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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Poor kid. Should we say him that they were there all along inside his head?"

"No,No. that will stay our little secret. I'm sure he'd do the same thing for you."

"I don't think so. And Red, Don't.Ever.Remind me. Of these "nights" you had with other men. It creeps me out. especially the one with the bear and the duck. I shudder to think about these two..."

to dylan:

"I didn't choose to have a bat in my head Dylan. This is why i'm doing my best to take care of it, rather than getting used to it."

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Locke, I think you should go rest. Even if you do have Red speaking to you in your head, it sounds crazy for everyone else. Could you show me to Knuckles' room, I want to see if there's anything embarrassing I can add to my collection of major Knuckles embarrassments.

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"You mean you can't hear her? But she speak by my mouth... oh well...As for knuckles, he doesn't have a room in haven, since he doesn't live there...But you could not know that."

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He lived here for a short while Locke. Never mind. I need somewhere to stay for a while seeing as how I'm temporarily stranded

(ooc: Is Red speaking through you or in your head?)

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(ooc: She speak through me, like Shadow)

Well, we have vacant rooms if you want. How about it?

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Out of sight Skye broke into a run, heading down into the depths of Haven.

"Okay. First problem. Those personalities should be just my limited memories of them, which aren't detailed. So how come they seem to be... 'complete'. Second, why is it weird for them and not me? I don't have Melody speaking to or through me, thank every power I can think of. Third... Can I actually trust these new personalities and will they try to take over my friends..."

Skye gulped at the last idea.

"I need to find a weapon incase things turn bad."

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*Seeing as it's suddenly fashionable to tell one's intimacies, shall I regale you with my exploits Shadow? I'll start with my payment for hunting down the Prowers. Alicia Ac- "Not now Crowley! But perhaps later." *Crowley? Never heard of him.* "He was a human, an occultist. Maybe I'll regale you with his exploits. Now pipe down, I need to make a call." Shadow pulled out his communicator and informed his colleagues they should prep the machine.

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I think I'll leave the room right now and look for Skye

*Rushes off*

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Skye moved deeper down,. becoming lost in a maze of pipes.

"Great, nothing down here but the plumbing. At least here's a bit of broken pipe I can use. C'mon Skye, you finally managed to stand up to Father, if anyone else come for you, you can deal with them."

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"Oh well shadow, it's just the two of us now.So, what were your friends saying about..oh, you are making a call.. that's cute..."

"Oh, It looks like you enjoy annoying people my dear"

"Well, there is just a thing I'd like to clarify; Right now,, skye must be asking himself questions about why you two peoples in our heads seems so... complete..He almost seems like you two would try to take over...To be fair, I have no claim about you, but this REDEYE could creeps some people out."

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"They'll call me when it's ready. And yeah, he must be scared witless. I just hope he doesn't do anything rash. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna do an ammo count. That way I can claim expenses on the bullets I used in the werehog hunt."

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*Wanders around haven. Lost*

Skye? Are you here Skye? Hello? Why do I have an act for these things?

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Skye was hiding in the pipes in the ceiling when he heard Dylan calling.

"Dylan? Thank goodness. You're the only other one who didn't take a freaky dream person back with them. So you're the safest person to be with for now."

Skye made to jump down, but his tails got tangled in the pipework and instead he fell and was left hanging upside down from the pipes. His makeshift club dropped to the ground.

"OW! Oh, this is embarrassing."

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Red's explanation proved to be ... interesting.

"Well, no wonders you did not want me to remind skye of that fact...Miles really was a monster.. But how were you able to handle it, without falling into insanity?"

"well, there was red eye. we were there for each other..."

"Excuse me?" Locke was roughly shocked.

"Don't worry, it's not in the way you think of it; but more like a brother sister relationship. You see, Redy is one of the few people i would have trusted my back in this god forsaken place that was moebius."

"thank for this , red."

"What locke?"

"To be so frank about it.."

"Locke,you..you saved me. You gave another chance where some would have left me to die.. you gave me something more than mere friendship... I..thank you."

"It's ok Red,It's ok. I know."

(ooc: aww, sweet bonding moment)

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Shadow finished his mini audit. *It is nice to know that whatever happens you have at least 1 person by your side. Friends are hard to come by on Moebius.*

"Touching..." At that moment Shadow's communicator went off. "Hello? Excellent. I'll be right there. Machine's ready. How do I get to GUN HQ from here Locke?"

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Uh... I hope you aren't planning on attacking anyone with that. It is creepy to have them speaking through each other but not to the point where I want to attack them. I'm not really used to everyone around here, and I have suffered the ultimate embarrassment. But I still keep going. I'm trying to trust them. You should too

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"Yeah. There's just the whole thing of, well, THEY TRIED TO KILL ME! And how come they were able to come out of my head? I didn't even know them... I think... so how can they be here with full memories and personalities?" Skye fell slight for a moment, swinging slightly from the pipes. He crossed his arms.

"At least you didn't make a 'hanging around' joke."

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"Well Shadow, i'm pretty sure you meant "US".And your answer is simple: the teleporter. Now let us move, we need to get skye back. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to recover his sister, don't you think Shadow?"

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"Yes I imagine he would. Go find him I'll wait by the teleporter. Once it's been used successfully on me you can use it. Sorry but it's protocol. It'd be bad press for our machine to mess with your head."

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"Ok then."

Locke started walking around in haven

"SKYE! skye, where are you? We are going to the GUN lab, to care of this ... situation; so, would you kindly come back please ? "

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"Uh, Locke. Is that you and not.... erm, do you have a ladder? I'm kinda stuck"

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They tried to kill you. Perhaps. Apparently I tried to kill Locke. He doesn't appear to hold anything against me. Does it seem like they want to kill you now?


I don't remember most of that experience, so I can't give you many answers. I've felt betrayed before, making it hard to trust anyone. Especially if those people have attempted to do harm to me. Try to trust them, I'll keep an eye on Shadow and Locke where I can, but I don't expect to find much. By the way, you call me safe, I wouldn't call myself safe, knowing my... you know

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Locke finnaly found skye,.. in a rather...strange situation, to say the least. "How did you got there anyway?Well doesn't matter... listen, you have nothing to fear from them... they were also victims of your father in this story...But that's all I can say.. their story is something they don't you to hear about... You are way too young for that..."

"Now, will you please catch my hand, so I can help you out?"

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Very few of us have easy stories Locke. In fact I don't think any of us have. We have all made mistakes and done bad things in our life. Some more than others, granted. But not by much

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"Look dylan, we know that, but she insisted, after telling me, that she didn't want the boy to know about this... yet. And I do understand her."

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