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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I would summon you one," said Skye, "but my magic is all tied up making sure we don't burn to death."

Miles turned around at Dylan's comment, giving a happy cry of "Zamy! Miles!" before hurrying over towards the two of them.

"There you are," breathed Skye. "Don't disappear think that. I was..." Skye paused when he realised what he was about to say. "...I was worried about you." His tone almost sounded surprised.

"I'm... I'm sorry Zamy. I should have told you. But Dylan didn't think we hand any time to waste," said Miles.

"Wait, you rushed into a dangerous situation headfirst just to help someone?" Skye asked, shocked. Miles expression turned to one of horror when he'd realised what he'd done.


"Really, no hints at all to who was worshiped at all? That's odd for a temple," said Melody

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"Yes, you should have. Now I get the joy of being slow cooked," said Zamy, managing to smile through the heat.


"I think ot's because they've just started work here. I'm sure they'll uncover something."

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Dylan was about to object to Miles saying he was the reason they left without telling anyone but how happy everyone was seeing each other he decided to let it go

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"Er, well," Miles begun, somewhat confused by his own actions and feelings in the situation. "Spark was able to give us this fire forms to protect us. He should be able to do the same for you two. I didn't mean for this to be a cookery lesson," he tried to joke, but still feeling awkward he fumbled the delivery.


"A shame I'm stuck in a wheelchair, otherwise I'd suggest a camping trip," said Melody.

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"Ok, that should work. Glad to see you're all still alive."


"I know. And I don't think they were big on wheelchaor access back then. Do you know how much longer you'll be in it?"

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"That's Zamy. Sorry I worried you," said Miles with a wide grin.


Melody looked down and tired wiggling her toes or moving her leg, but nothing happened. "Everyone is saying weeks. Maybe I'll be out sooner, but... I... I.. don't think I should hold my breath," she said.

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"It's fine. Let's just get this done."


"I see.... I might be able to help you. My counterpart gave me the serum, but it obviously wasn't perfected. If I can work on that I could theoretically use it to repair the nerve damage."

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"Okay. Spark, can you help them out?" asked Miles.


"Really? You think that would work? That's be great," said Melody excited. Then she paused. "Uh... it won't make me look more like Shadow will it," she asked, half-joking.

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Hope laughed. "It shouldn't. It's regenerative, but not something directly linked to Shadow's appearence. And his behaviour is mostly learnt, so you won't start brooding or anything like that."

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"Did either of you tell anyone else we were here?"

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Skye blinked. "Uh... no we didn't. But if we needed I think Zamy could call Ziona right?"


"That's good. I want to keep my cheery attitude. I tried brooding yesterday, didn't like it!" laughed Melody.

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"I think the more help, the better. If she can then it would be helpful. If not, we can just carry on

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"We don't want to drain Spark's power if he's protecting all of us," said Skye.

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"It's the way they'll pay him I'm affraid of....."


"It's over ;..... You can be happy now...we can be happy."

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"That's true" Dylan turned to Spark. "How many of us can you do without draining your power?"

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Miles and Skye waited for Spark's response.


"We?" repeated Harmony, for the first time sounding like the idea appealed to her.


Ziona tried and failed to suppress a giggle.

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"We could wind up having the poor lad drunk of his ass , and pantless .... " Started Honey "But the worse would be .... If they were fanboys..." she shuddered.

"I really don't see any problem ...."

"You don't know what some fans are capable of, glen."


"Yes dear. us."


For those asking themselve where Tikal had been for so long , she was simply following skye around.

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(ooc: We'll assume she was also covered by the heat protection spell.)

Skye turned to Tikal. "Uh... It... could be really dangerous here. Maybe it would be best if you went back."


"Maybe... maybe that wouldn't be so bad," said Harmony. "The others all seem to like it."


"I didn't think Glen was into that kinda thing. Or is it only when drunk?" asked Ziona cheekily.

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"Skye . I'm already dead . The worse that could happen is you joining me in the etheral realm."


"But I wasn't talking about that, Zionna." Said Honey."Some people are jealous of him and wouldn't stop at nothing to break his reputation..."


"we do. And we want you to enjoy it as well."

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"That wouldn't be so bad," said Skye. "But I thought... you were... kinda back alive again?"


"I think... I think I want to," said Harmony slowly.


"Ahh, that makes more sense," said Ziona, then she looked at Glen. "You better be on your best behavior then. After all, if his girlfriend can mistake you for him...."

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"No she has issues , Zionna. Other people were perfectly able to tell the difference . Haven't you seen all the hate-filled look among other things ? They don't like the DEL, and they show it."

Honey pooted, a bit hurt by what glen said.


"Then let's join the other , and spend the day like a real family."


"Skye..I wouldn't want you to die..... I became a part of the master emerald... But I don't think you'd have the same luck..."

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"I don't want to die either Tikal, but you're dodging the question," said Skye.


"Yes, let's do that..... Mom," said Harmony.


"You could have been a bit more tactful Glen," sighed Ziona. "Sorry, I'm not sure if you're Glen is a subtle as a brick through a window too."

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"No he is not. but since he tend to hide what he thinks behind lyrics of nice songs, people tend to let it Go....Sometimes."


"I'm neither, skye."


"Of course , my dear..."

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"Nether...? But... what does that mean... for us?" asked Skye.


Harmony smiled, and began pushing the wheelchair again. "Now, where did everyone go?"


"Sounds like he might have made some enemies," said Ziona

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"Go on and tell me the name of any famous singer who hasn't made any enemy in their carrier."


"It means nothing at all, dear."


"Who know ... In the kitchen I guess?"

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