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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I really think he's turned over a new leaf. He seemed to be enjoying the experience. Anyway, are you ready for your guest?"

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Dylan was now completely red. He looked to the ground smiling and began circling his foot on the ground

"Thanks Ziona! " he said

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"An' it so nice how you turn red for me too! Red is cool!" said Ziona.


"He is? You're so certain already? I'd have thought it'd have taken time!" said melody. She looked at Hope. "If you are."

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"I have faith in him. I'm going to check on him after this anyway." Zamy teleported off and reappeared with Hope Robotnik standing next to her, handcuffed and in her orange jumpsuit.

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"I hope you're..." began Melody, then she slank back into her chair as the other Hope appeared

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"Good to see I still inspire fear," said Hope R.

"Whatever. You're here to analyse my blood for the purpose of isolating what makes me regenerate." Shadow motioned towards the microscope.


Zamy waved then teleported to the amusement park and began looking for Miles."

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Melody just glared.


Miles was still in the gift shop, watching Dylan and Ziona talk while Skye picked out paints for his model.

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Hope R looked at the blood and at her own writing on the paper. "A stable form of immortality would take days or weeks, but I can see the cells that alow regenertion, it's remarkable. If you were to introduce them into a normal body they would repair the most damaged sections as much as possible before expending themselves."


Zamy used the tracker to find the group in the gift shop. "HI Miles, how you doing?"

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Miles smiled. "Doing great thanks. It's been a fun time, and Hamrony and I seem to... be working out most of our differences." He pointed towards Ziona and Dylan. "Glen might have some competition though!" he grinned.


"Melody's ears pricked up at the mention of 'regeneration' "Really? They could do that?"

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"Yes. It seems immortality stems from being able to produce these cells naturally, which is far more of an enigma than the cells operation themselves. My serum was more of an educated guess that by luck my body didn't reject."


"That's good, and wait what? You're kidding me. That can't happen."

Zunnie came over. "This is the last time I zone out."

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"Well I dunno about Ziona, but looking at Dylan I think it's clear what he thinks!" said Miles. He turned to Zunnie. "Sorry, I thought you were browsing. That's what Zark seems to be doing."


"Otherwise it might have been fatal for you?" Melody guessed.

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"Huh? Turn re'?" Dylan asked looking down at himself. "Oh yeah! I di'! An' yeah. Re' is a nice colour!"

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"Perhaps. It could have done a number of things to me, many of them rather unpleasant."


"Oh it's not your fault hun, it's mine. I'm trying to keep Ziona an adult. A picture I gave her seemed to be working," said Zunnie.

"I think Dylan's totally become a kid, so nice work keeping Ziona with us. I just hope I don't have to explain all of this to Glen. He'd.either have a breakdown or hit on me." Zamy shuddered.

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Glen was now out of the hotel, looking for ziona. Where did that little batty fox was now gone ?


Red was still doing her stalking work.

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"I really like you red!" smiled Ziona.

"Hmm, it might be a good plan Zunnie, but I don't think it's working right now..." said Miles. "And I suspect Glen is more on her radar than Dylan is.... Yet's hope it goes no further than 'mild crush' until I can cure them."


'I wouldn't shed a tear' thought Melody.

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"You do? Maybe I shoul' try an' stay re' then" Dylan said smiling back

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"Would you? That would be great!" said Ziona giving a little jump. "But only if it's not hard for you!"

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"Nuh uh! Changin' colours is easy peasy! It shouldn' be hard for me to stay re'!" Dylan said

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"I assume you wish for my to isolate and store them?" asked Hope R.

"Yes, that's the plan," replied Shadow.


"She has to look at it." Zunnie waved to Ziona and pointed to the locket, hoping she'd see.

"Agreed. I'm just glad today's gone relatively well so far," said Zamy.

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"OH thank you Dylan, that's gre..." bagan Ziona, about to hug Dylan. Then she caught Zunnie's gesture and looked down. She gulped and her posture shifted slightly. "Uhh, Dylan, you really don't have to. It would be nice but I think you should just say your normal colour for now."

Miles' eyebrow rose. "That was almost scarily effective. Hmmmmmm...."


Melody kept on watching

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"I just hope it doesn't lose its effectiveness."


Hope R set to work, and after a while looked up.

"It's done."

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Dylan could see Ziona was about to hug him and looked disappointed at tge shift

"Are you sure? I don' min'!" He said

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"It's.... do whatever you want Dylan," said Ziona

"I doubt it will. The transformations seem to be complete now," said Miles.


"That was fast!"

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"I jus' wan' you to be happy!" Dylan said sadly

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