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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Wow? Seriously?" asked Melody.

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Melody laughed. "I guess you're right, though yesterday was fairly quiet. Oh, you were hear about some tracker things?"

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"Well, I guess I'm going to lay down for a while then..."


Glen was outside, waiting.


As for locke , the poor man couldn't do much right now.

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"Yep. You'll have some trouble finding me if you can't get between zones"

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"That's cheating!" joked Melody to Dylna.


Melody glanced at Locke. "Something wrong Dad?" she asked.

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"It's not cheating. It's using what's available to me"

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Berry listened intensely, "oh, you seem busy..." She said when melody stopped.

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"Depends on how you define the rules," grinned Melody to Dylan.


"I'm not busy Berry. This'll only take a second, then I can get to the story. Uh, where was I...?" she wondered as she held out her arm for Zamy.


Anna looked at Red. "Lie down? Are my jibes getting to you?"

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"No, it's okay really, Miss uh...?" Berry looked, clueless.

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"No problem," said Melody to Zamy cheerfully. "And good luck getting a new place you two," she added to both Zamy and Miles before turning back to Berry.

"As yes," said Melody. "Well, Tikal showing up caused Skye to hesite, which meant that rather than escaping with the Emerald, Locke, Knuckles, Sahdow, Dylan and Cheerleader all showed up before he could steal it, and they, erm... derided to have a party. Which the descended into a massive fight. Skye used this distraction to activate the Syphon Station, but his actions caused the fight to abruptly end as everyone turned on him. They destroyed the syphon, then Locke and Shadow... er... kinda.. beat Skye rather badly. But, somehow, that managed to break through his insanity, letting part of the old Skye out. Locke to pity on him, and took Skye back to Haven."

"Though, Skye was convinced it was all an evil trick, and was already planning to betray Locke."

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"Uh... Cheerleader? Party? Interesting, oh my." Berry said, while listening too story.


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"Apparently Knuckles got drunk at the party and jumped off Angel Island into the sea," added Melody.

(ooc; And I am NOT making any of this up!!!)

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"... The guardian?" Berry asked, astonished since she had a great respect for them.

"...Kayl is gonna love this..."

(Ooc: you're making my day, trust me!)

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(ooc: I completely forgot about that! :D )

"Well, since the rules were not defined, I had to make my own judgements on them"

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"Finally, someone who uses their own head," said Melody.


"I guess he'd had a hard day," said Melody to Berry. "And I really don't think the Guardain's are meant to use the Master Emerald as a sound ssytem either... I think Tikal enjoyed being a DJ though... But anyway...

So, Skye is in Haven believing that Locke is plotting something. Meanwhile, Dylan's world was causing problems. His world was infected with a Were-hog curse; every night it's inhabitants turned into mindless monsters. And portals between his world and this one had started opening. I think Shadow played a game of cat and mouse with one were-hog. So Dylan and Shadow begin investigating this, with Locke overseeing communication from Haven. Skye was 'helping' Locke, but was really playing around on a wheeled chair."

"Which he promptly fell off of, and banging his head. Resulting in a case of temporary amnesia."

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"Finally?" Dylan asked somewhat amused

(ooc: Just a random question, how does Melody know this? She wasn't there at the time. Or was it explained to her?)

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"I've know a lot of... unimaginative people in my profession," said Melody.

(ooc: She kinda was, remember, she was inside Skye's head, and is formed by his memories. Plus Skye would have filled in some of the gaps off screen)

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(ooc: Fair enough)

"Huh, well you'll find less of it here. Catching anyone here might be more difficult than who you usually catch"

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"I haven't slept in two day, i could use a beauty sleep, dear."


Locke simply listened.

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"Actually, I'm hoping to do no catching now. I never did enjoy the... outcome..." said Melody hesitantly.


"With Skye's memories gone," continued Melody, "The Were-hog mission was called off as everybody fawned over my brother. And then the mission was back on again, as Skye, despite his memory loss, made a scanner to do sciencey stuff with the were-hogs, so Shadow and Dylan went to test it. Unfortunately, it turned out someone had sabotaged the scanner, but Dylan was the one using it and for some reason was unaffected. Everybody came back to Haven, and while they were looking at the data Skye fell asleep."

"And it turned out my Father had a backup plan. He had stored part of his essence in a magic amulet that he'd placed on Skye, and while Skye was sleeping this part of Father invaded Skye's head in a dream and tried to take him over. Thankfully, Locke, Shadow and Dylan were drawn into the dream as well. That was where the sabotage to the scanner came from, part of Father's essence slowly taking Skye over. And this is were I came in. You see, inside Skye's head I was... still alive... A collection of memories working off Skye's subconscious. There were two others also trapped in Skye's head, but unlike me they weren't memories, but actually pensioners sealed in there by Father. And that was Red and Crowley."


"You haven't... what have you been doing?" asked Anna

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