Yes they are," she whispered.

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"Of course not," said Miles. "I think your mother would say you were too young anyway."

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"Ok, I'll try and get your coordiantes as close to his location as possible."


"Not THESE kinds though. The only ghosts that are real are the white, wispy ones. And they don't come round these parts, well, ever."

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"You thin' mom woul' say I shoul' ignore it?" Dylan asked

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"I think your mother would say to take it slow. Just be friends and she if she feels the same way," said Miles.


Zark nodded in thanks.

Harmony and Anna looked at each other.

"Can we come?" asked Harmony.

"You...uh...might... need the help," said Anna.


Melody glanced at Hope and shook her head. "Maybe... it's different in this Zone...."

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Dylan looked down sadly

"I don' thin' she does. What do you thin' I shoul' do?" He asked

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"If you didn't know yourself, how can you be so sure she doesn't," said Miles. "Either you should just wait and see, or... you could try... doing something nice for her."

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"Somethin' nice? Like wha'?" Dylan asked

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"It might be pretty dangerous. You know what Miles said about his uncle," said Zamy.


Hope sat closer to Melody to comfort her. "it is, don't worry. We just took out a god, ghosts won't be a problem. Besides, Omega's round the corner and Shadow and Rouge will be back before we know it."

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"Some nice gesture... Getting her a gift or something. Is there something she likes?" asked Miles.


"Yeah, but I'm sure..." began Harmony, then Anna put a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait, Miles always said... his uncle believed he had to use a two-tailed fox for this 'prophecy' thing. There wasn't any other specifics."

"So..." began Harmony, then her eyes went wide. "Oh... yeah..."


"But what if a ghost took over Omega," said Melody, close to hugging her friend for comfort.

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"I gave her Greeny. Somethin' like tha'?" Dylan asked

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"You want to GIVE him his prophecy?"


"This may be hard to believe but Omega has another robot's soul, for lack of a better word, in him. Gamma wouldn't let some punk ghost take over.'

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"Yes, something like that. But something she'll really like that she didn't ask for. It might even be something very simple," said Miles.


"No..." said Harmony quietly.

"That why we should stay behind..." said Anna.


"He has a soul..." repeated Melody, sounding a little amazed.

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Dylan thought about it a minute

"Maybe some flowers?" He asked

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"I can't stop you from going, but I do want you to think this through first."


Hope paused the film. "It's complicated. Do you want me to put a different film on? You seem scared of this one."

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Miles pondered for a moment. "She does have a lot of flowers on her clothes. I think she would like that."


"I... think it's best we don't go," said Harmony. "I want to help, but...."


"N-no, I'm not scared!" said Melody, obviously lying but not wanting to disappoint her friend.

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"Ok. If we get into trouble we'll holler to Zamy and you might just be able to."


"Are you really sure? I don't mind if we change it to something more light hearted."

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"Yeah! Exactly! Shoul' I go pick some now?" Dylan asked

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"Do you want to give her some actual flowers, or... some flower-like jewelery?" asked Miles.


"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," said Anna.


"Uh... well... if... if you don't mind..."

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"Um... whichever she'd like more!" Dylan said. "I dunno which she woul' like more"

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"Well, jewelery would last longer," said Miles.

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"True. Bu' I dunno where to ge' any. Unless... can we go to town?" Dylan asked

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