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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I... uh... I guess I did," said Miles. "But you were squirming around a lot... so...." he teased

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Zark was silent as the ride started. But then,he was always silent.

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"So you were misbehaving when I called you it, so maybe it doesn't count..." teased Miles

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"Nuh uh! It does count! I wasn't misbehaving THAT much" Dylan said worried

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"Are you SURE Dylan?" asked Miles.

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"Uh huh! It DOES!" Dylan said sounding desperate

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"Okay then, it does," said Miles. "As long as you don't squirm the next time we clean you up."

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"I won'! I promise!" Dylan said smiling

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"Good boy," smiled Miles. "No what do you kids want to do next."

"ROLLERCOASTER!" called Ziona.

"Hmm, we'll need to find one that'll fit your size," said Harmony,.

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"I wanna go on the BIGGES' rollercoaster!" Dylan exclaimed

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"I'm not sure if k... people your size can go on the biggest one," said Miles.

"Yweah we cwan. Why wouldn't we?" asked Skye.

"Because you'll be too small for the safety harnesses.

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"Don' be silly! Of course we could fit!" Dylan said with confidence

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Omega fired a quick burst at Mephiles to make him turn around, then Rouge dive bombed him, her kick knocking him out.

"Are you OK Hope?" she asked.

"Yeah it's just numb. I'll get us back before he wakes up. Maybe Melody can get some kind of magic barrier to stop him fleeing." Hope teleported them back to GUN.


The coaster started climbing at a steep angle.

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"Don't get your hopes up Dylan," warned Miles.


Zark gulped.

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"Well, come on! Let's go fin' the bigges' rollercoaster!" Dylan said excitedly running off

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Rouge kept Mephiles pinned as Hope ran to find Melody.

"Can you do a spell to make a magical barrier, like a prison?" she asked, glancing at her dead arm.


Zunnie gripped tightly on the shoulder restraint.

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"Hey, slow down!" called Miles and Skye ran after Dylan and Ziona started flying.

"The biggest one's that way," said Ziona pointing.

Miles looked at Harmony. Both shrugged then ran after the kids.


Melody looked up, confused. "Uh, yeah I think... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"


Zark tried not to let his fear show

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"I can see it!" Dylan said pointing. "It's HUGE!"

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"Rwace you thwere!" shouted Skye.

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Dylan giggled and began running as fast as he could

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Ziona flew straight there. Given the crowds, she had the advantage. Skye was behind Dylan, abut soon drew level

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Dylan looked to Skye

"Aww... no fair. You're faster than me!" he said

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"Just a glancing blow I'll be fine."


She let out a brief scream as it hung over the edge for a few seconds then pummeted straight down.

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