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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Skye? ah, there you are," said Harmony as she turned a corner. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, seeing the look on his face.


Ziona gave a sigh when her radio went off again, then smiled as she heard the message. "Sounds like a nice trip Zamy. Wait, Harmony and Anna? Is that such a good idea. Harmony seems a little... Unsure about her."

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"I know, but Harmony wants to do this to get over her fear and become friends with her."

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"One of my experiments..... escaped from my lab. And someone enchanted the swimming pool. And I think Dylan was there. I want to know what happened," said Skye.

"So, wait, we have an enchanted pool in here?" asked harmony. Skye hesitantly nodded. "This place really is like home," said Harmony with a grin.


"Her idea? Good for her. Well, that should make it easier. I'll see if I can find Anna," said Ziona.

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Dylan slowly began to wake up. He felt weird all over, but at least he little sleep he had seemed to do the trick with feeling unwell

"Hang on a sec" he called out to Skye. Only it was not his normal voice. It was higher than usual

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"Anyway, seeing how we're talking about magic and stuff, can you make my hair a bit longer Skye?" asked Harmony. "I thought it would look good long."

"What, but you always said long hair would get in the way!" said Skye surprised.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm not an assassin anymore, right? So I don't need to worry." Skye's eye's traveled to the knife strapped at her hip, but before he could respond he heard... someone call out from Dylan's room.

"That sounded odd," he commented.


"I'm sure they will. Well you be okay here?" Ziona asked as she started looking for Anna.

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"Was that me" Dylan thought to himself hearing his own voice. He then noticed his clothes had gotten bigger from before he fell asleep. He looked at his arms to see they were blue

"Oh no!" he said to himself, but heard the same higher voice again. He quickly got out of bed and rushed to the nearest mirror. He was shocked to find that instead of a porcupine, a small blue chameleon was staring right back at him. At which point he screamed

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"Okay, well, if you're sure I'll cast.." Skye began before hearing the scream. "Dylan, are you alright in there?" he called loudly, worried.


"Yeah, what's the worst that could happen," said Ziona as she rounded a corner to see Anna and Miles playing a game of cards on one of the infirmary beds.

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"Melody...I don't even know anymore..."


glen decided to wait and embrace Zionna from behind . That way, she would still have her hands free.

(ooc: that's me off for the night , bye.)

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Dylan backed away from the mirror and headed for the door. Panicked and still with the new voice, he said

"Y-yeah... I'm f-fine. Um... What was that gadget that you lost meant to do?"

(ooc: Goodnight Locke)

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(ooc: Okay, goodnight Locke)

"You don't SOUND fine Dylan," said Skye. "And it was meant to be... how best to put it? A mobile spell store."

(ooc: Think the magic crystal with the tech interface in SatAM that could cast spells)


"You... don't know..? You mean you don't know if we do... love each other...?" Melody was actually upset with this, as her own doubts had been lessening.


"Agreed. Put your feet up for once," said Zoina into the radio, smiling when Glen hugged her. "Anna, do you want to go on a shopping trip with your new sister? She specially asked that you'd come."

Anna smiled. "Yeah. I'd love to get to know her. Uh, Miles, you don't mind." Miles was about to say something then shook his head. "You go and enjoy yourself Anna. I'll spend some time with Skye."

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(ooc: Ooo! Does it have its own index? :P)

"Oh... Um... Ahem!" Dylan said before trying to do an impression of his old voice. And failing. "I'm okay. You say meant? Has something happened to it?"

Dylan opened the door just a crack and took a look outside. He saw both Skye and Harmony there. And they looked somewhat bigger than he was

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(ooc: Not yet. Skye hadn't gotten around to that part.)

"Well, all the magic got drained into the swimming pool. And... kinda randomly enchanted it. It could do some really weird things now..." Skye saw the door open a bit and stepped forward, but didn't see Dylan as he was looking at the wrong height.


"That's good. We don't want to handle the insurance bill. Do you know where Harmony is?" asked Ziona as Anna walked up to her and Miles put the cards away.

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"This has to be a nightmare" Dylan thought to himself looking up at Skye. "I'm older than these two and also bigger. I can't suddenly be smaller than them both now"

Then he heard Skye say the pool was enchanted now

"Enchanted?" he said aloud in his new voice accidentally

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Skye jumped at the voice and looked down where it came from. Not being able to see clearly through the crack, he tried to push the door open.

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Dylan moved away from the crack and tried to push the door closed again. But for some reason, maybe due to him being bigger, Skye was stronger and Dylan was being pushed back with the door

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With the door now open, Skye looked down at Dylan, his eyes widening. "Uh... yeah... enchanted... I.... guess you found out."

Harmony looked past Skye at Dylan. "Oh! You're so CUTE!" she exclaimed, kneeing down and reaching out to pet Dylan on the head.


"Find Skye to get her hair done?" repeated Ziona. "I didn't take Skye as a hairdresser." She laughed.

"Hey, Miles. You can follow us. Harmony will probably be with, or near Skye," Anna called back. Miles nodded and followed.

"So... are we good now?" he asked, and was surprised when Anna hugged him.

"We're good Miles."

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Dylan looked at the two unable to say anything. Then when Harmony tried to pet him he ran back to his bed and mostly hid under the covers. His chameleon tail was sticking out

"Don't look at me!" he exclaimed from underneath

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Skye gulped at Dylans reaction, and headed into the room. "Dylan, don't worry. I'm sure I can undo this," he said.

"He doesn't seem to be taking this well," whispered Harmony.

"Not everyone likes transforming," Skye whispered back. Harmony shrugged and knelt down next to the bed.

"Dylan. You don't need to hide. You don't need to be ashamed. No one is going to think anything bad about what's happened to you. Why don't you come out and we'll try and fix this," she said softly.

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Much to Dylan's displeasure, he was crying under the covers

"Stop talking to me like that. I'm not a kid. Leave me alone" he said

"And stop crying!" he told himself in his thoughts

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