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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Well I... I wish things were that easy... Unfortunaly, In these days and times, the only two tailed fox that we know of is named... Miles prower...but surely this name mean nothing to you. I mean, he is still a kid right now; not even older than you...

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(ooc: I'm sorry, I'm going to be gone pretty much all day, so it will take a while for me to get there and look at the results)

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*Eyes widen, knees, tails and arms are tucked into chest.* I know that name. I remember that name. Prower, that's my last name. And Miles, I remember Mom calling father that.

I... I can remember small parts, of trying to impress him. But... no matter what I did... he was never happy.

(ooc: No worries Dylan. Hope you have a good day away.)

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dear , dear, what kind of life have you lived? It must have been awful, always trying to prove your valor to your father, and him, only seeing the evil of his ways in you.... "give him his warmest hug"

I don't think i'll be able to fully heal you, but no matter what , skye, i'll make sure the scars of your past won't open again....

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*Returns the hug tightly, voice wobbling slightly* T-Thank you Locke. As l-long as your with me, I think I might cope.

I-I should try and join the dots with what I do remember. Treat it like a puzzle to solve, maybe that will help fill in the blanks.

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don't worry, i'll do my best to stay, i'll do my best...

I would have said you, long ago, to turn on to the future... But For you, I'm afraid your past has serious chance of coming back eventually... You must know it, and when the time will be right: you'll be ready.

you'll be able to free yourself from whatever demon you had in your past... And if at this point, your father is still not proud of you, then I'll give him a beatdown that would awake even a dead !!!!

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You're right. I don't want to know, but I have too. I just hope that if you do meet my father you won't have to hurt him. But something tells me that's a false hope.

*Glances towards journal* Do you have another blank book, something I can write all my memories as they come back? See if I can make sense of them.

*Slides off bed still holding backpack. A small pen-knife falls out of the backpack, blade swinging open and embedding itself up to the hilt in the floor*

(ooc: Now I want to see a Locke VS Adult Miles fight)

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well, if he is who i think he is, maybe i'll be able to talk him down ; maybe .

yes , yes, I Have one."get one out of his whatever he is wearing at the moment" I though you would want one eventualy, so I took one when I could. "give him to skye" here it is.

"see knife on the floor, embedded"

This floor is partially made of metal. and it somehow GOT THROUGHT IT . what. From now on , i'll call you knife sharper extraordinaire, you ok with that?

(ooc: we just need another account to play it, unless we make him go into the game as an outsider)

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*smiles slightly* That’s a bit of mouthful, isn’t it? Thank you for the book, I’m sure it will help.

*Looks at the knife in the floor* It’s not that the knife is that sharp. It’s… I think I might have enchanted it?

*Goes to pick up knife, then suddenly pauses. Drops to knees, shuddering*

I… I remember what happened. No… why? I wish I didn’t.

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*wakes up in chair and sees knife embedded in floor* That's a Darn fine blade you got there. Any progress? *sees Skye ands runs over* Are you ok?

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what? what? what happenned? is something important related to that knife ?

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*Still shaking and voice quivering* I'm not okay. I just remembered..... I don't think I want to say, it's too... too... *bows head*

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let it out skye! you are too young to hide such things inside yourself!! look at what it done to most of us...

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(ooc: True. This isn't exactly a meeting of the well adjusted club! ;) )

It was Father and I. We.. I know we were running, and couldn’t go home, but I can’t remember why. I started to blame father for taking me from home and the rest of my family. Something… broke… in my head. I began to plot and scheme. And one night I took that knife and tried to… to… I tried to kill my Dad.

*Starts sobbing, but tries to press on with the story*

There’s more. He’d suspected what I was going to do and set-up a decoy. He wasn’t asleep, but awake and watching me. But I had a back-up plan. I’d built a device that would drain his magic and pass it to the user. But when I faced him with it, looked him in the eyes… I couldn’t do it. He called me weak and… and…

He got the Syphon, and was going to us it on me, but then Mom found us and she… She took the Syphon and used it on Father. I thought it was over, that I could go home. It wasn’t. Mother, she… I don’t know what she did to me, but I think it’s how I ended up here.

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I understand, it must ...You felt betrayed not only by your father, but also by your mother... and now, you are estranged in place that is not even yours, in a country being a far cry of where you lived....

it's ok, it's ok... we can stop now if you want to.... "hug him in hope to stop the pain"

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I... I can't go home, there's no one waiting there for me. I thought Mother wanted me back, I-I thought she l-loved.... *Clutches to Locke, crying too hard to even speak*

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I don't think it'll fine , it would be lying to say otherwise skye; I'm powerless when it comes to these kind of feels... All i can do, is stand by your side, holding you as hard as i can, until the tears stop by themselve...

I'm so sorry skye.

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*Speaking slowly, words coming between heavy sobs* You just being here is enough. It's more than anyone else has ever done. Thank you. *Slowly the crying eases off*

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there, there, let it go . You'll feel a bit better at least. And it's not a problem. I'm glad I can help you.

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*Eventually stops crying, takes some deep, shuddering breaths* I think... I think I'm better now. But I don't want to look behind any more right now. And I don't think I'm up for looking at the data we recovered. Is there anything else we can do?

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I'm glad to see you better. now, maybe we could try something more... lighthearted "smile" .... Shadow is once again sleeping on duty , want to play a prank on him? unless youu want to spy out on people with the control room . And at last, we can eat something .

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Something to eat sounds good. Well, maybe not eat, but I could do with the biggest hot chocolate I can find. *Turns to the sleeping Shadow* I suppose we could do something with Shadow before we leave. *Grins slyly*

(ooc: I need to ask here. Now, most people have been de-powered due to the ban of the C word, but Skye in theory still has his magic. Now, that's limited to a few minor cantrips (such as the burning through ropes earlier on) or for summoning items purely for comical or dramatic effect (i.e. popcorn, sunglasses, etc) So can I still use that, or should I just leave it alone? Because that will determine the type of prank.)

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so hot chocolate there will be !!! about shadow, we should start by a classic, then we'll crank it up... how about we move him in an akward place, dress him up as a female nurse (complete with short skirt), and draw on his face? Oh boy, that sure will be fun.

(ooc: it"s for comedic effect, and doing prank does not count as overpowered)

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I was thinking he looked funny when Geoffrey forced him into a tutu earlier, and I can do that without waking or moving him.

*Mutters a few words under breath and the dress appears on shadow*

I'll le you do the drawing. Marker pen? You might want the red one as black won't show up on him.

(ooc: sorry Shadow, but Skye needs to get rid of some tension... as does last post in general after that I guess!)

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*muttering in a deep sleep, not noticing the prank* Darn it Rouge you've tried on every hat in the store 3 times, pick one already. (ooc I don't mind Skye. I wasn't doing anything useful and we do need some comic relief).

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