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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Ok, I've killed the connection and calculated how long until an overload. I wonder what will happen when it... heh heh... explodes.. 10 seconds.... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

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"EXPLOSION" Wow, even i felt that one, and i'm in another zone.Well, shadow, are you and your boyfriend still alive?

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(ooc: Shadow, you grabbed hold of me so it's up to you to decide whether we made it out of blast range or not

BOYFRIEND???!!! Locke, don't be weird)

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*gets sent flying forward as the shockwave catches up with us* We're fine you sick old fool. Shockwave knocked us off our feet but we avoided the blast at least.

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I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Good. Now that explosion is going to attract all the werehogs in the area so we better be off.

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Just the shockwave? No other effects?

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I should be fine. Shadow? Anything happen with you?

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Not that I know of. I'm hoping the majority of the effects are associated with the explosion itself, or maybe the smoke. I'd rather not stick around to find out.

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Then let's get out of here Shadow. Before other werehogs come investigating.

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We've got a portal ready at Dylan's house. You two make it there. I'll start having a look at the data and see what I can find.

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Wait. Just stop. Skye close the portal. I completely forgot we could just teleport there.

*Teleports with Shadow to haven*

Here we are!

(ooc: Hope I didn't mess any plans up with that)

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what? you what? "go back to haven" you sick fools , i feel hurt !!! it's almost like i had no use at all in this story!!! well anyway; direct trip to the infirmary for you two!!!

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What? No, I feel fine. Really I do. You feel fine too, don't you Shadow? Can we just check the data?

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We still have the first scanner left. You can use that to check up on them.

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I'd rather not be examined thank you. I don't need to be anyway. I'm fine. Really!

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I'll leave the choices up to you. I better see what this data says.

(ooc: and I'm heading off for a bit. Catch you guys later)

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dylan. You'll have no choice but to cooperate. You took a blast of something that has UNKNOWN effect on people. And I'm pretty sure it'll be safer for everyone to at least have a simple check up, right?

(ooc: ok , see ya)

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but just to be sure "press a button" Good, now you won't be able to activate your teleporter. We don't want you to go aways. It's for your , and our, own good. Now come, let's start with the basics....

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well, so far , everything is normal , as normal as the lot of us can be anyway...G well dylan, you don't seem to be in danger , nor us; so I guess the test can be stopped ... how about we grab a snack and some drink while waiting for skye ?

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