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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles made his way outside, looking for Zamy.


Harmony hugged Dylan back. "Th-thank you. Do you have this cheering up affect on everyone?"


"Heh, I guess you're right. So far it hasn't done much," said Melody thinking about it.

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"Hello Miles, how's it going," called Zamy.


"Great, now YOU'VE jinxed it," joked Hope.

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"Not great," said Miles, slumping down on the grass. "Harmony chewed me out again. how can I get her to.... to..."


Melody burst out laughing. "Darn. And I'm usually so careful about that. Must be getting less wary with this soft lifestyle!"

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Dylan looked up at Harmony

"Cheering up effect?" He asked

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"Y'know, hugging someone and making them feel better," said Harmony.

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"Ice cream it is " said Glen as he called the room service . "won't be long , don't worry."


"Yeah . i think for now , skye is going to be a little busy for a while ...." replied tikal .


"i'll be sitting there , making sure nothing go wrong ."

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"I... dunno. I don't think so" Dylan said

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Zamy came over and put a hand on Miles' shoulder. "Unfortunatley I don't think you can. She hates her father, and takes that out on you. Trying to get her to realise your entire timeline, and therefore your personality, has shifted, was like getting blood out of a stone."


"Yeah, perhaps you need some gruelling route march to straighten you up," joked Hope.

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"Yay! C'mwon thwne Dad!" said Skye as he headed back into the kitchen.


"I think you might be underestimating yourself Dylan," said Harmony. "Oh, there's Skye back."


Miles sighed. "Its just... whenever she speaks to me... I just want to..." There was a note of anger in his voice. "But that would be..." He shook his head. "But Melody and Skye seem okay with me now."


Melody giggled. "Marches might be out of the question for now! Hmm, maybe pull-ups?"


Anna nodded. "I guess so, but I think he might want to spend time with you despite that. Which will be kinda awkward... Still, in the meantime what do you want to do? Go for a nice walk?"


"Thank's Glen, I can't wait," said Ziona hugging him. "So, what'cha wanna talk about?"

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Dylan looked as they come in turning invisible. He was still nervous about Locke seeing him, but had Locke looked, he might have been able to see him before he disappeared

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"You want to what? Yell, hit her? You might as well tell me, I might be able to help. And I think their grudges are a different kind to Harmony's."


"Or maybe isometrics, just to be harsh."

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"What's wrong Dylan?" asked Harmony, looking at the spot where he'd been.

"Dwylan?" asked Skye, his head and ears cocked.


"Curse her," confessed Miles. "Some mental domination style curse. Make her my puppet. But that would be... giving up. But why would she be so different to Skye? The older me seemed to be hellish to him, sadistic even, and yet, the two of are are.... friends...." said Miles.


"Well, maybe I could do half of those," smiled Melody!

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"i'd rather act than talk with you , kitty ."Said Glen ."How good are you with these wings ?"


locke followed skye . it seemed that he would have to be more careful .


"i think we could settle for that."

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"Oh.... yeah that would essentially be what older you did to her. I was gonna say I could buy you a puncihng back or something to let your frustrations out, but now I'm not sure that'd work. And I don't know why she's incapable of seeing you for you rather than that future version. I mean he practically destroyed my memories, yet i don't want to beat you up or anything like that."


"Yeah, mix up your torment," joked Hope.

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Skye turned his head, trying to see Dylan.

"Cwan you swee Dwylan Dad?" he asked.

Harmony looked up. "Hi Dad, Uh, guess your heard about what happened with the pool..."


"I'm glad for that," said Miles. "But... maybe a punching bag WOULD help... As an outlet... Maybe she just needs time."


"Remind me never to ask you to design an exercise regimen for me!" laughed Melody.


"Or we could back to town, if you want a break," said Anna starting to walk.


Ziona laughed a bit at being called 'kitty', then spread her wings and swooped about the room. "Pretty good I think," she grinned, coming over to hover beside Glen.

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Dylan sitting back down in the place he was drawing from looking at everyone

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Harmony started looking outside the kitchen door.

"Has he run off?"

"Dwylan! No!" called Skye, starting to run out the kicten.

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"I'll see about getting you one then. And perhaps time is what she needs, as you say."


Hope laughed. "There goes my career as a personal trainer."

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"I hope so. I don't want anyone to see me as... that," said Miles.


"Maybe you could still find some unsuspecting victims," said Melody.

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"I know. I think it's just her that does now, though."


"Nah, too difficult, plus I don't want the backlash," joked Hope.

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Dylan then began feeling guilty worrying Skye and Harmony but he still wasn't sure whether to show himself or not. He went over to Harmony and pulled on one of her tails a little to let her know he was there

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Harmony gave a bigger start than Dylan expected. "Wow! That feels strange," she exclaimed, scooping the tail up in her arms. "Uh, Skye, I don't think we need to go hunting for him."


"I hope so," said Miles. "How do you think Crowley is getting on?" he asked, looking up at Zamy.


"Yeah, it would put a dent in your popularity," laughed Melody. "And cut into your lab time. Unless..." An idea occurred to her. "Hey, you were pretty good with the Summoning Spell. Maybe you should try a Summon Clone spell?"

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Dylan fell back in surprise at how big Harmony's start was. Had he been visible, they would have seen him beginning to cry

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Skye coked his head, laughing a little, not realized his friend was upset. "Yeah. Thwey awre a bwit senswitwive!"

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"I imagine he's doing fine. He's a professional, and has a second version of himself there as well. No doubt I'll have to repay him for this."


"Oh no, I've met what was essentially a clone of myself and that was enough."

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