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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: now that this has been taken care of, can we go back to the normal course of the adventure ?)

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(Uh... sure. But these are Skye's memories, so we should wait for Skye)

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(ooc:we made an entire page worth of ooc. we have to do something before i start singing all the ending of sonic X)

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(ooc: Okay, Okay. I'm here. Lets wake everyone one.)

A Skye continued hugging his sister the edges of the throne room began to fade, being replaced a a white void. Doorways appeared next to the others, allowing them to pass back into their own minds.

"I'll be back for you Melody, I promise," said Skye as the world completely dissolved into white and Melody faded away.

Skye blinked slightly, his room in Haven slowly coming back into focus.

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Shadow limped back into his own mind, Mr Crowley followed suit. As Shadow awoke abruptly he suddenly convulsed and his body was now under the control of Crowley. *Well this is peculiar* he said. *Can you hear me Shadow*. "Yes" he replied. "A split personality. Just great. Well hurry up and get breakfast. Sooner we do that sooner you can get your own body again." *Yes, this one is rather lackluster.* (ooc Doppelganger got boring to write so I gave him a name. Also just for reference * denotes Crowley talking).

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"well, miss red, it looks like it's time to leave this place"

"what a shame locke my dear, i wish we could have stayed longer"

"well, i can always let you there if you want."

"and leaving you? not in this enternity!"

"well, then, follow me..." and locke left, leaving his door open for miss red to come with him, which she did, quite happily.

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Dylan went through a door and woke up in haven. Once awake, he immediately started the search for his missing teleporter.

"I hoped it was just a dream. I hoped it was just a dream"

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Locke finally woke up, after what he felt "was a lifelong night"

"oh boy,what i really need now is a big, cold glass of water"

"and for me , a cup of hot tea"

Ah, yes, Miss red. Locke almost forgot about her. But how could he anyways?

"of course miss, then, we are out to take care of you, getting out of here."

"why ? It's almost you'd got me under your skin."

"it's not that i hate this idea of having you all over my head, but , the feeling of having a woman inside me , and not the contrary is strange...Beside, there cannot be any cuddle if you stay in my head"

"you'd like to cuddle me?"

"and a lot of other things, like doing prank on the elder guardian, but that's another story, my flying dear...Now if you excuse me, i have to prepare myself, so i can check up on the others."

"of course , dear"

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Skye sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes.

"Melody?" he asked, looking around hopeful, but not seeing her. In all honesty, he hadn't expected it to be that easy.

"Anyone know what time it is?"

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Morning, thankfully. That's all I can say. I can't believe I lost my teleporter.

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*7:56 AM my dear boy* said Crowley with a sinister grin. "Darn it man stop scaring the poor kid. He's had a rough night. How about some breakfast Skye?"

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And then locke, in all his glory came in the bedroom, with a whole plate of food.

"It's a miracle skye, don't expect this again anytime soon. unless you somehow get me another girlfriend"

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You guys eat. I'm not hungry. I'm stranded in this zone with no teleporter and no time to build a new one.

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"Shadow, are you talking to yourself?" Skye asked, eyebrow arched in confusion. He turned towards the offered food and began to eat heartily.

"Don't thank me yet Locke. We still need to get her out of you mind. Assuming she made it in the first place."

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locke quickly put down the plate, leaving at the mercy of our starved heroes, to focus himself on dylan's problem.

"don't worry dylan,I'll help you build a new one. And beside, you can still use the haven teleporter as long as you need it."

and he turned to skye. "oh, she made it for sure , and the pictures i'm seeing cannot be explained unless you need to suddenly loose your mental virginity kid."

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I have a spare teleporter in my zone. A basic one without the upgrades and just stops me from transforming and teleports

*Looks at Knuckles*

He still hasn't woken up. Should we take him to the master emerald shrine?

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"Well you see Skye. My associate is in my head, but as they are essentially me, it seems sometimes he-" *takes control? Yes. It is most unfortunate. But soon I shall be free, as will the old man's lady friend.* With that Shadow began to eat, starving after several days without food.

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"lady friend? how fortunate from someone like you. from what I remember red eye, you didn't complain the night where I.."

"NOOOOOO... Huh,i mean no,, nothing, nothing at all...forget whatever compromising i might have said in the last 5 minute, ok?" said locke with a forced smile.

"and for knuckles, well, maybe we should take him to the master emerald. as you remember, for.. security's reason, i moved the emerald."

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“Wait, there are two people in your head at the same time? That’s just weird. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have two personalities and two sets of memories.” Turns to face Locke after his outburst.

“Ok, I’m officially freaked out now.”

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*Chillin on the Master Emerald Shrine*

It's been a while since i saw the other guys. I wonder how they're doing.....

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"maybe we shoud tell knuckles that i recently moved the real master emerald, and that the ones he is guarding is another handcrafted fake one..." said locke with great concern.

"and no skye, don't, just don't.. I'm cool. the only difference is that now, knuckles has a new stepmother... if one can say that, hehehe..."

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*Strange. One would expect you to be communicating with your sister. And I remember that night very well my dear bat. Very well indeed. But regardless. Shadow, when can we get to this machine?* "I'll call them after breakfast and they'll seperate us in no time. Just give me a minute."

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"What? Me and my sister in the same body? That's just, that's just beyond creepy. I.. Uh, I've got things I need to do." Skye put down the food and hurried out the room.

"Great," he muttered, "I beat my insanity and they're the ones who come back insane."

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You guys seriously creep me out sometimes. Makes me glad I am the loner that I am

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