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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"What did they do?" Dylan asked still sounding worried. He clutched Harmony's tails tighter

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"There wasn't anything they could do, though they struggled and fought. But eventually they were placed in chains and carted away from the village with the rest of their friends. It looked like things would be dire. The only way for them to change back, and be able to use their powers, was to use the book. Otherwise they would be stuck in their disguises forever. But the slavers had the book. But, that would be their downfall!"

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im not for sure.(he said shrugging) but what i can tell is that your good your creature free... i should probably go check Skye.

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"So... there's something evil in me, but it's not a creature?" asked Miles confused.

Almost as soon as Spark mention Skye, the Lynx came running up calling "Mwiles! Mwiles!"

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"But if they were already pretending to be servants, why were they taken to be slaves?" Dylan asked

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"Because the slavers planned to take people to far away lands, and sell them to make a greedy profit. It didn't matter who they took, as long as they could sell them," said Harmony.

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"Oh. Okay" Dylan said. "Please carry on"

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"So, the slavers are carting their prisoners away from the village, but soon they start becoming interested in this book. It doesn't take them long to realise its was book of spells. The chief slaver claimed the book for himself, and with dour mutterings, the rest of the slavers agreed. But when the slavers stopped to camp and the chief slaver was asleep, the greed of the rest grew and grew. Each thought they could use the book to become chief slaver themselves. So they all tried to steal it!"

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Dylan giggled

"Silly slavers he said. "What then?"

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"Well, all the slavers tried to sneak into the chief slavers tent at the same time. Finding each other there, they started to fight, all because the wanted the kings spellbook. This of course woke the chief slaver, and he to started fighting, trying to control his men. But their greed and the lure of the spell book was too strong, and they kept fighting."

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"What were the prince and princess doing?" Dylan then asked

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"During this time, the brave Princess was carefully picking the lock to her chains, free herself, the Prince, and their friends. Meanwhile, the slavers had all knocked each other out, only one being left, who had let the other fight. Now he had the spellbook."

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"Oh yes, he was. And with the spellbook in his hands, he tried to cast a spell on the escaping prisoners," said harmony, trying to sound as dramatic as possible.

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"What kind of spell?" Dylan asked sounding even more worried

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"He tried to turn the escaping prisoners to stone," said Harmony darkly.

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"Did he succeed?" Dylan asked scared

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"Yes and no. The slaver cast the spell, be he got the worlds wrong. So instead of turning the prisoners to stone, he turned himself and all the other slavers to stone."

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Dylan giggled, relieved it was only the bad guys who got affected

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"There was a problem for the Princess and the Prince though. They were free, and the spellbook wasn't stone. But it was now grasped in a stone hand!"

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Dylan again looked worried

"Did they get it out of his hand?" He asked

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"It took a long time, and the Prince and Princess had to be careful not to rip the page. But eventually, they got the book free. But dawn was beginning to break, and so they would be expected to be at the castle. If they were late, the King might make good on his threat."

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"Did they make it back?" Dylan asked sounding both tense and worried

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Harmony couldn't help smiling at Dylan's reaction. "There was only one way they could make it back in time. They used the book to change back to their normal forms, and used their magical powers to return. But when their friends saw them change they were horrified, and turned away from them. They didn't want to associate with the oppressive royalty. And even though the Princess and the Prince pleaded they weren't like the King, the villagers wouldn't listen, despite all the fun they had had together."

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"But that's not fair! They're nice!" Dylan said sounding sad

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