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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan let himself get pulled by Ziona

"Okay. I'll play it" he said

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Harmony jumped up from the table and walked on front of the children, arms crossed.

"You three are NOT gonna play that game."

"WHY NOT!" whiled Ziona.


"Uh... might be best if we don't actually grb it," said Melody.


Zark followed, looking around

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Dylan gulped again as Harmony came in front of them

"Yeah. Why not?" he asked quietly

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"I told you three. It's too violent. And there's an age restriction on it. Miles and I would get in trouble for letting you play," said Harmony

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"Why does everythin' here have age rethingies?" Dylan asked slightly cross from both the game and the rollercoaster in similar situations

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"It's for your safety Dylan. We don't want you to be hurt," said Harmony. "And this game could give you scary nightmares."

"I won't be scwared!" said Skye.

" Me neither," said Ziona.

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"Neither will I!" Dylan said trying to sound brave

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"Sorry kids. But Auntie and Uncle say no to this game," said Harmony firmly.

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"Aww..." Dylan said disappointed

(ooc: Um... Dylan? She called you a kid!)

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Miles looks at all three, slightly worried.

"Look, why don't you play that game," said Harmony, pointing towards a colourful platform game.

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Dylan turned to look at it

"Yeah! Goo' idea!" he said grinning again

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"Awwww, oooookwayyyy then," said Skye, looking a little downcast.

Ziona was a little relieved, but tried not to show it. "It's still no fair," she muttered,

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"Let's jus' go play the game an' forge' abou' it!" Dylan said running over to the platform game

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Skye nodded and followed, while Ziona flew after.

"Can all of us play at once?" she asked.

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Dylan looked at the game

"Only two players a' once!" he complained

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Shadow dragged it out using the bottom of his shoe. "You can at least look at it."


"That building over there looks like where we need to go."

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"Aww, I'll just watch you two play then," said Ziona.

"Are ywou swure?" asked Skye.


"Did you notice..." began Miles.

"Yeah.... Do you think... he'll... well, they'll be their old selves when they go back?" asked Harmony


"I wasn't saying I wouldn't. I just meant, well, grabbing it got us into this mess," said Melody.


Zark nodded and set off, looking around./

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"Yeah! Don' you wanna play? I can le' you play before me if you wan'" Dylan said smiling

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"Really, it's okay," said Ziona, smiling at Dylan's offer. "You boys find these games more fun anyway!"

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"You don' like the games?" Dylan asked surprised

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"I do, but you like them better," said Ziona.

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"Oh. Okay. Lets do it then Skye!" Dylan said grinning

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"YWEAH!" exclaimed Skye, putting some coins in.

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