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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Berry stopped suddenly- the thought about what happened to her made her panic.

And now she has hiccups...

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"Funny?" gasped Melody. "Oh, nothing Dylan. Just had a funny thought, that's all."


"Oh dear," muttered Ziona. "Try holding your breath, that might help."

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"You weren't really disturbing us. We were about to leave at that time." Said Glen.


"Eating out? sound nice." Said Tikal."But where?"

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"Hmm... I'm hoping this 'funny thought' isnt coming from what you were drinKing with Hope earlier. Or you might have trouble hiding it"

Dylan once again closed the door

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"We can ask Dad for some suggestions," said Skye


Melody's mouth dropped open.

'DYLAN KNOWS ABOUT THE DRINKS!' she screamed in her head.


"Take it easy. Just hold your breath and try and get rid of those hiccups." said Ziona.

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Berry shuddered, "I can't stay here for long... I have to... keep running..."

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"Running from what?" asked Ziona.

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"Why must you run?" Asked Glen."We can help you. We have the capacity."


Locke was passing near Anna."And what are you all doing here?"

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Berry sighed, "They're dangerous and... I wouldn't want to crest unnecessary trouble for both of you, you guys are very nice..." Berry said as she held back tears.

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"Oh, Dad! Do you know somewhere that'd be good for this family and friends dinner party?" Anna asked.


Ziona sighed. "Don't worry. There is no way you could create any MORE trouble for us. We do it well enough ourselves."

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Berry looked down, "My own people thirsty of my blood... I am running away from my own family and friends... its my problem, I wouldn't want you guys to be... hurt..."

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"Don't worry, you can tell us." Said Glen." We are as equally dangerous."


locke answered."No, I have no idea whathowever." Said Locke."Maybe a simple place with a nice view ?"

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"You don't, oh..." Anna looked a little downcast.

"Don't worry. We'll find somewhere," said Skye.


Melody took a deep breath. 'Yeah. You're right. It was just a shock. Sorry if I gave you a headache there.'


"We can keep you safe. Trust us. But the more you tell us, the easier it will be for us." said Ziona.

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"They think I stole the holy gem they worship- it wasn't me, however." Berry said, sobbing.

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"Then who are they? And who did it?" Asked Glen.


"Don't worry, you'll find a nice little place . It's not like the whole beach is lacking of these." Said Locke.

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Anna's face lit up.

"You think so? They won't all be booked out?"

"Of course not. There'll be somewhere left," Skye said trying to comfort her.


"And do you know who really stole it?"

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"They are my people...and well, they suspect I KNOW where the person who stole it hides... which I don't" Berry said.

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"THE SQUIRREL MAFIA?" asked Glen, shocked.


"Maybe a little place I saw near the entrance of the hotel." Said Tikal.

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"No, nothing.... sorry about that.'said Glen."a very long story from another time."

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"Good idea," Skye replied to Tikal.

"Okay! I'll go ahead and see if they have a spare table!" said Anna.


'Sorry about that. Maybe we should carry aspirin with us from, now on. But I've had another idea. We should get a cake for Anna that say's 'welcome home' on it, and have the restaurant staff present it to her after the meal.'


Ziona looked at Glen with a raised eyebrow, then turned back to Berry. "But what can you tell us about your people? Can we talk to them? Do they have special abilities? Are they even from this Zone?"

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