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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zamy smiled. "Good to see you're ok, but I'll probably have to do a reevaluation first... wait, what's that in your hand?"

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"Oh my....." and glen shortly followe inside , wondering what Zionna had in store in her bag.


"I find it amusing that the fastest daughter of the family is unexpectedly late."

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"Hmm? Oh, nothing important," said Miles, doing a small sleight of hand rick to hide it in his tail.


"The 'fastest daughter' is currently the 'slowest daughter'," said Melody with a raised eyebrow. "And I had a quick call with Hope as well. And Anna took Spark to the infirmary."


"Is this what you were waiting for?" asked Ziona, already waiting in her new swimwear.

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Zamy was suspicious, but didn't show it.

"Ok then. Let's head back to get the formalities done ."

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"He had something in his hand? Maybe it worked more than we were hoping" Dylan thought to himself

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"Very well," said Miles cheerfully as he walked over to Zamy. "I will... see you later Skye," he said, turning back, though there was a little strain in his voice.

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Zamy activated her teleporter and tpok Miles home.

"Now I just need to find those forms."

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"Hmm... Do you think it worked fine, Skye?"

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"I think it did... I just... hope I didn't lose my friend in doing so," said Skye sadly. He reached out to Tikal and took her hand for comfort.


"Of course Zamy," said Miles. He walked into his room, intending to hide the amulet he stole.

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Zamy went into her room and grabbed the paperwork before ehispering into her radio.

"Ziona, you there? Skye's removed part of him from Miles that got there after he tried to drain his energy. I'm gonna be wary around him, as he certainly seems more like his old self. His speech is more formal for one thing. If he goes back to Haven, be sure to keep an eye on him."

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"He seems friendly enough. For now at least. But there's something off with him now. I can't really explain. Perhaps it's just me"

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"No. I saw it too. Let's... hope it's nothing."


Having hidden't the amulet, Miles returned to the main room and sat down patiently. He looked around. He still considered this new place to be 'home'.


Ziona gave a sigh as her radio went off, her eye's widening as she heard Zamy's message. "So... You're saying that he got the mind warping he thought Anna had?" she asked, sighing again. "Understood. Let me know if he returns to Haven."

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"I already am, Skye. I already am"

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"Thanks. Sorry to interrupt again. Can't have a normal day, can we?" Zamy then headed to the main room. "Sorry for the wait, I just need you to fill out these forms again."

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"It not a problem Zamy. It is what we're here for," said Ziona as she put the radio down.


Miles sighed. "More paperwork? But most of these tick boxes won't have changed surely?" he asked.


"Thank's Dylan," said Skye.

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"No worries. Do you want me to leave you with Tikal?"

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"Actually, I should be getting to lunch. Dad wanted the family there," said Skye.


"Very well then Zamy," said Miles as he began filling them out.

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"I am?" Miles looked up with surprise. "I... don't mean to. I think it's just the way I talk."

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"It is. I've never heard someone say 'very well' so much in a short space of time."

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Miles gave a laugh. "I'll try and stop using it then."

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Glen sighed in defeat ."So no quality time in the pool then ? That's really unlucky for us....."


Tikal smiled at skye to comfort him.


Locke smiled at melody."I did say we could add some sort of motor to that wheelchair if you wanted . In some place, that would proves itself to be quite useful."

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"Did he. Okay, I'll let go go off to him then"

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Skye smiled back at Tikal, buoyed by her smile.

"Thank's Dylan. Sorry to leave you like this," said Skye.


Miles finished the forms with a slight flourish. "There we go," he said, handing them back to Zamy.


"YesYesYES! We're definitely adding a motor. My arms are aching!" said Melody.

"But it's good exercise for your arms, isn't it?" asked Harmony.

"Well, yeah," Melody conceded, "But far too tiring to you move about for fun."


"I was thinking the exact same thing," said Ziona. Then she smiled. "But how about, once all the little kids are in bed, you, me, back here, with the stars above us in the pool.

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