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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Grab a bright torch and a magnifying glass. Hold on Melody. We'll fix you," said Skye as he knelt down next to her.


"I, well, uh....." Miles was blushing slightly. "I'd really like a chillidog with extra cheese. Or several. I haven't had any since we found out about the Prime Zone...."

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Dylan went and quickly grabbed a torch, which he turned on, and magnifying glass and brought them over to Skye

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Skye set to work, asking Dylan to hold the torch and the occasional tool as he worked away. It wasn't difficult work, but it was delicate.

"Almost there... Don't try to move or talk yet Melody, it could cause problems with the repairs."


"That'd be great!" exclaimed a delighted Miles. Despite what Zamy had said about not being stuck in the cell, Miles had assumed he wouldn't be allowed to leave Haven. So heading out for a meal sounded, at this moment in time, like bliss to him. It even drove away the embarrassment he'd been feeling.

'Just as long as we don't run into any of the Freedom Fighters' he thought to himself.

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Dylan did as Skye asked throughout the repairs happy that he got to help

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"That should be it," said Skye as he sealed the final connection. "Melody, can you move? Or at least talk."

Melody tried moving her arm and, while it responded, it felt stiff and slow to her.

"I... I can," she said slowly, he voice slightly slurred. She looked at her brother, her movements lethargic. "Skye..."

Skye leaned forward and hugged his sister tightly. Slowly, she returned the hug.

"It's good to see you Melody. I thought you were...."

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Dylan said nothing. This was a moment between a brother and sister which he didn't want to ruin

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"I practically am Skye," replied Melody.

"What? But..."

"I'm trapped Skye. This body is half dead. I can't move it with these cybernetics. I can hardly feel anything. I'm practically a walking corpse," said Melody.

"Don't say that. Never say that Melody," said Skye firmly. Melody grabbed his hand.

"I can't feel it Skye," she said, holding up his hand.


Miles looked around, hoping no one was looking at the suddenly appearing pair.

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"Melody, your not dead now and your not going to die anytime soon. Skye thought he lost you and now your back, you are not going to make him lose you all over again"

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"I'm not dead, but I'm not living. This isn't life. Father... he promised me a new body," said Melody. Skye stiffened at that, guessing what his father had got in mind.

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"Then we'll do everything we can to make it that new body you want. To give you life"

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(Spark sighed) look I need to, I've got to destroy the place where they cloned my sister. It's very important that I do it puts you guys in more danger because if another one attacks and if I hesitate like that again you guys could...

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"You'll help me get a new body?" asked Melody, sounding a little surprised.


"Okay, I understand that. But there was no need to be so sneaky and sinister about it," said Anna letting Spark go.

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Yah except for the fact that there are alot of guards really dangerous blah bla blah. Stuff like that (he said getting back up)

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"I was meaning being sneaky about us. Being sneaky around the base, that makes sense. Though, you weren't being very effectively sneaky. Want some tips?" Anna offered.

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Zamy had put them in a fairly secluded spot. She then looked around for an appropriate vendor.

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Glen simply went to see Zionna. "So, how you doing now ?"


During all that time , Tikal was silently following skye.


Locke was still busy repair things here and there on heaven thank to everyone's destructive tendencies.


Sabre was busy healing Everyone still on a bed.

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Melody looked behind Skye to see Tikal.

"Is that your girlfriend Skye?" she asked. Skye turned, a little surprised that Tikal had followed them down here.

"Yes. Her name's Tikal. Melody, Tikal. Tikal, Melody. Wait, how did you know I had a girlfriend?" skye asked.

"I overheard." She gave a little laugh. "My little brother's grown up! Nice to meet yo Tikal."


In her room, the other Melody was looking around board. Then she remembered that she still had one of her book with her, so settled down to read.


"There's one," said Miles, as he spotted a vendor after looking around. "C'mon." He grabbed Zamy's hand and began running towards it, then stopped. "I must apologise. I got a little carried away there," Miles said a little embarrassed, and sounding more like his previous self.


"Better thanks," said Zonia. "I've been patched up and had my arm set. And the painkillers are kicking in. How are you holding up?"

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"I'm fine .you took most of the shot after all." said Glen.


"So, you are skye's oldest sister ? I'm hapy to meet you as well Melody."

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"I'm sure everyone else will be happy to meet you properly too once your ready. And yes, we will help you get a new body"

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Melody gave a small smile that steadily grew bigger. "Thank you... I think I heard Skye say Dylan?" she said, then turned to Tikal.

"Yes I am, but I should be 'only', not oldest." Melody looked at Skye. "What's going on. Why do you have another sister and... it sounded like another me? Why are you red? What happened to Father? Why are you back in time?"

"Uh, well, I still don't know the answer to the last one, but as for the rest..." Skye sighed. "Sit down, it's a long story," he said. "Before we start, are you hungry? You might need something to keep you going through the tale."

"I... don't know Skye. I can't tell anymore if I'm hungry or thirsty. I suppose I am, it's been a while since I ate," Melody replied. Skye looked upset at her explanation, but concentrated for a moment and a tray of food appeared in his hands.

"Here you go."

"Wow Skye! You cast that without gestures or incantations or anything!" said Melody impressed.

"When you're stuck for years in a place with no food or water you tend to get good at certain skills," said Skye. Melody looked at him with pity, only to see the same looked mirrored in his eyes towards her. "As I said, it's a long story," Skye said as he began to explain to Melody everything that had happened.


"Good. it's hard enough to keep you out of trouble!" joked Ziona.

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Dylan nodded when Melody asked if he was Dylan then listened to Skye's tale of events

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"Well you said you haven't eaten for a while, so i can't blame you for being eager," replied Zamy before getting Miles his food and passing it to him.

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"...and there we are," said Skye as he finished. Melody was just staring at him.

"If it wasn't for the fact you're ear's weren't twitching, I'd never have believed a word of it," said Melody. "Can I... meet... myself?"


"It's just embarrassing acting so childishly," said Miles, as he took his food. He made a quick 'yum!' then began tucking in, relishing every bite.

"fank's famy!" he said through a mouthful of chilidog.

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