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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Ziona burst out laughing. "Yeah, you've got a point."

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Dylan stood up grinning

"MUCH better!" he said

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Zunnie nodded in agreement.

Zamy sat down and drank some water from her canteen.

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"Okay, let's get everyone," said Harmony smiling. She headed out.


"Where are the. I wanna go," said Ziona impatiently. She started flying around the room.

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Dylan happily skipped out after Harmony

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"Follow me, thwere in the lwab!" said Skye. He ran off. Harmony picked up Dylan and ran after. She wasn't runing at super-speed, but could easily keep up with Skye.

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"Wheeeeee!" Dylan cheered raising his hands in the air

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Skye ran into the lab, harmony right behind him.

"Not as fast as I was," muttered harmony, but at least I've stopped tripping."

"You made it," called Ziona. "Can we go now? Huh? Can we?"

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"Yeah! Let's go!" Dylan answered, not waiting for approval from the grownups

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Ziona turned to the cops. "C'mon! One of you can teleport all of us!"

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"But until he's back I'll have to assume temporary control of Team Dark," added Rouge reluctantly.


Zunnie headed over and teleported the.

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"Thank's Zunnie," grinned Ziona when they arrived. Skye cheers.

"Yeah! Thwank you wery mwuch!" he said, giving Zunnie a quick hug. "Thwis is gwonnna be sooooo mwuch fwun!

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"Thwank you! You hawve fwun too!" said Skye

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"I will," replied Zunnie.

"I'm going to try and win myself a souvenir Miles," said Zamy before heading off.

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"Yeah! Thanks for takin' us here!" Dylan exclaimed giving Zunnie a quick hug then turning back to the amusement park. He looked around in awe

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Ziona grabbed Skye and Dylan's hand./ "Let's go, let's go!" she chanted, pulling them towards a massive slide.

"Okay Zamy. I'll keep an eye on the kids," said Miles, running after them with Harmony.

Zark looked at Zunnie.

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Dylan began running as Ziona was pulling him so he wasn't being dragged

"Slow down!" he exclaimed

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"I can take you back to Haven if you want Melody," said Hope.


"Well with the trackers in them we can just sit back and take it easy," said Zunnie.

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"I don't wanna slow down!" said Ziona as the reached the ride.


Zark nodded, then smiling pointed to a drinks stand.


"If you want Hope. I think I'd only be in the way here," said melody

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Dylan giggled

"Well, we're here now. After you Ziona" he said smiling at her

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"Thank's Dylan," smiled Ziona as she headed up the stairs.

"You gwo nwext Dwylan," said Skye.

Miles and Harmony waited at the bottom.

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"Thanks Skye!" Dylan said grinning as he ran up after Ziona

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Skye smiled and ran up too. Ziona reached the top, grabbed one of the mats, and with a 'Wheeeeee!' slid down the winding chute to the bottom.

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