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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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At the mention of his name from Shadow, Dylan started twitching. He was having another internal battle. After a few seconds, the battle had finished. Dylan sat down and just stared at the floor.

(ooc: I think it's time for me to go. Give this werehog a chance to recover his strength after another internal battle)

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“You miss one important point Locke, and yet you are correct. I have lost everything. Even my physical form. Which is why I need that of my son’s.”

Meanwhile, Skye hearing Shadow’s words tried to bring his memories of the assassins into his mind. But he met his father’s eye, and instead called to mind every time he had failed to live up to his father’s demands. He sank to his knees while Miles laughed horribly.

“It doesn’t matter Shadow,” Miles continued, “what my son’s memories tell him. I am in control here. The brat is too scared to stand against me. Dylan is mindless. And you two are old and badly injured. While I..”

Miles thrust his arm towards Shadow and a bolt of Arcane energy streaked towards the black hedgehog.

“I am at the height of my power. I control the boundaries of my son’s mind. Here, my power would rival a GOD’S!” The walls of the room began to shake, and the creatures in the shadows leapt towards the group.

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a god? you really are pathetic, you know that? you lost everything indeed , Even your Darned mind .you are not in control in here. Skye is. So skye, get up, he can only control what you let him control... He never loved you, this is why he tried to kill you; right?

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Shadow rolled out of the way of the bolt, barely. "If I had my powers I'd tear him a new one" he growled to himself. He knew he was out of options. Taking off his rings would do little: he had used up almost all of his energy before. Hearing Locke, he chimed in his support. "Skye, you're in control. You aren't the failure, he is. He failed you. If you focus, you can turn this all against him. Then you'll be free. You just have to stand up to him. You can do it!"

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listen to shadow!!! you are not a failure!! would a failure have done all those thing? would they?? No, you pretty much did even more than your father might dream to achieve. you are stronger than him, morally and physically. And the most important: we trust you.

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Skye tensed every muscle in his body, taking in every word Locke and Shadow said to him. Not wanting to let his friends down, he struggled with every ounce of his being to take control of the dream. The darkness started to lift from the room, and the storm outside began to sound fainter.

“The works of your friends are inspiring you to fight me? We can’t have that.” Miles almost sounded amused.

The Dream Shadow Monster leapt towards his real life counter-part while the winged monster swooped towards Locke.

Miles simply walked over to his son and struck him across the face.

“You’re friends are deluded. You know you can never match up to me. Never could, never will.”

Miles next words were cut off as Melody sped past, whacking him on the back of the head. Miles grunted in pain.

“Stupid subconscious,” he muttered.

“Not this time,” Skye defiantly stated as he rose to his feet. “You took my life away from me once, and I’m not gonna let you do it again. I’m gonna fight you. And I’m gonna win!”

“Brave words. But foolish. If it wasn’t for your tails I would never believe that you were my son.” Energy began crackling in Miles hands and began arcing into Skye, who writhed in pain.

(ooc: And that’s my last post before sleep. It’ll give Dylan a chance to join in before the fight finishes.)

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(ooc: goodnight then)

"well hello there, winged woman. it's a shame we had to meet in such a place" locke avoided most of the hit , adrenaline making him ignore the pain."unfortunaly, I can't spent more time with you anymore. so, i'll have to cut short the conversation". Locke gave back as much as he received. but the monster was obviously a capable fighter.

The situation wasn't lost however, as he had an advantage over that thing: he could think. and fast.

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Dylan got up and saw the battle going on around him. Lokce and Shadow were faced with monsters but looked like they could handle themselves. Then he saw Miles and Skye and quickly realised what was going on. He rushed towards the two, dodging everything going on around him and launched himself towards Miles

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the bat once again tried to push locke to his limit, probably in hope to tire him out. Thing is, locke had no claim in falling, yet.

"why don't you just stand down, punny echidna? i won't hurt you much, i swear. I'm just here to take down my targets. after all, this is what a professional do. I have no need for more bloodshed. Just, give me my targets and I'll let you go."

It seemed that the bat was really caring about her job.

But locke wasn't really bad too...

"I understand that you pride yourself in a job well done, but if so, why don't you take down the whole family? after all, the father is also a target, haven't you forgotten?"

"but that would be too easy, echidna. our contractor specified that ONLY the children had to die, in order to inspire fear and remorse.... to be fair, I almost feel bad for doing so; but a bat gotta do what what a bat gotta do to get by in such a world."

Locke understood, he always did... "Its just show how bad a country is when such a nice girl like have to resort to this in order to survive....I'm sorry to have to take you down."

"there is no need to be sorry, we both had our mission. but perhaps, were things different, we could have been more.. friendly?"

