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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uh, well, you don't mind if I tell a story about Skye and me transformed do you?" she asked hesitantly.

(ooc: I wanted Spark to do his scene with him first)

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Dylan smiled

"There's nothing wrong with that!" He said

(oo: Alrighty then)

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"Hmm, okay then. I'm not great with stories, but I'll try not to make it boring," said Harmony. She sat back on the bed.

"Okay, once upon a time the was a Princess and a Prince, but the King was wicked and evil, and kept the Princes and the Prince locked up in the castle, not even letting them outside into the gardens...."

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Dylan smiled and held onto Harmony's tails as he listened, already enjoying it

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"But the castle was filled with secret tunnels and passageways. Over time, the Princess and the Prince found more and more of them. They could move around the castle freely. And some even lead outside. So, one night, the Princess and the Prince decided to leave the castle and explore the village below."

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Dylan held Harmony's tails a little tighter as he became more excited

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"So the Princess and the Prince snuck out of the castle and into the village. But to their surprise, the villagers all knew who they were. They knew their royalty, even though the the Princess and the Prince didn't. Some villages bowed down to them. Some hurried to the castle to tell the King. Others, tired by the cruelty of the King and blaming the rest of his family, tried to kidnap the Princess and the Prince. They hope the King would obey them with his children in danger."

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(someone say my name. .me

(the fire curled up Miles and Anna's arms, Spark was immediately searching to see if any animal spirit was in rather of them. He finished Anna the checked Miles, he was immediately shot back.) augh, urrr.

This is a test post to see if it will finally load.ME

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Anna looked worriedly at Spark. "Are you okay? That's not good, is it?"

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"Were they captured?" Dylan then asked

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Locke bolted back from his chair ."By the emerald !!! " He tried to leave the room he was in before grabbing the nearby table , almost falling."Someone..is tapping... into the emerald power ..... Corrupting it... Who ?"


Tikal left again, out of everyone's sight.


Glen smiled."See, I told you having this place for us both was a nice idea."

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"Not THIS time," said Harmony, putting the emphasis in to show there was more of the story. "Both the Princess and the Prince had magical powers that they could use to flee from the villages and back to the safety of the castle. They returned to their rooms when the King burst in, furious at their disobedience. But finding them in their rooms, he could not be certain if the villagers were telling the truth or not. So he threatened the Princess and The Prince, telling them he would use his magic to curse them to look like commoners, and they would be forced to act as servants in the castle. But that threat actually put an idea in their minds...."


"Yeah, it was a really great idea," said Ziona smiling broadly.

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Dylan grinned

"And then what did they do?" He asked

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"The trouble was the villagers recognized them. So if they could disguise themselves with the magic the King had threatened them with, they could visit the village safely. So that night, the Prince snuck into the King's chambers while he and the Queen were asleep, and stole the King's spellbook."

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"But why did they wanna visit the village again if some people there wanted them captured or were loyal to the evil king?" Dylan asked sounding confused

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"Because some people had been friendly to them. Because those who tried to capture them only did so because they were the children of the King. And because..." Harmony grinned at Dylan. "It was exciting. For the Princess and the Prince, it was the most excitement they had ever had. They wanted more, and wanted away from the evil King and Queen, if only for a short while."

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"Oh, I get it!" Dylan said grinning

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Locke moved back in his room . he needed calm to communicate with the emerald and find out what was happening.


"Yes indeed. Now tel me, what would you like to do, now?" asked Glen.

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(Spark stoped the process and quickley stepped back.) im never going back in there. (he said pointing at Miles.)

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"Yes," replied Harmony. "So the Prince took the Kings spellbook, and cast a spell on him and the Princess, so even their own father would not be able to recognise them. The snuck back to the village, pretending to be new servants from one of the nearby Lord's house. And this time things were different. No one harbored any ill will towards them. And soon they started to make friends. And that became part of their life. By day, they were the Prince and Princess in the castle. At night, they would transform and go to the village to meet their friends."


"Anything? Can we do anything?" asked Ziona. "I wanna go to the aquarium and see all the pretty fish!"


Miles arched an eyebrow at Spark. "Why? What's the matter?"

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Something in me or you trigured a reaction when i went inside of you, it was shoking me in tell i got out.

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"Sounds like fun! What did they look like?" Dylan asked curiosly

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"Well, the Princess was disguised as a wolf, and the Prince disguised himself as a badger. But this nighttime adventure was about to meet it's end. The Prince had mentioned magic to some of his friends, and, this night, brought the King's spellbook with him to the village."


"That's strange," said Miles. "Any idea what it could be?

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Dylan began looking worried

"What happened? Did he lose it?" He asked

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"Very close Dylan. It was stolen from him. By a group of slavers. The Prince and Princess tried to flee from the slavers, but being transformed, they couldn't use their magical powers to escape. And without the book they couldn't change back. So they were caught."

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