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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, but Zwiona's bweating us bwoth!" called Skye,


"What were you doing?" asked Melody, concerned, and with a hint of anger.


Zark would have screamed. He just looked terrified!

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"Grabbing our god friend for interrogation."


They then reached the series of loops.

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"Huh. Flyin' is cheatin'! There aren' so many people flyin'" Dylan complained

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"Yeah! Nwext twime she nweeds to rwun!" said Skye. Ziona had already reached the right, which had a minimum age and height requirement.


"What? You went without me?"


Zark gulped.

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"Yeah! I'm gonna tell her when I see her!" Dylan said confidently

(ooc: Good luck with that)

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"I'm sorry, but we had to be quick and the jungle is no place for a wheelchair."


Zunnie gave successive 'woahs' as they went through the loops.

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"Zwiona! You cweated!" called Skye as they arrived.

"No I didn't!" replied Ziona, sticking out her tongue.


Melody slammed her fist down hard on the wheelchair's armrest. "Stupid %£$*@# wheelchair!" she exclaimed, close to tears.


'Reminds of of g-force training' though Zark.

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"Yeah you di'! You're no' allowe' to fly!" Dylan said sticking his own tongue out at Ziona

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"Melody please calm down. You helped us find him and you can.help again."


Zunnie gave a sigh of relief when the ride eventually came to an end.

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"Who sez?" asked Ziona, crossing her arms and looking angry and Miles and Harmony ran up.

Miles looks at the sign. "Uh, sorry. But you can't go on this ride," said Miles, pointing,


"But I should have doner more," said Melody. She sighed. "Okay, let's get to this prison thing."


Zark steps out of the car, swaying slightly.

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"You've done enough," said Hope as she led the way.


"You ok big guy?" asked Zunnie as she got out.

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Melody sighed. "It doesn't feel like it."


Zark gave a 'will be in a moment' gesture.

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"Uh... We both say!" Dylan said, his confidence fading a little with Ziona looking angry. He didn't hear Miles

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"Yweah! Rwace mweans rwunning!" said Skye, not bother by the angry look.

"Only if you say Running Race," said Ziona. "Isn't that right Dylan?"

"Let them argue, then tell them," said Harmony to Miles.

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Dylan gulped

"Well... Um..." he began, seeming conflicted

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"Nuh uh, rwace means running" said Skye, crossing his arms.

"How 'bout from now on, Running race means running, and race means anything?" suggested Ziona.

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"YEAH! Good idea!" Dylan said quickly

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"Fwine, Okway," snapped Skye, unhappy that he couldn't call Ziona a cheater.

"Thank you Dylan," said Ziona, giving him another hug.


"If you say so," said Melody, clearly unhappy.


After a moment Zark got his balance back. 'Never again' his face said.

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Dylan smiled happily as he hugged back. He was again turning slightly red

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"Hmph!" Skye looked sulkily away.

"Have you finished arguing now?" asked Miles.


Melody concentrated for a moment then cast the most powerful imprison spell she knew. "Done. But... I dunno if it can contain a god!"


Zark raised an eyebrow.

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Dylan was too caught up in the hug to hear Miles. For him, it was like only he and Ziona were there

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Ziona let go of Dylan, a little surprised to see Dylan was still holding on.

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Mephiles sprang up just as Melody finished the spell, clearlt annoyed he was a split second too late when he hit the barrier.

"Well played, you weren't foolish enough to think I could be felled by such a meagre attack. But I'm afraid time is on my side, I can wait here until you're nothing but dust, and Shadow is still out of your reach."


"I like these sort of things.'

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