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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That would be great, but Doctor's orders are I shouldn't be moved for a day or so. Then I get a wheelchair so I'll have a bot of freedom," said Melody

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"I think we can search online for one. It should be easier than trekking round the town."

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Melody was about to ask Berry a couple of questions then realized, because they related to her past, which she'd been banished from, they might upset Berry.

So what kind of interests do you have. Maybe there is something we can do together despite me being immobile," she asked instead.


"Good idea. Can we get one close to a park, or a forest, or something like that?" asked Miles.

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Berry felt Melody's urge and said, "it's okay... You can ask questions if you want."

Oh,,, ummm....

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"I was just wondering what you life was like. But if you don't want to talk about it..." said Melody.

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"I'm okay, it's quite funny when I think about it, to be honest."

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"Really, how so?" asked Melody.

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"Miss Ziona made lucifer a joke, my brother is now settled without worrying about me. I don't have any boyfriend now, so I'm a free girl." She winked

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Alright hay so I gotta a semi-problem. I need help breaking into a industrial DNA building back in my zone but if your gonna be busy tomorrow I can ask some other people. (Spark said focusing on welding.)

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"Wait, you're gonna do what?" asked Skye. "Why?"


Melody laughed. "That's the best way to be," she said, holding out her hand for a high five.


"Great, " said Miles, straining to get a look at the PDA screen.

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There making clones of my sister. That why I got this bandage on. One of them attacked me and well I almost didn't make it...

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"Here's a nice one. 2 bedroom penthouse apartment, 5 minutes from the park. Looks great, plenty of amenities."

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"I can't see him doing any favouritism here. Unless it involves Tikal, but that's a whole different matter"

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"A crush, on him ? He is way too young for my taste dear."


Locke stayed silent again. Playing a role of silent warden.

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"Sounds like a good enough reason to me," said Skye. "You help me get Melody her new body, I'll help you bust that cloning plant. Deal?"


"I haven't really seen what everyone complains about so far with those two," said Melody.


"Sounds good. And the pictures make it look nice. if we can trust them," said Miles.


Anna smiled. "Fair enough. I was just hoping someone could distract him away from me."

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"Good. You don't want to. But you probably will in time"

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Melody laughed. "Everyone acts as if it some kind of evil abomination!"


"Yep. What are we waiting for?" asked Miles enthusiastically.

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Really thanks, should be done in a couple minutes. (he said finishing the last corner.)

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Zamy activated her teleporter and they appeared outside the front door of the building. "It's an open visit but hopefully it won't be busy. This place sure looks fancy, I feel like I should be dressed up," she said as she headed inside.

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"I wouldn't go THAT far, but it can be pretty bad" Dylan said. "It looks like your box is finished, shall we go look?"

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"Cool. You can do magic right Spark? Have you any skill with summoning and transformation without using fire?" asked Skye.


"Sure, though I think Skye still needs to put the sigils on," said Melody


"Maybe you should have come in uniform," joked Miles. "But don't worry, I suspect even in the Prime Zone if you have enough money they won't care." He looked around. "It seems quite quiet at the moment. And so... clean..."

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"Well I have my badge if it helps, and I know. I could get used to this," she replied as she stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor

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