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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah... that's a fair point. You shouldn't have to do any here. I doubt Locke would allow you anyway"

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Melody smiled. "I hope not. It'll be nice just to... have a life. Just just be a weapon to be pointed at people."


"So Skye and the rest of them progressed through his mind, battling my Father's attempts on the way, and it was also slowly piecing Skye's memories back together. Though," Melody gulped. "I did have to relive my death again. Only... this time Locke caught me before I hit the ground. And then, when they met Red and Crowley working along side Father, Shadow revealed they had an experimental machine at GUN that could take people out of dreams. So they swapped sides, and together they were able to defeat Father, and Skye managed to seal him inside his mind. Then, as Skye woke up, Red jumped into Locke's head and Crowley jumped into Shadow's. Which did freak my brother out somewhat when they woke as those other personalities could take control of their hosts."

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"Okay.." Berry said.

(Ooc: I say you end it now, since this is getting lengthy, I'll read this joke live XD )

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(ooc: It's a little long to read live)

"Yeah. So will you stay?"

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(ooc: understatement Dylan!!!)

"I.. don't know yet... Maybe I'll give this family thing a try," said Melody.


"This... is getting a bit long... Okay, let me try and summarise the bits with my family circumstances...." said Melody.

"Okay, so, they used the machine to get me, Red and Crowley out. Locke and Red decided to adopt Skye and me. Two Zone cops tried to arrest us, but instead were persuaded just to act as parole officers. One of them, Zet, made a deal with Shadow to get rid of Nega, the bad guy waging war on the Zone Cops. Shadow got Mina, my future mother from THIS point in time, to do the job. In returned, she'd get to copy Shadow's powers to herself. The job was done but the ritual was interrupted, making it go a bit wrong, which is why Mina now has black fur and red hair. Time got a little messed up too for Skye and me (we later protected ourselves from paradoxes) so I've got black fur and Skye crimson."

"So Miles and Mina, from this time, are curious why Shadow called on Mina. They come to investigated, and when Mina saw Skye and I, and learned the kind of person she'd be in the future... It... broke her... completely. All her confidence was just shattered, and she became... all meek and quiet. And took a new name. She's now Anna, my... Sister."

"Miles tried a couple of time to kidnap her, convinced we'd done some horrible mind control stuff to her. Now it seems though that Miles has been kinda broken too."

Melody paused.

"I think that's the main points as far as my family goes, except a new me, who didn't die in that fall, has shown up... Boy, I've skipped over a lot"

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(ooc: Shush!)

"I'm sure Skye would very much appreciate that" Dylan said smiling

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"Maybe. But he already has me in the family, in a way," said Melody

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"Double the number is double the fun" Dylan said trying to joke. "But seriously, you seem to think he would be less interested in you since there's already another Melody. However, since you two are technically the same person, don't you think the other Melody would be thinking the same thing, perhaps to higher extent. And the truth is you're both wrong. I'm sure I can speak for Skye on this one that he would be extremely happy to have you two as his sisters"

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"Thank's... I guess," said Melody to Berry


"I know she's thinking the same thing Dylan. That's why she had that whole 'new body' freak out. And why I'm not so sure about staying. I suppose it does depend on Skye. If I think he favoring me over the other me,..."

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"Yes?" asked Melody, thinking Berry was about to ask her something. "You can say anything. I won't be offended."

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"No... I just don't know what to say now," Berry looked down.

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"I think you got the main points." said Locke.



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"Oh, okay. But you don't need to be upset over it Berry," said Melody. "And no problem Zamy!" she called.

Miles followed Zamy out.

"Heh, he's following her like a puppy," laughed Melody as he left,


"Being secretive again? Oh well, maybe you'll be more chatty after you sleep. Though, before you go..." Anna leaned in and whispered quietly. "Do you have a crush on Miles?"

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"Good idea Zamy," said Miles with a grin. "I'm guessing in this Zone you just don't just boot the inhabitants out of a house you want," he asked jokingly.

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"And to think he used to be a bad guy," said Melody shaking her head. "So Berry, you're staying with us now?" she asked.

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Zamy laughed. "No we don't. We need to find a place to rent. Somewhere nice, given the money you have. Buying would be a bit too costly, but that's fine."

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"Great. I would show you round properly, but, er..." said Melody, pointing at her unmoving legs.


"So where do we find where free places are?" asked Miles.

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