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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"When your not meant to want it!" Dylan said back huffily. Then he heard Miles cry out

"Uncle Miles?!" He called down. "Are you okay?"

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"Zionna ? Where are you ? I can hear you, not see you...."


tikal laughed harder.

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"Fine Dylan, just fine," lied Miles as he finally reached the brach when Dylan and Skye were. He tried not to look down, feeling uncomfortable this high being unable to fly.

"Hey Skye, why don't you see how high up the tree you can climb," suggested Miles. Skye gave a massive grin and scurried up the tree. "Okay Dylan. Now it's just the two of us. So you're worried that you're not meant to like being a child. But can you say completely certainly that you WOULDN'T have like to have been a kid again for a short while?"


Ziona giggles. "Up here silly. Look straight up," she shouted, waving down at Glen.


"I think you missed your calling in life," laughed Melody. "Hey Shadow. Could Team Dark do with a kick-ass mage on the team?" she joked.


"Maybe you should start wearing a disguise so people don't recognize you? Then they won't know your secret!" joked Anna to Tikal.

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"Yes!" Dylan exclaimed, though this was a lie in his mind. He had been becoming less sure of this sort of thing as time went on. Had he been visible, Miles might have been able to tell this. "And I am not a kid!"

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"I highly doubt a lot of people actually know me...." replied tikal.


glen looked straight up ." Yeah right . And you are telling me flought all the way up there ?"

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Miles sighed. "You might not be a kid here," he tapped his head, "but everywhere else... But I want you to think about something very carefully. Don't answer with the first thing that comes into your head, okay?"


Ziona grinned, spread her wings and dropped from the branch, swooping down effortlessly towards Glen. Rather than landing, she flew straight towards Glen and glomped him mid-flight.

"Of course I did Gleny. I'm a Bat, silly!"


"Everyone in Haven..." began Anna, then she paused. "Or do you... mean... as a person?"

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Dylan wanted to protest but decided not to. He made himself visible and looking up at Miles said

"Okay. What is it?"

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"I want to to think over this for a moment. You can want to get back to normal, and still want to be a kid at the same time. The two are not mutually exclusive, even if they may seem that way. And once you've thought that over, I want you to answer my first question again," said Miles, looking down at Dylan.

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"No, not for field work. Support here as usual maybe," replied Shadow to Hope's disappointment.

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"Of course, I was joking," said Melody with a grin, then she turned to Hope and was surprised to see her disappointment.

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'You actually wanted to join the team?' thought Melody to Hope with surprise.

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"That they know is not a problem , Anna." said Tikal."They don't mind."


"Funny, I'm pretty sure you were a fox..."

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'Be careful what you wish for Hope,' thought Melody in warning. 'With these skills you may find yourself in the feild despite Shadow's wishes!'


For a moment the smile faded from Ziona's face, but almost immediately it was back. "I knnnnoooowwwww that Gleny! But right now I'm a Bat an' can fly. An' do other Bat stuff too. Hey, wanna see if I can take you for a flying ride?" asked Ziona.


"Okay," said Anna. "Is there anything you want to do?" she asked.

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"I... Um..." Dylan began unsure what to say. Tears were still falling from his eyes as he strained to decide

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Miles looked at Dylan a little shocked.

"Dammit, I'm sorry Dylan. I didn't mean to make you cry," said Miles. A little awkwardly, due to balancing on a branch and feeling a little silly for doing so, he gave Dylan a hug. "Listen, it's not the desire to be the kid that's the problem. Stop focusing on that. The problem will only happen if you STOP wanting to go back to normal."

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Dylan did his best to hug back given the position they were in

"Wh-what do you mean?" He asked between tears

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'Even though even at this stage you are the most powerful spellcaster GUN has? Practice a bit more and who knows what you're skills could be useful for. Might want to practice that force field spell to make Shadow happy though,' thought Melody.


"Wanting to be a kid MIGHT just be part of who you were. Just you didn't realise it. That is not what you need to fight. But, if you start losing your drive to return to the person you were, to stay this way. That is more of a sign that you might be loosing yourself. And even then, it's still a might. I've known some people who wanted to keep their transformed forms without any influence." Miles looked at Dylan. "Does that make any sense?"

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In truth Dylan didn't understand. He was still fairly sure that he didn't like, possibly even hated transformations. And now Miles seemed to be saying that he might of actually liked them. Perhaps the transformation had affected his judgement of himself too much. After all, Miles was always nice to him. There was no reason for him not to trust him. He slowly gave a nod

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"I might be their most powerful spellcaster, but I'm also a teenage girl. I wouldn't want to undergo military training anyway. I think I just want to go outdoors for a bit more than I do now."

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"Good," said Miles smiling. "Remember, until you start feeling that you don't want to go back, no matter what else you feel, you aren't truly in danger of loosing yourself. Though... the journey back may he hard."


'Hmm, maybe you could arrange a spot outside to practice your magic? Say it'll be safer outside than risking people inside?' suggested Melody.

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"Hard?" Dylan asked sounding worried

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"But I'm sure you'll manage it ki... DYLAN!" said Miles quickly.

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