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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Berry giggled, "Well, I used to have so many girl friends and we used to play games and all. Lord, I'd miss that! They might be worried, or maybe happy since someone else might get to win." Berry laughed at that, "but really, I wish there was a way I could explain my people."

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Skye quickly got changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts.


'Perhaps...' Melody started to think, then jumped as the door opened, but no one came through.


Anna was still waiting in the main room. "Red?" she asked her friend. "You okay? You seem kinda quiet."


"We should head back," said Ziona. "I think we lost her anyway!

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Tikal was finally done with showering and left the bathroom back in her old clothes.


"Oh? Sorry, I was a bit out of this world for a second." said Young red.


"Well, the door is open, we might as well." Said Glen.


Locke smiled back.

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"You've changed back," commented Skye as Tikal returned. He beamed at her. "You know, seeing you in modern clothes is nice, but I don't think you can look more lovely than you do right now."


Melody closed the door again.

'That was weird,' she thought. 'Are you getting changed for the meal?'


Anna laughed. "Don't say that!" she joked, "You're already in one!"


"Doesn't look as if we've missed anything," said Ziona as she re-entered the penthouse.

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'Well, you could choose one of my dresses and then we could magic it to fit?' offered Melody

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"Oh gosh, you are so right ." Said Red before laughing.


Tikal blushed at Skye's remark."Please, I'm going to get even more red than usual."


"And I'm ok with that." Said Glen."I don't feel like being out of the picture this time around."

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"It's fine, I'll be more comfortable in these. I've only been wearing them for about half an hour."

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Skye laughed. "But I think it makes you look cute," he said.


'If you're sure,' replied Melody. 'Seems a waste of an opportunity though.'


"So which world were you in?" Anna asked.


"I suppose so," replied Ziona

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"If you must insist, I'm on my way," rhought Hope as she got up and headed to Melody's room.

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'Only if you want to! I don't want to force you into anything!' thought Melody.

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Glen simply smiled.


"This one" Said RED.



Tikal smiled again.

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"C'mon, let's join the others," said Skye, offering Tikal his hand.


"Do you... do you want to stay?" asked Anna.

Ziona, who was close enough to hear, gave a small, almost inaudible groan.

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'Cool. I'm sure they'll be something you'll like,' thought Melody as she opened the door.

"Hi Hope," she said aloud, trying to put a slight edge of surprises into her voice. "Do you wanna come in?"

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"Well, let's see.... This one is quite close to what you were wearing in the dream world at the coronation," said Melody as she held it up, a sight sigh in her mind at the fact her coronation had only been a dream. "What do you think?"

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Berry looked through the window, then noticed Glen and Ziona retuned, "Oh dear! I was worried for the both of you, where were you two?" And then turned to the window again, "I feel something is gonna happen."

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Tikal happilly took Skye's hand .


"I.... No Anna." Said Young Red Sadly ."Even if it'd be great. I can't ....."


Glen patted Zionna's ."Stop worrying will you? Or else , no hugs tonight ."He then saw Berry."Looks like our squirrel is back home."

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"Yeah." Berry smiled though they couldn't see that since she was looking the other side, "I am sorry, Mr Glen, if I was rude while I left." And then she tuned around, "but where were you?"

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Skye walked out of the room with Tikal and looked around. "I doesn't look like everyone is ready yet. Hello! A new face!"


"Great. If you put it on, then we'll see where we need to re-size it to fit perfectly," said Melody.


"You... can't?" asked Anna


"I'll try, but it's difficult when our new friend convinced something bad will happen," she said to Glen. "Oh, and we just went for a walk Berry."

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