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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Did you got the book out at least ?" Asked Spectre.

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"Okay, I'll be good," said Melody.

'Nah, it's good practice,' she thought to Hope.


"Yes. I'm sure it will."

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"I highly doubt of that , somehow."Said Red.


"Sure ." Said Glen,"And now, night just feel. That was a very long day, don't you think ?"

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Melody just giggled at both.

'Don't worry. I'm sure I can cover a slip up', she thought.

"Shall I quietly check on Skye and see if he and Tikal want to join us for dinner?" asked Anna.


"Yes. A very long day," agreed Ziona.

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"Good idea ." Said Red


"Well, the light being out mean that now it's definitively time to go." Said Glen."I dont feel like sleeping outside tonight, I could catch a cold, ha ha ha. even with you next to me."

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Glen looked around."Huh, yeah? what do you want ? You kind of startled me staring at me like that..."

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Glen looked at her."Don't be sorrry, it's true that peoples like me aren't a usual sight."

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Berry looked around, "I am new here...so... whats going on here?"

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"Well for starter..." Started Glen."I think we are on the floating Island."

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Berry rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I noticed... but what are y'all doing here."

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(ooc: If you're wanting a summary... erm, best sit down, this could get complicated....)

Anna nodded and knocked quietly on Skye's door.

"Skye, Tikal. Hello? Are you awake?" she asked quietly.


Ziona regarded the newcomer.

"We're just enjoying a holiday," she expalined. "You?"

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(ooc: a summary of the situation ? OH WE ARE IN FOR A NIGHT !!!!!!!!)

Tikal slowly stirred awake."Yes? Who is outside?"


"Yeah, and we were going back to the hotel." Said Glen. "And I think mina is telling us that they'll join us later on."

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"Good. I don't want you ending up institutionalised for hearing my voice in your head."

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Berry opened her eyes fully, "huh, did you ask me?"

She assumed no...

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"You obviously aren't feeling well." Said Glen."Come, I'll get you back at the hotel. i just can't leave you alone in that state."

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Berry smiled, "Thank you. But you guys might be doing something important. OH! Are those stars?"

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"It's Anna," said the Mongoose quietly. "I was wondering if you an Skye wanted to join us for a family and friends meal?"


'Don't worry. I'll think you'll be the one to be accused of that first. Please expect me to be a little bit crazy', through Melody.


"That may be a good idea," said Ziona.

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"Nah, we aren't doing anything at the moment. So we can spend some time with you." Said Glen ." Can you walk? And yes, those are stars in the sky."


"A dinner ?" Said Tikal. She looked at Skye."That depend if he can wake up. He seemed very tired."

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Berry smiled weakly, "Heh, thanks..." Berry tried to stand up, and she fell, "Dang, ate too much pain killers again. No, I mean- meh, leave it, its the anti-depressants."

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