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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Well sorry how is that thing supposed to know what's friend or foe when its not exactly me. (he said now able to walk.)

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"Then what is it? When it got hurt you get hurt. And you were inside it. And it looks like your wolf form. C'mon, what is going on?" asked Anna.

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Well what I'm thinking is that when Skyloft hit me in the back it opened a gate where my wolf transformation was and it got out. (he said walking towards it.)

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"So does that mean your transformations are somehow... separate with their own minds?" asked Anna.

"Are you sure your 'friend' didn't do so deliberately?" asked Miles

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"So you mean that blithering idiot nearly got us killed again? If he comes back here, I'm hauling him to Zone Jail no questions asked," said an irritated Zamy.

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Dylan began crying

"Why aren't you answering, Locke?" He asked

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I'm not for sure, and probably he's not even really my friend anyways. (he said before getting swarmed by the wolf, it went back inside of him.)ugh that's was not what I was expecting.

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"At least you're wolf is back inside you now. I'm just worried, when you give other people fire forms, could those forms take control of them?" asked Anna

"It certainly sound that way," said Miles. "Give a shout if you want a hand to take him in."


Skye looked ast Locke. "Dwad? Awre you okway?" asked Skye.

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I don't know I have to make the transformation my self but I can check.

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"I would do if I were you. Otherwise it might go bad in a fight," said Anna

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Um I meant check you guys. (he said smiling.)

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"Check us? Huh? Why?" asked Anna, confused.

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Well you did say your worried that you could be taken over so I'll check if there are any and if there are I'll seal the gate shut.

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"Oh, okay," said Anna, still a little confused.

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"If if going to stop me turning into a crazy fiery beast, then you better," said Miles.

"Given what your fire form was Miles, wouldn't that be just another you wonder around?" asked Anna.

"Consider certain... aspects of my personality and past, that is not a good thing," said Miles.

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Alright I'll check. (his arms stretched out then fore stretched out to Anna and Miles arms.) this is gonna feel weird.

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Locke felt out for a little while , as the master emerald suddenly sent him a message from it's inside , but he came back."Skye ?"


Tikal was loking at the whole scene , not sure of why did violence had to keep on, even when they were supposed to be at peace...


Glen ate his ice cream , holding Zionna's for her to take.

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"Dad?" Skye repeated, looking worried.

"Uh, Dad, I think Dylan wants an answer from you," said Harmony.


Anna looked nervous while Miles just shrugged.

"What doesn't these days," he muttered to himself.

"I'm ready," said Anna, and Miles nodded as well.


Ziona nearly sntached the ice cream, but mannaged to stop herself and too it normally with a big 'Thank you Glen.' She said down and began eating.

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Dylan was really upset now that Locke had ignored his question. Still crying, he ran out of the room

(ooc: Sorry Locke, but I'm feeling impatient and have had enough waiting)

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Harmony's ear's twitched as the sound of crying left the room. She ran out into the corridor, yelling 'Dylan!' but was unsure which way he went.

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Dylan ran all the way back to his room and hid under the covers, just like he had done earlier

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Hamrony looked at Skye.

"If you were upset, where you you go?" she asked,

"To Mwom or Dad. Or too my rwoom. Or my lwab!" said Skye.

"Dylan only has one of those so I'll try his room." Harmony shuddered at what she was about to suggest. "Skye, see if you can find Miles. He might be a comfort to Dylan too."

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Dylan continued hiding in his bed crying. But realising he was still invisible, he made himself visible again

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Harmony headed to Dylan's room while Skye ran off. She knocked gently on the door.


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