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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Faster Ziona! Faster!" Dylan called up to Ziona

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Ziona grinned and increase her speed. "Hey! ZUNNIE! ZARK! YOU'RE GOIN' ON THE SAME RIDE AS US!" Ziona called.


"Yes we can. He's the only one contained," said Melody

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"Good to know."


Zunnie winced slightly before turning around. "Hello Ziona."

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Dylan grinned as he saw the zone cops

"Hi Zunnie! Hi Zark! We're all goin' on together! COOL!" he said

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"Hey," called Ziona again, hovering just on front of Zunnie. "This is SO COOL! Are you enjoying the park? Huh, are you? Of course you are!"

Zark shook his head slightly.

Miles and Harmony caught up. "There you are. Oh, hello there Zunnie, Zark," said Miles taking a step back. "Sorry for disturbing the rise"


"Yes," said melody, still staring at the god.

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"Enjoying your stay in that chair?" gleefully asked Mephiles.


"Yes I'm having fun. Aren't the others a little short for this ride?"

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Melody made a motion with her hand, causing the sphere containing Mephiles to shrink so he could no longer stand.


"Nuh uh," said Ziona grinning. "We're all JUST the right size!" She pointed to the sign.

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Mephiles growled angrily.


"That's lucky for you," said Zunnie before boarding the front row.

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Melody gave a twisted grin.

"Still feeling comfortable? That spell Hope cast should be kicking in soon. And the pain will grow and grow, or at least become more irritating, as the minutes and hours pass."


"Aww, I wanted to be in the front," said Ziona as she got in the car behind. Skye got in the row behind.

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"Aww... Who do I si' nex' to?" Dylan asked

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"There's a space here," said Ziona patting the seat next to her.

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Dylan gave a wide grin at the sight of the seat next to Ziona and quickly climbed into it

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Skye eyebrow gave a little twitch at Dylan's grin, couple with how he'd been acting earlier.

Zark got in next to Zunnie.

"You wanna come Miles?" asked Harmony as she got in next to Skye.

"No thanks. I'd rather not get soaked!" called Miles.

"Coward!" Harmony teased.


"Who said anything about worry?" asked Melody. "I simply intended to irritate you."

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Dylan smiled at Ziona

"You excite'?" he asked

(ooc: Soaked + Skye? Disaster!)

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(ooc: Yep, someone hasn't thought this though...)

"Yeah, this'll be GREAT!" said Ziona with a grin as the ride started.

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(ooc: Ho boy...)

Dylan grinned back

"Yeah! It definitely will!" he agreed

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(ooc bring your ear plugs)

Ziona turned at started whooping although the ride had hardly started,

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"Such a rhorough interrogation plan," he taunted.


Zunnie sat back and waited for the ride to start.

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(ooc: Oh yes...

And the ride has started, Shadow)

*Watches Ziona whoop, whilst giggling*

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Skye was grinning too, unaware of what was to come.


"It's kinda like burying you up to your neck in the sand next to an anthill. Sure, one ant bite won't hurt. But over time... with hundreds or thousands of ants..."

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"Wha' do you wanna do after this ride, Ziona?" Dylan asked, wanting to keep talking to her

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"Huh? Uh, I dunno. Maybe play some games," said Ziona.

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"That's a grea' idea!" Dylan said enthusiastically. "Wha' kinda games?"

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"Haven' they got lotsa cool computer games here?" asked Ziona.

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