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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Cool. So who else is there to invite? Crowley's right next to me looking like he's pondering the meaning of life, Dylan's probably close by as well, and Shadow and Rouge are in their room. So once they're done it should be just Ziona and Glen, who're probably frolicking in a meadow somewhere."

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'Of COURSE Anna will want Crowley there! But we better ask him because she might not have the courage. Shall I let Dylan know and you ask Shadow and Rouge? As for...' Melody's speech thoughts broke off to be replaced with an image of Glen and Ziona in ye-oldie clothes skipping through a field. 'Oh, thanks for making me imagine that Hope,' she thought sarcastically. 'If they show up we'll ask them.'

"Are you okay Melody? You seem a little... spaced out." said Anna.

"Yeah, I'm fine Sis," said Melody with a reassuring smile. "Just been a big day y'know." Anna nodded in understanding. "Cool. Right, I'm gonna invite Dylan to this dinner. Are we having it here or a restaurant?"

"I... uh..." Anna's eyes widened as she realised she didn't have an idea.

"You think about that. I'll ask Dylan," said Melody comfortingly as she set off. "Dylan, are you around?" she asked as she moved through the main room. If he wasn't in there, she'd knock on his door.

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Tikal Helped Skye to walk ."Don't worry, I'm here ."


"We are almost here ." Said Glen."Just a little more ."

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Berry woke up all of a sudden, "It's not me! I swear!"

Then she realised she is not where she assumed, "Oh, sorry. I guess I can walk a bit now..."

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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"I think I need you to help me a little too often," said Skye.


Ziona stayed quiet, not wanting to set the newcomer off.

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"You can be of help too." Said tikal."I'm just doing my part."


Glen put the girl down on a nearby couch."There, take some rest if you can. want some water?"

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(ooc: If your looking for Dylan, he's in his room)

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"You always know how to make me feel better," said Skye happily.


Not seeing Dylan in the main room, Melody went over and knocked on his door. "Hello? Dylan? You in there?"

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Berry slowly nodded, "It'll be very kind of you, thank you-"

She awaited an introduction, looking at both Glen and Ziona.

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Dylan opened his door

"Hello Melody, what is it?"

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"Anna's wanting a dinner for family and friends. Do you want to join us?" explained Melody.


"Hi there, I'm Ziona," said the Fox. "And this is Glen," she continued, indicating the Echidna. "What's your's name?" Ziona asked.

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"Will do."

Hope went over to announce the news to Shadow and Rouge.

"I suppose it'd be rude if we didn't come. So consider us there," he told her.

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"I'm doing my best to." Said Tikal, smiling."Shall we go out?"


Glen nodded."While this meeting was unexpected, I'm still glad to meet you."

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"I'd be happy to join you for that. It sounds nice"

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"Yes. We've kept everyone waiting enough," said Skye as he headed to the door.

"There you two are," said Anna. "I wasn't sure if you were coming or not!"

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Berry smiled, "It is nice to meet both of you, Ziona and Glen. I am Berry, a squirrel as you can see. Well, thank you for the help once again."

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"Great. I'll let Anna know," said Melody.

'That's Dylan coming too,' she thought.


"Pleased to meet you Berry," replied Ziona. "So... what brought you out to the beach," she asked gently.

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Berry's face went pale, "Well... I... nothing much, what about you?" She quickly changed the topic.

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"Cool. Shadow and Rouge are coming, so that just leaves the prince of darkness." thought Hope.

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"We were enjoying the sunset." Simply said Glen.


"So, what will we have as dinner ?" Asked tikal.

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"Okay then. I'll come out again, when your all ready"

Dylan closed the door again

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"I was thinking we could go out for a meal," said Anna, "then afterwords come back and watch another movie."

"Sounds like a good plan to me," said Skye. "Know where we're eating?"



Melody manged to nod in response to Dylan, burst out laughing in the middle of the corridor at Hope's remark.


Ziona glanced between Glen and Berry. "You can tell us you know," she said gently. "It won't get you in trouble."

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Berry gave her sly, childish smile, "I guess I disturbed you both then." She said as she drank some water.

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Dylan opened the door again

"What's so funny?"

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