"perhaps, perhaps... but wishes only bring more wishes.."

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As Shadow was pinned by his doppelganger, he heard Locke's offer and decided to make one of his own, hoping a more mercenary approach would appeal to his evil self. "You like the hunt more than the kill right? The smell of fear as you pursue your victim, toying with them? Well if you do what you were paid to do, you'll have no one left to hunt and Miles will stab you in the back first chance he gets. You're too much of a threat to him. Hear me out. If you forget about what the Acorns paid you to do, and help us take down Miles, I'll give you a free ride out of here, in my head. The people I work for can get you out. Then I'll pay you double what the Acorns did to leave Skye alone, and I'll keep you in work. We've got a lot of people we need gone, and you're the guy for the job. Think about it. You'll get money, the hunt, immunity and most importantly, your freedom. Unless you want to be trapped here forever. Your choice."

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Hearing shadows proposition was quite .. unnerving... "What? shadow, you know people that can get personnalities out of your head?"

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"G.U.N have been experimenting with technologies like that yes. The theory is that this world or any dream world for that mattee, as it exists in all the dimensions of our conscious world, might actually exist as another plane. So theoretically you can transfer beings or objects from one plane to the other. Think of it like going in and out of a TV screen." (OOC I'm pretty certain there's some crazy physics theory that says pretty much this).

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"does that mean we could somehow get knuckles in here? We could use the reinforcement.And yes, your theory sound as crazy as it does. Just make sure the scientist don't mess up and open a portal to some crazy places...But that actually mean I could get this cute little bat to work for me!!! What do you think? I can make you the same proposition that shadow did to his counterpart, and I will never order you to kill children!!!"

The bat was shocked at said demand.

"But I tried to kill you, and your friends! why are you so kind with me after all this? That should not happen!!!"

as she spoke, the dark matter around her started to fall, eventually showing someone else: the real Bat... and she was starting to look sad...

"why, why do you want to help me? You don't even know me!"

"There is no need to know each other to help someone my dear...come, get up. There is no need for such violence anymore. why staying in such a place? come with us!!!you won't be backstabed there, i'll swear it to you." Locke smiled, hoping to help at least someone out of this mess.

(ooc: I hope skye won't get mad at me for toying with his rouge like that... but I'm sure locke could use some more .. feminine company at haven, don't you think?)

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"For Knuckles to get here both he and Skye would have to be on a pad at the GUN lab. Which isn't likely. And yes if she jumped into your head she could, again theoretically, be brought to our world. It hasn't been tested all that much and requires a lot of calibration to each subject, but they've got it to a stage where if it doesn't work you just pass out. Before...." Shadow shuddered at the thought.

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"before? Just don't tell me you would get sent into another dimension..."

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"No. Your brain was scrambled. You went nuts if you were unlucky and brain dead if you were lucky."

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(ooc: This is becoming pleasant)

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(ooc Well when you start messing with the fabric of the mind, getting it wrong has rather unpleasant results unfortunately).

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(ooc: Don't start experimenting on me then. Not that I think you would)

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(ooc: don't get him started dylan, we all now he would...)

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(ooc: I would be knocking him across the room if he tried. He wouldn't)

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(ooc: that would be fun to watch)

"well anyways, shadow, how are we gonna make them jump into our heads anyway... WAITAMINUTE, that mean that we can also save skye's sister!!!"

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Miles looked up from his son just to see Dylan leap at him, too late to dodge. He was hurled to the floor by the force of the were-hog and found himself pinned.

Miles form dissolved from under Dylan only to reform behind him. He shot another bolt of energy atDylan, but somehow this one didn't have nearly a fraction of the power of his first attack.

Miles whipped round to face Skye, realising that instead of trying to take control of the dream, Skye was focusing purely on locking him out.

"Oh no you little brat, you won't get rid of me that easily." Miles stepped forward, only to have Melody barrel full pelt into him, knocking Miles back towards Dylan.

"Yes I will. I'm not alone any more. And you can't take that away from me this time."

(ooc: at this stage I'm just controlling anyone with a 'Prower' at the end of their name, so what happens to the other characters is in your hands.)

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Dylan grabbed Miles as he flew towards him and threw him at a nearby wall as hard as he could

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Miles slammed painfully into the wall, barely managing to stand. He tried to call on his magic, or to change the fabric of the dream, but both were cut off from him."

"No more playing games," he hissed through the pain, "all I need is to kill my weakling son and I'll be victorious."

Miles' tails began whirling and he took flight, gaining as much hight as he could before diving at Skye, who was too busy concentrating to see his father's approach.

(ooc: my last post for a bit i'm afraid)

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