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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I know."


Zunnie could hear something scraping along the ground, so hirried to the next area, nearly knocking her head on a rock ceiling.

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"Have a look though the book. Maybe Skye prepared a ritual for trapping gods," said Melody.


Zark gave an 'are you alright look' as he tried to squeeze through the rocky area.

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Dylan giggled and got into the car next to Ziona

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"Rweady?" asked Skye as he chose the fastest looking car.

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"Yeah! I'm ready!" Dylan said bouncing in his seat excitedly

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Hope started looking for anything useful.


"I'm fine, I'm more worried about you, being so tall."

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"Me too!" said Ziona, taking a pretty yellow car with middling stats.


"Now that Shadow's back," said Melody to Mephiles, "you're little scheme is kinda foiled!"


Zark shrugged and started crawling.

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Dylan took the fastest car he could see, which had low acceleration and middle handling

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Skye grinned as the numbers appeared on the screen.



"Why? He's back, you're trapped, and we'll soon find a way to contain you. You've failed," said Melody.


'Should have brought a torch' thought Zark./

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"You really don't know anything about me, do you?" said Mephiles.


"Looks like a campsite, there's a sleeping bag. My money's on a killer worm for this part."

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Zark gave Zunnie a 'What?' bemused look.


"Nope, not a thing," said Melody.

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"Well it's set underground."


"I didn't start this without planning for complications."

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"So you have a backup plan>" asked Melody.


Zark's mind ran through all the other possibilities.

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"Hope, do you wanna warn Shadow and Rouge that this isn't over yet?" suggested Melody


Zark concerned the point and kept on crawling, keeping a wearly observation on the surroundings.

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"GO!" Dylan shouted putting his foot on the accelerator

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Skye ginned and accelerated as well. His car pulled ahead, but it was swerving wildly on the road as it had the worst handling.

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"Good idea. I'll go tell them." Hppe got up and went into the room thrt'd gone into to find them both looking at a map.

"Our guest has been talking about a backup plan, we don't think this is over."


"It's getting farker but the tunnel's widening.."

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Melody sighed. "You are really annoying, you know that. What#s the point of all of this?"


'Thank goodness,' thought Zark as he was able to stand

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Glen woke up with difficulty , finding the room quite hot. It turned out he was completely covered in stuffed toy. "How are we going to move these back to haven is beyond me, but now is not the time to think about these..." He left the bed for the bathroom, getting himself clean and ready for the day.

That's when he saw ziona's note."Oh well... I guess she deserves the fun , since she is a kid again... I'm sure the other can keep an eye on her for a few hours." Silly glen, things are never tha easy..


Locke spent the night in the control room , sleeping on the working desk . he woke up with a cover on his back . Apperently , Red went back to take care of him. That was indeed nice of her. "I suppose she must be back watching the children ." He sleepily wondered , before turning back on the screen and drinking his morning coffee.


The old fox was still watching , amused by the hedgehog's naivety.

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"Revenge, and a world in darkness."


"Much better," said Zunnie, before seeing shadows moving up ahead. "Maybe not."


"Show yourself. I grow weary of this you old fool."

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Dylan set his car off surprised at Skye's speed

"Hey! I was suppose' to have the fastes' car!" he whined as the car slowly began accelerating

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Skye laughed. "Mines faster to get to it's fastest speed!" he grinned. Then shouted angry as he spun off the road, losing his lead.


"Revenge? But Shadow hasn't met you before!" said Melody.


Zark stopped, and started looking for another route.

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