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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zamy was leaning against the wall, thinking about the situation.


Gaining little more information, Shadow got up from the computer and headed down the dark, frozen hall. Coming to a sealed door, he cut through it with a chaos spear as before, but immediately had to jump back afterwards before it crushed him. Inside he could see little signs of any disturbance, but noticed a large device in the centre of the room with the appearence of a generator.

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"I'm sorry. But given all previous meetings with A Miles, I'm not quite ready to trust him personally. If you trust him with it, then go for it. I will support your decision"

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"I see," said Melody.

"By the time I'd know if I trust him or not, we could have made you several bodies," said Skye.

"You're both right. We can't trust him...But... I do know him," said Melody. She turned and called out "Miles, would you come here please."

"Melody..." began Skye.

"He's not gonna try anything Skye. If he is faking, it's not worth the risk," said Melody.

Miles turned when he heard Melody calling. "I'll, uh, be right back," he said to Anna.

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"That's... Actually a good point"

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"I'm not just a pretty face, y'know," laughed Melody.

"What is it?" asked Miles as he walked up, looking between Melody and Skye.

"I want you to help in making my new body," said Melody.

"You... what?" replied Miles, stunned. "I... can't believe you'd trust me with something like this." Miles smiled happily. Skye didn't have the heart to say anything.

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(spark walked underneath the box and helped hold it up) you guys forget about me. (he said a little hurt.)

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Berry and Kayl giggled when melody told them about Locke

"Uh, we apologize for intruding, but is something bothering you, guardian Locke?" Berry asked.

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"I didn't forget Spark. I just thought you were busy practicing," said Skye. "Thank's for your help."

"And yes, I'll help out too," said Miles enthusiastically.


Melody waited to see what Locke would say.

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"Of course we wouldn't forget about you Spark. Thanks. And also, thank you Miles for wanting to help too"

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"No problem. I'm...um... happy to help," said Miles.

"Shall we get this thing shifted?" asked Melody.

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"Oh ? I'm not busy , thank for asking ." Answered Locke.


"How bad is this getting , dear ?" Asked glen.


"Well, saved by the bell , I'd say."Said Red to Anna.

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"Okay everyone. Get ready. On three. 1... 2... 3!" said Skye


"You just seem to be... concerned Dad," said Melody.


Anna giggled. "I never thought I'd say this to you, but you need to be more careful!"


"How bad?" repeated Ziona. "For us, not really, but I really shouldn't shirk my duties as much as I am. For Zamy..." Ziona sighed. "I just don't know. Part of me is wondering if she's deliberately trying to stay with Miles, and another thinks that's absurd. I think... she definitely cares about him."

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At '3' Dylan started trying to lift it up

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"Let's hope having her memories warped haven't changed her in some way ." Said glen, holding Ziona against him. "I feel like I'm the lucky one around here... I mean, everyone haven has a problem or another... But not us."


"the whole situation is making me feeling concerned , melody."Said locke."I have every reason in the world to be worried."


"Yes , mommy, I'll be extra careful." (Ooc: last time I had a character saying this in an Rp , she ended up beaten up and thrown in jail...))

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"I thought everything was sorted out?" Kayl asked, worried.

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"I almost lost a son , and two daughter."Said locke."And knuckles... Is nowhere to be seen. "

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Skye and Miles also lifted, those Miles legs bucked at the effort and he feel over.


"But you didn't Dad. And I'm sure Knuckles is fine. Don't worry," said Melody.


Anna laughed. "Shouldn't that be the other way round? I am being raised by an older you after all!"


"I didn't see any changes, though I don't know her that well. But Glen... we do have problems... It's just we have each other to help keep those problems at bay."

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"You okay?" Dylan asked Miles, struggling to keep hold of it

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"Still... a little weak," said Miles getting to his feet.

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"Are you joking Zionna ? My life has been nothing but improvement over improvement ." Said glen."and then, you came , like the icing on the fruitcake ."


"Oh dear me .... Already in my forties , and still having to take care of you .... One would think you'd grow up after all this time." Red laughed.


"And then there is you melody." Said locke.

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"Me?" asked Melody


"Oh, where would be the fun in that?" grinned Anna. "You did know you'd always need to keep an eye on me, right?"


"Oh, I'm not arguing with that," said Ziona. "But we still need to be careful. That's all."

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"Sorry to hear that. But some help would be nice, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep hold of this"

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"Sorry," said Miles, trying to take ahold of it again. Skye and Melody were still holding on.

"Let's just start moving," said Skye.

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