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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope countered the tank rush with her Mirage tanks and managed to get her surviving Rocketeers out of the way of the apocalypse tanks.

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"Right then... repair... rebuilt..." muttered Melody, as she ordered a small group of Terror Drones to attack Hope's Crono Miners as she set up her second base.

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Hope's aircraft carrier was complete and she hastily sent it and its escort to attack Melody's main base, not concerned with the seoncd one given the more pressing matters.

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Melody began building a force of airships at her second base, while sending another wave of tanks at Hope's base, while two transports with engineers snuck in the back.

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As the carrier started attacking the reactors, Hope hastily built some Aegis cruisers to deal with the Kirovs when they arrived, though her funding was now starting to dwindle. She spotted the engineers and had snipers as well as Tanya there to take them out at range once they disembarked. She had set up he rprism towers to give the Chrono Minors relatively good protective cover.

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Melody started cursing under her breath, and didn't stop. She sent the kirov's directly towards Hope's base, hoping to wipe out her Construction yard and vehicle production facilities.

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"But you're hurt!" Dylan pointed out

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"Jwust a cwut! I'll bwe brwave!" said Skye, wiping away his tears.

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"If your sure" Dylan said still worried about Skye. "Let's go"

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"Yeah, lwet's" said SKye, walking and trying not to show his pain.

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"Are you sure your okay?" Dylan asked still concerned for his best friend

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"I'll bwe okway when we gwet to Hwaven," said Skye. "I'm brawve! I'm nwot crwying!" he said, despite the fact he was.

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"Youre very brave" Dylan said hugging Skye

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"Thwank's Dwylan," said Skye hugging back and smiling.

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"C'mon then. Let's go back quickly now" Dylan said beginning to run again

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Skye ran as well, but with his hurt knee he only went as fast as Dylan.

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"We're outside now" Dylan said as they got out of the cave

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"Aww, it's gwetting dwark," said Skye as he looked around.

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"I don' wanna be outside in the dark. It's dark an' scary an' there could be monsters" Dylan said looking worried

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"M-m-m-m-monsters?" asked Skye wide-eyed and scared. He clung tightly to Dylan.

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"The forecast just changed." Hope activated the Weather Control Device over Melody's main base.

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"Yeah! Big scary monsters that wanna eat us!" Dylan said trying to look brave, but was actually scared at the thought

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"D-dwon't lwet thwen e-ewat me Dwylan!" said Skye quietly, shivering with both fear and cold now.


"What the *^%* is @(&"^ @~$%£# going &&(6 on!" screamed Melody. She started evacuating her main base, and building a new MCV at her secondary base.

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As she could see the Mirage tanks when they were moving, Melody moved her Airships to bomb them when they got close.

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