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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I just said I should maybe test myself to see if there's something," said Skye.

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"We... should head down to my lab first," said Skye. "It'll be safer doing it there." He quickly made his down into the basement.

"In case something goes wrong, uh, goodbye Zamy," said Miles.

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Miles hugged Zamy back. "If I don't, I know you'll drag me back," said Miles.

"It might be useful if something..." Skye glanced at Miles, "..goes wrong."

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Dylan glanced at Miles too before turning back to Skye

"Very well, let's go"

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Skye headed into the basement lab and made a few quick alterations to the magic circle. "Okay Miles, lie down in the center."

"Lie down?" asked Miles

"You don't need to, but you'll likely end up lying down by the end of it, so..."

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"Um... Good luck Miles. Hope you make it out okay" Dylan said nervously

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Miles lay down in the circle, a tear falling from his eye. Skye shut his eyes and began incanting. It didn't take long. After a few seconds smoke like light began eminating from Miles body and evaporating. Then they stopped.

Skye stopped chanting and, with a groan, Miles pushed himself into a sitting position.

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Skye kneeled next to his friend. "Miles?" he asked.

Miles rubbed his head and opened his eyes. "I don't feel any different."

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"You didn't feel different before, pointed out Skye as he helped Miles out.

"True. You realize, you haven't apologized yet," pointed out Miles. Skye looked down at his feet.

"I-I'm sorry Miles. I didn't mean to... to twist you like that... but... I wasn't really t-thinking at t-the time..." Skye was clearly upset. A sly smile creeped across Miles' face.

"Why don't we return to the others?" suggested Miles. Skye nodded and headed out. Miles followed shortly after, but not before taking a small amulet from one of the benches in the lab.

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Locke chuckled ."it's an amusing question." started the old echidna."At first, I just took skye in to teach him how to be a better person... but then , His whole family happenned . litteraly. I had no choice but to take them in as well....Not that I mind."


"It's a very good thing ." said Glen."Now, If only I could cast off these clothes on you to have a better look at this swimsuit...."

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"So we just kinda got dropped on you," laughed Harmony. "I'm... glad you don't mind."


"You only need to ask," whispered Ziona.

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"Not really dropped . but I was often wondering what would happen of Skye's family now that we kind of changed his life... Now I have my answer ."

(ooc: Only mina is left, and she is all alone . This ought to drive her mad.)


"Well, I'm not even asking At this point ... I'm begging to have a better view of this wonderful body of yours."

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In the Infirmary Anna put Spark down on one of the ebds, then started to patch up his wounds.


Slowly, Melody was making her way to the kitchen. "Okay. Next time I get a wheelchair with a motor," she muttered to herself.


"Changed it for the bed. For all of us. Even Mother and Father." Harmony suddenly started crying. "Thank you so much."

(ooc: I'm assuming you're meaning future Mina? Though she's pretty much nuts already!)


"Since you put it that way..." Ziona smiled and started walking back to her room.

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"Im sure they're fine, Zamy. Don't you worry. Here they come now" Dylan said to Zamy.

"I'm guessing everything went okay, right?" he then asked Skye and Miles

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"I... think so," said Miles.

"Yes, I'm perfectly alright now," said Miles with a wave of his hand.

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Dylan breathed a sigh of relief

"That's good to hear. So was it the problem or is there more to it?"

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"That's something we'll only find out with time," said Skye.

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"hum...I'm almost tempted to follow you and help you chosing which close wearing...."


And then they started eating like a normal family.

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"I... don't know," said Skye.

"Zamy did say i could stay here," said Miles. "But whether that's still the case after..."


Harmony was enjoy this, for her, new experience, when Melody arrived. "Sorry I'm late everyone," she said apologetically.


"Then why don't you?" said Zamy, leaveing the door open.

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