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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Let's do that ." And the group moved onward.

On the way, Glen was busy trying to rig up his old transmittor .


""Yummy."Said Both Red in Delight .


"He isn't gone far ."Said Spectre,"After all, he is trying to track us down . but as for the book, just do as you wish."

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Anna smiled and sat back down in her chair. Skye enthusiastically picked up his cutlery.

'Yeah, it was pretty fast. Maybe the kitchen staff just wanted to impress our three batty companions? Or do ya think it's something sinnnnnnister?' thought Melody as she also returned to her seat.

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"No I doubt it was anything sinister. It could be to impress them, or maybe they're looking for a good tip."

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"And now, Let's enjoy this delicious meal" Said Locke.

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"Yay, good idea," said Skye, then he turned to Tikal. "Do you still want to share a little of our meals?"

'I'll go for the tip option,' thought Melody as she sat down. 'Or maybe they just want to get to the cake surprise as well.'

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"Good point," thought Hope as she began to eat her meal, as did her co workers.

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"Thanks," said Skye, as he set up a couple of side plates.

'As long as they haven't forgotten the cake!' thought Melody, as she poked curiously as the fish dish she'd chosen in a rush. 'What IS this?' she wondered in her head.

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"I'm sure they remembered, and it just looks like battered fish. You should like it."

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'Battered? You mean they took a hammer to it? Oh, wait, you mean the stuff covering it!' though Melody as she realised what Hope meant.

"You two haven't fallen out have you," Skye asked, looking at Melody and Hope. "You're hardly speaking to each other."

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"Maybe they are so close to each other they don't need words to communicate."Said Tikal.

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Hope laughed in her head.."Yeah it's the stuff on the outside. Taking a hammer to meat is tenderising it. People do it with steak."

"Well there just isn't that much to talk about at the moment," she said outloud.

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Skye raised an eyebrow and looked at Tikal. "I doubt they're that close."

Melody laughed in her head as well, trying not to let it show as Skye had spoken. Then a image of Rosy working as a chief in a kitchen mashing steaks with her hammer popped into her head. 'Sorry', she apologised to Hope.

"We've done a lot of chatting today Skye. Now we just wanna enjoy dinner."

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"You've nothing to apologise for. I'm guessing she's Amy's Moebian counterpart?"

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'If this Amy is a crazy hammer-obsessed pink hedgehog with an obsession for other hedgehogs, then yes' though Melody as she began eating her fish. 'Mmm, this is nice. Maybe with some sauce though.' She began trying out the different dips it had come with.

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"Amy's not crazy. She used to chase Sonuc around and does use a hammer, but she's not violent or off the wall like this Rosy girl. If anything she's an upbeat optimist, with an almost frightening faith in Shadow to do the right thing given they aren't exactly well known to each other. I wonder what her other alternates are like. I bet somewhere there's probably an Amy trying to avoid the advances of an amorous Sonic."

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"Sometimes , we get surprises ."Said Tikal, Smiling ."Wanna try a bit of what I have ?"

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"I suppose," conceded Skye. After all, with some of the crazy stuff that had happened, two people becoming close friends quickly wasn't exactly unreasonable.. "And sure thing. You wanna try a bit of mine too?"

Melody almost burst out laughing at hope's last though, managing to make it look like she'd swallowed a bit of fish to fast. 'I bet the hammer come in very useful then!'

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Hope laughed internally as well. "Yes I imagine it goes something like 'but Amy I love y-' whack!"

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'We have GOT to find her and introduce her to your Amy', Melody thought.

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"Oh no, no more zone hopping. I want my feet kept firmly planted here. Knowing our luck we'd stumble across the cannibal zone or something." joked Hope.

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Again, Melody had to struggle not to laugh out loud. 'Maybe we could just said an invite?' she thought. 'But yeah, our Zone trips don't tend to go well. At least you missed the were-hogs!'

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Sonic shook again. "No, Amy...zzzz...no date...zzzz...." he said in his sleep.

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Ziona crossed her arms and looked at the sleeping Sonic.

"You know Berry, I've heard if you tell a semi-conscious person something, it's a bit like hypnosis. It'll worm it's way into their subconscious and they'll act upon it when they wake."

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