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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan looked up at Harmony shocked

"But I'm not a kid!" He said. "And I'm so different! How can you like me like this?"

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"Be-Because..." Harmony suddenly hugged Dylan. "Because you make a great kid. You're so full of life and energy. And because... well, I uh... haven't known you long but... when your not thinking about the change, you seem.... happier like this."

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Dylan didn't say anything at first. As much as he wanted to disagree, what Harmony was saying was true

"N-no" he said trying not to cry

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Harmony wasn't sure if Dylan was tell the truth or not, but decided not to push it. For now. "Okay. I was wrong. It's probibly because I didn't really know you before this happened."

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Dylan nodded in agreement with Harmony. He wanted to believe what he was nodding to but wasn't completely able to

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"And... and if it turns out your aren't as happy being you're older sef, I'm sure Miles can find some way to make you a kid again. Only if you wanted," said Harmony.

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Dylan shook his head violently

"It WON'T happen" he said stubbornly

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"Okay Dylan. Just... keep it in mind okay," said Harmony, starting to feel bad for pushing so much.

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For a moment, Dylan didn't say anything then he looked up at Harmony and smiled

"Okay. If you want me to, Auntie Harmony" he said

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"Good. Now, do you want to get back to drawing?" asked Harmony

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Dylan nodded enthusiastically. He then grabbed a crayon and continued drawing

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Harmony looked at the picture she'd been drawing, then, carefully not drawing Dylan's attention, torn it up and put it into the bin.

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Dylan was too engrossed in his own drawing to notice the drawing Harmony had done being ripped

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Harmony sat back down, pulling another piece of paper and wondering what to draw now.

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Suddenly Dylan finished his picture

"I'm done!" he cried out holding it up to show Harmony. It was a childishly drawn picture of himself, Skye, Ziona, Miles and Harmony. But while he had drawn himself as a porcupine like he usually was, he had mistakenly drawn Skye as a lynx and Ziona as a bat like they were now

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"That's really good Dylan," said Harmony, curious at the appearance of Skye and Ziona, but not sure how to ask him about it.

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Dylan then turned it around to look at it

"Yeah! I want to put it in my room!" he said eagerly

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"Yes, you can put it next to the other one that you drew," said Harmony smiling.

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Dylan grinned

"Great idea! Do you want me to draw something for YOU now, Auntie Harmony?" he then asked excitedly

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"That would be lovely Dylan," said Harmony smiling.

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"What do you wan' me to draw?" Dylan asked

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"Me and you, doing something fun together," said Harmony without even needing to think. 'Because if you do turn back, I want to be able to remember you like this,' she thought to herself.

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"What kind of fun?" Dylan asked liking the idea

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"Well, you did enjoy that story I told. Tell each other stories?" suggested Harmony. That had been what she had been drawing.

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"Okay! I'll draw that!" Dylan said as he instinctively went to pick up the blue crayon but then stopped himself debating whether he should use that or the brown one to draw himself

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