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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan came for a closer examination

"So I guess that means we won't be seeing her again. Good riddance"

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"I said 'might'. Those kinda things are normally deeply ingrained. Just the way she fell and is lying there made me think it could be a possibility. I was just aiming to destroy her accompaniments of everything she learned."

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"I don't care what you did to her as long as she doesn't come back" Dylan said before giving thought to it. "Actually, you should've erased her name. Make her forget she was ever called by the name Miles. So that Miley feels like her true name even though she knows it isn't. And if she ever hears her name was once Miles, she will feel no connection towards it. Like its just another random name. That's something you should've done to her. She would deserve it"

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"Oh, I was tempted to do something like that," said Skye to Dylan. "But I don't really have the skill to pull it off, at least not quickly." He went silents and pondered for a bit. "I could curse her, so that no one is actually able to call her Miles."

Miley was slowly pushing herself back up, shaking her head as if that would somehow bring her knowledge back.

How could you do this to me? You're my son. You were meant to do as I order. Not turn on me," she said.

"But then you were always disappointed in me as a son," said Skye calmly. "You always said I was nothing like you. Did you ever think..." Skye leaned and whispered something in Miley's ear.

"You little rat! You're not my son!" shouted Miles. Skye smiled, and suddenly seemed relaxed.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that," he said happily. "Admittedly, I'd hoped to hear it in you original voice, but this will do."

Skye walked away, no longer caring about the fox behind him. Miley, given the final reminder of her transformation, gave an insane, ear splitting scream.

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"Cursing her like that sounds good too" Dylan said before covering his ears from the scream

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"I don't need to now. She doesn't matter to me anymore," said Skye. "Unless you really insist."

Skye walked over to where Miles was siting, and sat down next to him, to the other Fox's surprise.

"I... misjudged you. I'm sorry," said Skye.

"W-what?" asked a surprised Miles in response.

"I have an idea of what took place here. It would have been a fantastic opportunity to flee. And yet, you're still here," explained Skye.

"Yeah, I am," Miles replied a little uneasy, not entirely sure why he hadn't tried to run. "I'm sorry too Skye."

"For what?" Now it was Skye's turn to be surprised.

"For... For what I did to you. I mean, what I would do to you. I only got a sample of it, but to go through that every day of your life. Not even Scourge was that bad," said Miles.

"You're not him," said Skye. It was a simple sentence, but it had multiple meanings for both boys.

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The Zone Cop closest to Miley clutched his ears in pain. Zamy breathed a sigh of relief at Miles and Skye being civil for once.

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Miles looked at his feet. There were several things he wanted to say to Skye, but didn't feel now was quite the time. Instead...

"I heard what you and Dylan were saying about cursing her..." Miles said slowly.

"You want to do that?" asked Skye.

"I would, but I've over-drained my magic already. Much more and it could start killing me." Skye blinked at Miles being so open about how vulnerable he was.

"Well, I could channel some power while you cast the curse," said Skye. "But I'm not sure of the Zone Cops would go for it." Skye turned and saw Zamy. "I think we're being watched."

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"I'd appreciate it if you didn't curse the prisoner. We've got enough things to deal with as it is," said Zhadow.

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"Oh, uh. Okay then," said Miles, not feeling as disappointed as he expected. Miley's scream had descended into somewhere between laughing and crying.

"They'll pay. They can't know me. Everyone who knew me, I'll make them forget. I'll make them disappear. I'll wipe their Zones clean. I'll start again.. Build up a new kingdom to rule. Where they won't know who I am," she muttered to herself in an unstable voice.

"She's flipped," commented Miles.

"I know how she feels," muttered Skye, causing Miles to shoot him a sideways glance. "Let's get out of here."

Miles turned to Zamy. "Can we go back now please?"

"You WANT to go back to your cell?" asked Skye.

"As longs as one of the cop's are watching me, I'm allowed out," said Miles, a little uncertainly, given he still wasn't sure where he stood with Skye. Skye cocked his head and looked at Miles.

"What made you such a 'good-little boy'?" asked Skye, slightly confused. Miles looked down at his boots.

"He... he tortured Zamy, yet she didn't give me up. Even though it was essentially ME doing the torturing. I've... never had someone do that for me before."

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Zhadow cringed when he heard Miley yelling. "But if you want to, I won't stop you. Looks like she's going to the madhouse anyway given that outburst," he elaborated.

"Sure thing Miles, I can take you both back if you want," said Zamy.

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Spark walked out of the infirmary very suspiciously. for sure what he was going to do.)

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Miles looked back at Miley, who was now cackling to herself.

"Uh... I don't actually want to go close to her now. I think she'd bite me. Besides, I think at this stage we can't really do any more damage." He turned back to Zamy.

"I'm ready to go," he said.

"Me too," added Skye. "I better get back to Melody."


Anna watched Spark leave, then went to follow.

"And where are you going? Seriously, you need to work on your nonchalant walk," she spoke up.

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Zamy nodded and teleported them both back to the cell block after waving goodbye to Zhadow.

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"Thank's Zamy. I better get to the infirmary," said Skye as he hurried off.

"Uh, is there somewhere I can clean myself up before getting something to eat?" Miles asked Zamy.


Anna sighed, then ran after him, her super speed allowing her to keep up.

"What are you up to Spark? Tell me or I'll throw a bucket of water over you!"

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(Spark didn't stop. Passing the cell block. He couldn't find the exit.)

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"Huh, what was...?" muttered Skye as Spark and Anna shot past.

"Darn it Spark," cried Anna, as she leapt towards him, hoping to tackle him to the ground.

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"I don't really know the layout of this place, but I can have a look for you. They must have more signs somewhere."

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"Okay Zamy, we'll see if we can find a map," said Miles. "And Zamy, uh, I realised... I didn't say thank you... for not giving me up. I... just, thank you."

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Spark fell to the ground trying to push him self up but fell back down from being landed on by Anna.)

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"Right then Spark, what's with the running and the silent treatment? We're friends, you can tell me," said Anna.

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"I couldn't live with myself if I'd let that monster get a hold of you," replied Zamy.

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Dylan took one last look at Miley before teleporting back to the infirmary

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