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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc:that's cool, locke just got himself a new gilfriend XD)

"well, will you join us? or will you stay here to die? You can make it out of here! come on!"

Red (ooc: that's the only way i'll be able to make a difference between rouge, and this one) was downed... For the first time, word took her down harder than any punch she ever received in her life: This echidna was offering her a new chance at life; and she was sure as hell not gonna threw it away.

"fine then.. I-I'll trust you." as she laid down her arms...

"good girl, now we have to save the children. can you still move around?"

"yes, yes, i think I can." red, just got back on her feet "what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing too hard my dear; just helping me out in giving a lesson of humility to that so-called god."

"I think it's in my range of possibilties"

"then, let us fly!!"

Locke just got himself a new ally.

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Dylan rushed forward and pushed Skye out of the way just before Miles hit him, taking the full force of Miles' attack himself

(ooc: Seemed one of the more logical things to do)

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"Dylan!! Are you alright?Oh, that does it!!! i'm the only one here allowed to beat dylan down!!! you are done for!"

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Dylan growled a little at the pain, but it was clear that he was fine. He got off the floor and turned to face Miles, ready for a second attack

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locke didn't loose time and threw himself in the battle with his newfound friend, ready for a dual attack. Both of them kicked at the same place, for massive damage: right in miles face.

"and to say that brother altair believed in you to be the chosen one. What a shame on us."

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"But chosen for what Locke?" Miles managed to grin despite the blood running down his face from the repeated attacks. "You should never trust God-like powers or their agents. Think of the power they wield, the ability to see the future. They could have prevented Robotnik rise or his return. But they let it happen. Or any of the other tragedies that have come to pass. They aren't on your side, only their own. So being a 'Chosen One' does not mean chosen for the side of good."

Miles suddenly leapt back, tails spinning, and landed atop the throne.

"Let me show you what I mean. One of the former Kings left something behind in this throne." As he spoke his form began glowing and Skye began screaming in his struggle to keep his father's power contained.

(ooc: I really wasn't gonna pull this trick as it's a little cheap, but when Locke mentioned 'chosen one' I just had to. Though, given Skye is fighting against him, Miles isn't full blown invulnerable super-form. More like a second wind at this stage.)

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"Very well" the doppelganger replied. "We have an accord." "Excellent, now would you be so kind as to get off me. It appears Miles is powering up." Shadow got up and stood there leaning on his counterpart. "Finally it's coming to an end. Come on Skye you can do it. Just one last push and your father will never torment you again. I hate to say it Red Eyes but I don't think any intervention will help. It's between Skye and Miles now."

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"I'm... trying...." Skye struggled to say, "but I can barely... hold back... the power he's wielding... Help me, please."

(ooc: so, basically, everyone gang up on Miles and beat the super form out of him. Remember, it's not fully powered. And once that's done Skye will be able to... banish?... him)

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(ooc: i had to pull this out anyway)

"It doesn't mean you had the right to betray the world like this, miles. They trusted you with such a power, you held their hope. and you let them down... In the end, you ended up as the most feared thing in the universe: a failure. A failure to everyone's expectation. and for that, i pity you..Go skye! show that you won't follow his exemple!!!! Make it where he couldn't!!! you can do it!!we know!!!"

on these words, locke catched skyes back, as if to take some of this power on his back. "i got you skye. you can do it".

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Dylan rolled his eyes when no one attacked Miles in his super form straight away, then rushed forward and leaped up to Miles, giving him a kick in the gut followed swiftly by a hard punch in the face, where he was kicked by Locke and Rouge. Following this, he gave all the others a look to get a move on, then continued to punch Miles wherever it seemed appropriate

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Shadow summoned what was left of his strength and ran towards Miles before delivering a kick to his gut. He knew he was only.serving as a distraction, but he hoped it was enough to give Skye an edge. As soon as he was clear, his doppelganger swept in at a much greater pace. They continued this pattern, randomising their attack direction, hoping to break Miles' concentration.

