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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh really?" She said as she went outside sighing. Berry wasn't used to 'divorce' talks after what her father did to her mother in the talk of divorce.

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"What? you seem down all of a sudden ..." Said Glen.

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"Huh?" Berry looked at Glen, with a semi sad and confused face, "Nothing really" she tried to change the topic, "what's the time?"

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"Obviously something is wrong cutie." Said Glen."Was this about what lara-lee said to you ?"

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"It's nothing." Berry turned around so Glen couldn't see her while her eyes went moist. "I'll have another walk until the dinner is ready." She said.

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"Alright...." Said Glen. he knew he couldn't help someone who didn't want to be helped in the first time." Where can we find you when it'll be time?"

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"Umm... I guess I'll come by then... And if I don't, guys just go on without me." Berry said as she left.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"I see." said glen.He then turned toward Zionna."We better keep an eye on this girl." he said Quietly, in a way that only Zionna would hear."There is something off with her...."

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Berry went and after walking a bit, sat under a tree and cried to her heart's content. Then she wiped away what's left of her tears and randomly walked around, "These people are so nice, I wish nothing bad happens to them, at least not what may happen with me."

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Locke was looking from afar. It appeared that this girl was in more trouble than she was letting out.

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Skye slowly woke up, turning on his back he gazed up at the ceiling, thinking.


Anna stood there looking a bit confused as she was about to introduce herself to the squirrel girl who had suddenly wandered off.

"Don't worry about it," said Melody. "We've still plenty of time before dinner. I'm gonna get changed." Melody slipping into their room.


"That might be a good idea Glen," agreed Ziona.

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"Skye?"Asked Tikal, who was near him.


"yes, I think so. I just hope she Isn't hiding something Big to us." Said Glen.

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"You're awake!" said Skye, turning his head to look at her.


"Oh, she almost certainly is," said Ziona as she slipped into her room to pick up her gauntlet. "So we best be prepared."

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"Yes I am." Said Tikal gently."Why not ?"


"If only things could be calm for one night .... oh well." Said Glen, holstering his sidearm in an hidden part of his vest."At least we are ready."

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"I thought you might have dozed off like I did," replied Skye. "I was trying to get back to that dream I had. Didn't work!"


In her room Melody had put on one of her dresses and was admiring herself in the mirror, twirling around.

'I'm gonna look sooooooo PRETTY!' she thought in a slightly high pitched, excitable tone, maybe a bit to loud.


Anna shrugged and went back to the main room, sitting down on one of the comfy chair, and tried to clean up her face after the crying.


"Yeah. I guess it's our job to keep the evening quiet for everyone else," said Ziona as she made to leave the hotel.

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"I don't think they need us for that. But I'm sure they'd like the Attention." Said glen.


Locke kept on stealthly Following the squirrel.


"I wasn't that tired." Said Tikal."and don't you prefer the real deal?" She said, smiling again.

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Hope clutched her head in pain.

"Melody can you quieten down you just gave me a headache with that."

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"Oh I do. But I thought... there were things in that dream... subconscious ideas I think. I wanted to try and remember them."


'Ohmygosh! I am so sorry Hope! I... didn't mean to think anything.... I... You heard that?... I....' If it was possible for thoughts to blush with embarrassment, Melody's were.


"Still, whether they need us or not we should try!"

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"Yes I did hear that. But it's fine, don't worry, I've heard far more embarassing things."

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'Just... just... please don't tell Skye! I'll never hear the end if it!' begged Melody in her thoughts.

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"I see..." Said Tikal."Maybe some of these ideas will come back to you later on..."


"We can always try indeed." Said Glen.

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"I hope so. I remember the fireplace, and I think that would be a nice addition."


'Thank's Hope. I'm really glad you're not evil. You could blackmail me so easily!'


Ziona nodded. "Now where did she go?"

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"No I'm not evil at all. So you don't have to worry about blackmail." thought Hope somewhat coldly.

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'I... I was joking Hope,' thought Melody's a little muted.

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