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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye instinctively clasped his legs and hands round Spark and smiled, though he was still asleep.


"I don't know. Maybe there was a hidden chamber that Shadow missed or something," suggested Melody.

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Hmmm... Well I guess I should channel a little energy into him. (he said giving very little energy into him.)

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"Mmmm, whaswa..." murmured Skye. Little motes of fire started dancing around his ears, disappearing as he started to wake. "Huh... why awm I... on youwr bwack?" he asked sleepily.

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"Yeah. It was really weird," said Melody. "Any idea who he was?"

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"I don' wanna meet another you. I only want one Uncle Miles" Dylan said grinning

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Miles smiled. "Hopefully you won't meet his then."


"Any matches on your computers?" asked Melody

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"Nuh uh! Not gonna meet him!" Dylan said shaking his head stubbornly

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You fell asleep so I figured I'd carry you Intel you woke up.

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Miles smile became a laugh. "He's supposed to be a nice guy though. Or a goody-two-shoes."

"Oh. Okway! Thwanks Spwark!" said Skye happily. Then gave a little hiccup. "I fweel a lwittle fwunny!"

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"Aside from the fact he looked like Shadow.... You don't have a.... brother Shadow?" Melody asked.


"A lwittle... twingly and warm," said Skye. He hiccuped again, more more little fiery motes appeared around his ears.

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Uh... Wait that's fire around ears and that's not your energy that's the little energy I gave you to wake you up. Its gonna be alright Skye what else do you feel?

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"Don't care!" Dylan said, still sounding stubborn. "Besides, you're a nice guy too! An' I like you better!"

He hugged Miles tighter

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"A lwittle slweepy, bwut gwood!" said Skye smiling. "Thwank's for waking me!"

Miles couldn't help but smile that someone liked him better than his Prime Counterpart. Then felt a little bad for thinking that. "Great to hear Dylan, you do have a knack for cheering me up."

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Dylan looked up at Miles smiling

"You're welcome. Just wanted to help!" he said happily

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"Then you succeeded," said Miles. "How's your drawing coming?" he asked.

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Skye try focusing the little fire to your finger.

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Zamy settled for a navy blue skirt. She then headed to Harmony and Anna.

"Found anything you like?"


Shadow couldn't help but laugh. "No, thankfully I don't."

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Dylan looked over to his picture then looked back to Miles

"I'm gonna add me in it the I'll be done. By the way, which me do you want me to draw?" Dylan asked

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"Uh, okway..." Skye pointed his finger and for a while nothing happened. Then he gave another hiccup and a small jet of flame appeared.

"Which you..." pondered Miles. Now he thought about, he did prefer Dylan as a child. Main because his abiding memory of the older Dylan was being clobbered in the face. But asking that.... "I really don't mind Dylan. Draw whichever one you want," Then an idea occurred to keep him happy. "Or both," he suggested


"I'm still deciding. I do need to buy everything after all," said Harmony. She pulled a pretty skirt off one of the racks. "Oooh, I like this one."

"That's... not a good idea Harmony," said Anna.


"That rules that theory out then," said Melody. "It seems you have a fan then!"

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"It's YOUR picture. You get to choose which me you want. Unless you want both?" Dylan asked. He didn't want to admit that it was easier to draw the way he was now and seemed more... Correct

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"What's wrong with that one? I think it looks pretty good."


"Great. So my fans either want to experiment on me or kill me. Pretty lousy fan club."

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