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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Or maybe that's what he's planning, to get even further into your confidence," grinned Melody.

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"You're fault?" asked Ziona, unsure.

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"Don't try to decrease my confidence in him. It wouldn't be fair on him"

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"Sorry. It's just he... well, Father, used to always encourage me to try and think of every possible avenue of betrayal," said Melody

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"I'm the one pushing you when there is no need to."

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"I don't know, since our songs must be different, you choose one."

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"Your father is no longer here. So you don't have to do that anymore"

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Skye and Miles were still looking at each other. On the screens, 'game over' flashed up. Skye glanced at the message, then back to Miles.

"I think we need to talk," said Skye.

"About... what?" asked Miles, confused, and trying to hide his upset feeling.

"Let's just grab something to eat, the little restaurant bit of the arcade looks quiet, then we'll talk there," said Skye, jumping off the machine. Miles followed.


"Sorry, force of habit. And it was almost like a game we played between us." Melody sniffled slightly. "I can't believe I'm missing him."


"I don't know many songs on the machine either," grinned Melody to Berry. "I do like this one, but it may be a bit too heavy for your tastes."


"You're not pushing me," said Ziona.

(ooc: Had a mad idea RE older Melody's new form. It would cover the 'something going wrong' part without being 'bad' and would solve the issues younger Melody is having. Basically, Skye got the species wrong, so the new form is a fox, not a mongoose. Feel free to shot it down if you don't like it.)

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'"I can't say I understand what your feeling because I don't" Dylan said. "But I hope you can get passed it"

(ooc: Sounds funny. Go for it)

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(let's go even crazier . An echidna or a bat.)

"If you say so, Zionna." Said Glen."back to work then..."

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(I like the idea of her being a fox especially sense Skye and Miles are both foxes and they where the ones creating the body and stuff. That maybe make no sense but the well...)

(Spark tried to stand up on his hind legs but fell backwards) kudunk, owe (he tied to get up but was not thinking of rolling over.) aww man this is stupid...

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Yah but now I fell stupid. (he said rolling over)

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(ooc: Now you're in favor of a species swap Locke??? ;)

Anyway, it wouldn't work this time because

1) Melody is already half-fox and they are using her genetics. And she probably had something like 1 in 10 / 1 in 20 chance of being born a fox anyway. So a slip up making her fox traits dominant instead of her mongoose traits is reasonable. Plus, as Spark pointed out, the two casters were also foxes. In order for her to change into an echidna or bat, either the magic would need to go majorly wrong (which it didn't) or sabotage would need to happen.

2) It would be seriously unfair on the two Melody's. The older doesn't want to be bat/echidna as she's still not sure about the whole new family thing, while it's what the younger one wants. The younger Melody would probably ending up sulking for at least a week, at best, if that happened.)

"I hope I get over it too. I don't really understand why I feel this way either," said Melody to Dylan, then she looked at Spark. "I'm not sure that form was balanced for two legs."


"Okay, let's go then," said Melody grabbing a microphone.


"Yeah," sighed Ziona. "Back to work."

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Berry made an evil smile and sang loudly, making Kayl wake up with a jerk.

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(ooc: As interesting as Locke's would be and as much as I want to favour it, Skye does have a point. No one seems to be planning a sabotage and Melody. Yeah, she'd be be pretty cross about it)

"Perhaps, you should change into a form that supports two legs"

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Zamy lost as she noticed Miles and Skye heading to the cafeteria, and made sure to keep them in her sight, though didn't go after them.

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"Right then Miles," said Skye as he sat down with his tray. "Why are you trying too hard?"

"Trying too hard?" Miles repeated, confused.

"This whole 'wanting to be friends thing'. You're pushing it way too hard," said Skye. "It's rather uncomfortable."

"You mean it's making you not want to be friends," asked Miles worried.

"A little, yeah" Skye confessed. "But mostly I'm wondering why. You aren't exactly the friend type."

Miles was silent for a moment, pushing his chilidog around on the plate.


"Or find something to hold onto why you balance," suggested Melody.


Melody was also singly loudly, grinning ecstatically.

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Kayl woke up, angrily looking at both of them, then jumping and joining their singing.

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Melody handed Kayl a free microphone.

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