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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Melody giggled. "Yeah, it would be. But don't worry, it's nothing like that. pain's all gone now anyway!"

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"Yeah, not even a bump," grinned Melody as she set off the treadmill again, a bit faster this time.

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"You know, things are finally going our way. I haven't been flattened by a falling ceiling panel just for saying that," joked Hope.

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"Nah, the ceiling panel is biding it's time!" giggled Melody.

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"Yeah, no doubt it'll hit you when we're testing the dream machine and you'll get stuck in dreamland or something!"

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"Thank's Hope. It feels much easier than it did. And they seem to be moving where I want them now!" Melody smiled.

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"Heh, yeah. Otherwise it's be awkward at superspeed!"

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"Kinda like Skye when he was learning to fly, on spinning along the ground!" laughed Melody.

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"It was for me. For him, not so much... and then dad would.." Melody gulped.

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"Yeah, he was such a horrible person..." shuddered Melody.

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"Yeah, 'HE' can't!" giggled Melody.

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"Bu' tomorrow he'll be back forever!" Dylan said grinning

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"YWEAH! Thwat's be SOOO cwool!" grinned Skye.


"I just wish I could've seen it," said Melody.

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