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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Dream? Wha... I... I didn't dream..." lied Melody, blushing again.

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"You did. I turned my machine on and set it to the lowest I could as a test. You were blushing a lot, then Shadow hit the abort button."

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"You.... you used the machine?" asked Melody wringing her hands together. "Uh... er... did you.... know what was... was happening in my dream..."

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"No, it's not that advanced yet. All I could do is look at your body's reactions to see if it needed shutting down. I can input scenarios though, but again can't see how they unfold."

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"I see," said Melody sounding relieved. "So, uh... could I have another go... just to... make sure it works well..."

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"Even just for a little while? I am tired, as I've started running again," pleaded Melody.

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"So... how does this dial work? What would it do?" asked Melody

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"It changes the intensity of a dream, but the dream type is defined by your mind. However, there's also a selection on here which overrides your mind and let's me dictate what dream you'd have. Nightmare, lucid dream, a dream where you think you've woken up and go about your day. That sort of thing."

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"Wow, that's pretty neat! A nice selection of stuff!" said Melody. "And no doubt you'll add more too!"

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"Yeah, I was just telling Shadow and Rouge about the scenarios, it adds another level of specificity to my machine. So you could have an intense nightmare on a boat, for example."

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"Hmm, that does make sense. So how intense it is mean's how real it feels?" asked Melody. "Even at it's lowest, it didn't feel like a dream... but then, dreams often don't..."

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"Intensity reflects that, but also what sort of content would be in the dream. A mild dream might be you running through a park, but the higher settings could be you in your old castle ruling as a queen. And yes, generally speaking it will feel real unless I go to the lucid setting, then you know it's a dream and can control it."

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"Hmm, that does sound like fun," said Melody at the Queen suggestion. "But okay, that all makes sense. I presume that if you someone reliese you're in a dream, it becomes lucid by default?"

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"Right. So... wanna try for a shared dream?" asked Melody

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"Can't you just ask Shadow or Rouge to do it. All the need to do is get ready to hit the abort button," pleaded Melody.

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"I'm not tired though. This can't send people to sleep. You can still have your dream."

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"Ah, okay. You'll need to building in a sleep ray for the next version," joked Melody. "And I would like another dream while I nap, if that's okay."

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"Thank's Hope! And I'm sure you'll find a way," said Melody, sitting back in the chair.

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"No problem. I'll start it again when you're asleep," said Hope as she pondered what to adjust this time.

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"Yeah, this is gonna be fun," grinned Melody. She curled up slightly, and drifted back off to sleep.

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