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Miles began to buckle under the assault. His super-form wasn't granting as much protection as he'd expected, And with Locke's encouragement Skye was moments away from draining it completely. His form began to drain and a wave of exhaustion buffeted Miles. Forcing his will against Skye, he kept a hold of his super-from for now.

He swung round, tails aimed at Dylan, fists and feet aimed towards the two Shadows. His brat was only paces away. All he needed to do was make a gap in his assailants attacks, rush forward, and it would be all over.

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at that time, Locke did the thing he deemed the most important: carrying skye. "come on skye, do it!! I'm right behind you. lead the way, and free yourself from your demons. I know you can, and you will."

skye was carrying their hope, and so was locke as he was carrying skye's last chance as having a real family.

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Shadow was struck by Miles fist, but it was only a glancing blow. His response was to grab Miles' hand, preventing him from going on the offensive. All the while, his new found ally kept up the pressure "Come on Skye!" he shouted, "Seize your destiny."

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Dylan was hit by Miles' tails. That just got him angry, so he grabbed Miles' tails and started pulling as hard as he could

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“I can do this,” whispered Skye, then his voice became louder and stronger. “I will do this. I’ll free myself from my past. I’m no longer alone.”

Skye looked straight at his father, no longer with fear but with defiance. As his did so the glow surrounding his father vanished.

Miles dropped to the floor, the loss of his super-form completely draining his energy. He began screaming in pain as Dylan began dislocating his tails and the beast-like Shadow continued it’s attack. Then his form began to dissolve, parts of him tailing off like smoke and fading away.

“You can’t do this. I am your father. You will obey me. You belong to me!” Miles shouted at his son.

“No. Not anymore. I choose my own path,” Skye retorted.

Miles screamed in rage, then disappeared completely.

Skye collapsed to the ground, mentally exhausted.

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locke catched skye as he fell. "i got you big boy. you won.it's over.you are free."

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With the battle over, the sun started to appear over the horizon. It was now dawn. The light shone through a window. As the first streaks of sunlight hit Dylan, he began to change. Transform back. He collapsed on the floor, but within seconds had fully transformed back into his original form

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Shadow walked over and put a hand on Skye's shoulder, while maintaining a firm grasp on his counterpart. "You did it Skye. Never doubted you for a second." He said smiling before turning to Locke. "I don't know how the head jumping'll work. I suggest you get a firm grasp on your lady friend. If things go as planned I imagine we'll be catapulted back into our own subconsciouses with our new pals. Try to keep things decent in there." he said with a wink before walking over to Dylsn. "Councilor you truly are a man of many secrets."

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What happened? Last thing I remember was... I don't even want to think about it.

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"I did it," murmured Skye as he tried to regain his balance, a smile appearing on his face. "I really did it."

"Skye, did you hear?" asked Melody breathlessly. "Shadow said they had a way to rescue me from your head. I can come back."

Skye found himself unable to speak, instead he just hugged his sister.

(ooc: Well, looks like I'm handing over the reigns very shortly. Does anyone have any comments or complaints about this little story. As the old sayingh goes, 'it's the only way I'll learn')

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"would you kindly miss" as he gave his hand.

"that would be my pleasure, dear." As red pressed herself litteraly to locke.

"well, i hope it's a good enough grasp for you Shadow."

then, toward dylan" you got us scared for a moment , big guy. I hope we'll be able to repair your teleporter. you might need it in the future."

and at last, to skye. "congratulation kid, you did it, now go reclaim your prize: your sister."

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(OOC It was one of the most interesting stories I've experienced in a while. You set the mood well, brought in twists at the right time. All things considered you did a Darn good job).

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(ooc: and we did our best to follow you, just as you did your best to follow us)

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I feel really embarrassed for being used in that way. I hope I didn't hurt anyone. Oh dear. I can see I have a lot of explaining to do

(ooc: Excellent job Skye!)

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