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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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*gets bottle of water from vending machine* I wonder what that data says that Skye got.

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ho well, nothing too important i hope ... but anyway, i'm glad this little adventure ended up without any casualties ; make me feel good inside .

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Might make you feel good, but I've still got a wild werhog running around my jurisdiction. At some point in the future I'm just gonna bait it, tranq it and move it back to Dylan's zone. If I went in like I did before I'd probably die along with it.

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*While everyone is in the infirmery* Ok, let's see. Physical scans, magical aura readings, toxicity checks... Increase in muscle mass, selective alteration of brain tissue, depend on... okay, moving on, clothing alterations? Huh, weird... Hmm all this is.... heh heh, very interesting... I'm gonna need to take some time to study this.

(ooc: as it's Dylan's curse I'm not really sure what exactly Skye will find)

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ok, you two get drunk together, i'm gonna go search skye, he deserve a break; been awake all the whole night to help you guys out.

"go to skye" Hey skye, so, any advance ? Anyways, you should take a break.

(OOC: THAT'S IT!!! The 100th page!!! IM so proud of myself!!! it's almost like a dream comming true :D We somehow turned ,what was originaly a simple "last post to win",into what is basically an over the top adventure of love , friendship, and drunk hedgehogs! I have to thank you all guy!!! Keeep it classy, keep it classy)

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Hi Locke. There's a lot of data here, and I think there is some pattern behind it all. And do I really need to take a break, it's not like I'm *yawns* tired.

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well, if you were an adult, yes, i would not have minded. But you are still a child, and you need to take a break from time to time. The joy of coffee won't open to you before a long time...

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Awwww. Ooookay, if you say so. I'll just lockout the data before I go in-case anything happens.

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good, good. Now tell me , anything new about your memories?

I know, it's a bit sudden, but I think that you should tell me everything that might come to you, I could helpp that way.

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I… think I understand. Not much more has come back, just a few fuzzy images. An old, but not quite as old of you, fox with two tails, slapping me across the face. A rain soaked cave, hiding I think, and a feeling of numbing hunger. Being thrown through a glowing portal by this old walrus-cyborg thing. And… and standing on, this might sound a little crazy, but standing on an island that was actually floating in the air, near these ruins topped by a giant crystal, while all these lights were being drained into the sky.

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*Comes in and sits down*

You scanned me! I can't believe you scanned me.

(ooc: I was gone for a while so I never got a chance to fight back. I would've if I was there when you decided to take me to the infirmary)

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Dylan stop it! i'm trying to listen to skye. Right now, his problem are more important than you being scanned for the security of haven, do you understand that?

An old two tailed fox, a cyborg walrus,and a portal a top of the master emerald...Well, If you think that it's crazy, then, you shouldn't go outside for a while, or else you'll have a nasty, a very nasty surprise...

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Sure whatever. Can I go? Is my teleporter working again?

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If i said no, would you stay with me?

I guess i can't help it then... "push the button", there, the teleporter is working again... I guess it's a goodbye for now....

As for you skye, anything else? Your family, your friends, maybe the name of your pet if you had one?

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Please, there’s no need to be so rude, either of you. Dylan, I’m sure you understand we had to be careful. Locke, I’m sure you understand he might not have wanted it. *Almost close to tears* Please, don’t be angry at each other.

Wait, Locke, are you saying there are floating islands outside?

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don't worry skye, it's our way to say that we like each other , don't cry. please. "gently pat skye's head"

And yes, you are basicaly Inside the only floating island of mobius.

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Not angry. Need time alone.


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We’re actually on a floating island? That’s so cool! *Looks around* Oh, bye Dylan.

*sniffles slightly* Maybe your right and I am a bit tired. I didn’t mean to overreact there. It’s just, seeing to people I like arguing it just, really hurt me for some reason.

I don’t remember anything else right now. I’m certain I had a sister now, but I can’t remember my parents at all. Or any friends. I don’t think I had that many, if at all.

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If its alright with you Locke I'd like to stay for a while. I'm interested in this data you've collected.

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well it's ok for me, but you'll have to ask our little scientist over there if you want to see the data "gently pat skye's head"

well then, one last thing... when everything will be taken care of, we'll go through your belonging , rather than reading this forsaken journal again, i'll want you to take somethng that you acutally think , had some valor to you. Like a token, or a plush that you may have liked before.

and yes shadow, you'll help.

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I have no objection to helping out Locke. Skye did save me from having to wrestle a werehog after all. Its the least I could do.

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*Smiles when Locke pats his head* That sounds like a good idea. And if you think it's ok for Shadow to have a look at the data then I'll unlock it.

*Turns to Shadow*

I'm sorry. I can't remember if we met before but...

*Offers hand for Shadow to shake while stepping forward, then suddenly jumps back looking terrified*

Wait, I DO remember you. You were... hurting me.

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oh yes... that.... don't worry, when it happenned, he didn't really meant it. Also, he excused himself after that.

but to be fair... the situtation, didn't really left us the time to disarm the problem at hand more... peacefully.

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*looks at Skye with a solemn look* Yes I did. You had just drained my power and I lost control of myself. I wholeheartedly apologise for my actions.

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Wait! I did WHAT? *Looks ashamed* I'm... I'm sorry. I guess I must have left you no choice.

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